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Cycle1 10-18-2012 11:10 PM

Burning pain in right butt and low back

I had 2 artificial discs put in 6 years ago at L4 and back has been fine since then (touch wood) problem sitting, etc...
All of a sudden I'm getting burning pain in my right butt and the muscle (piriformis??) is incredibly tight...and burning in my low back...
They did a facet block at L5 a week ago, and my pain has been worse since...
Anybody else have these symptoms after their ADR?

Maria 10-19-2012 01:47 PM

recent mri
Did you get a shot of toradol w/some steroid to try to release muscle type spasm? Did you have recent diagnostics showing any other probs like other disc bulges or degeration of surrounding structures? Sorry if you've already stated this and I didn't take the time to check what you may have previously written. I haven't had ADRs ... was up for them just like I was for fusion, just like I was up for hybrid surgery and ducked it all just staying on pain meds.

jsewell 10-19-2012 05:40 PM

I have not had any ADR's but extensive fusions. I did have the pain in the butt, ended up being the sciatic nerve. I hope this is not your problem. My surgeon does my epidural injections, nerve blocks , etc, he always does multiple levels. I imagine it is not possible to ride your cycle in this condition. At least without a lot of pain.

Cycle1 10-19-2012 05:50 PM

Burning back/butt pain
Haven't had any diagnostics except for X-rays which showed the ADR's were fine..Keep hoping things will settle down, but it's been 7 days since the facet injection and pain is still bad..

Maria 10-20-2012 12:44 AM

that might not be your problem then. xray isn't going to show soft tissue probs so you may need some diff diagnostics like MRI and/or CT scan.

Give it a bit of time to see how you turn out tho let your doctor know you've not had any relief and want to know the "next step" in diagnostics.

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