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iSpine Discuss Clinical trial stem cell, and disc injection, etc... would like to find in the Main forums forums; Hi Everyone, I am scheduled to have yet another surgery, a triple fusion, L3, L4, L5, and S1 and the ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2012, 05:41 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 1
Default Clinical trial stem cell, and disc injection, etc... would like to find

Hi Everyone, I am scheduled to have yet another surgery, a triple fusion, L3, L4, L5, and S1 and the removal of the now unstable double fusion materials, and also they will work on my spinal stenosis, where it is being crushed in on now and causing leg pain down the back and side and front thigh, all the way down to the ankle, on left leg and on the thigh just down to knee cap on right. leg. However, I know that I will have even less movement and more scar tissue which will cause more pain and then L2 & L3 will eventually be bad due to the stress it takes and I will need surgery again, & again. I was hoping to ask around for other options. Also, I live alone and don't have people to care for me during the 3 months or more down time after surgery and would like to find a less invasive surgery, or solution, that will allow me less down time, if any.
Also, I would be interested if anyone might know of any new devices, or implants, that might actually work to reduce my chronic pain throughout my whole back, thoracic and lumbar and legs. Something like what Medtronic made to stop the pain to the brain implant, but something that does work where this implant only usually helped leg pain, not back pain.
Lastly, someone told me of a doctor in Spain or around there that was taking patients that needed fusions for his clinical trials and I was wondering if anyone might know his name and contact info.
Lastly, I have a great amount of chronic pain and have had for 12 years. I can only function on a part time basis for the pain level gets out of control where the pain goes up into my head causing severe headaches. I have to lay down with a heating pad and cold eye wrap over my eye's to get even a little relief. I have to take strong pain medication for my chronic pain that causes side effects I hate. I have to take morphine 45 mg (time released) twice a day and oxycodone 5 mg 6 pills a day, along with a muscle relaxer, and anti-inflammatory medication that only barely take the edge of the pain. These pain medications make me nod out and fight to keep my eyes open many times a day. And, they make me fall asleep after eating (every time) now so, I don't eat during the day anymore, I only eat at night which isn't good. I was wondering if anyone knew how or what I could use to counteract the side effects of nodding off, and fighting to keep my eyes open? Thanks so much and thanks everyone for your help. Di
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-11-2012, 08:52 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 2,405
Default re more surgery

Sorry to read that you're having that much pain and up for that degree of surgery. At one time I too was considering a 3 level global fusion but did not have it done as I wanted to see if I was a candidate for ADR surgery which I was at a time but didn't have that done either.

Re the nodding off I used to have this problem as well and I think it was more the first few years I was on the opioid medication altho then again I was taking more types of medication at the time too like also taking gabapentin and fioricet on a regular basis.

I just tried to be careful re the nodding off like whenever cooking I had to stand and stay right by whatever I was cooking so as not to set the house on fire!

You could ask your doctor about something like Provigil which might help you to stay awake.

Do you have a surgical date yet? There are a number of things here on the forum to check out and you might want to enter the questions you have in the search area because I think the doctor in Spain is Dr.Clavel tho am not sure. Several people at least have utilized him and reported back on the endeavor and there are people that have reported on stem cell surgery as well I believe.

Also if you don't have anyone to care for you post op your multi level fusion can you ask your surgeon about going into a Rehab facility for a few weeks immediately post op, that is if you have insurance. You may be qualified to stay and that might be a helpful option at least initially. Otherwise you most likely will need to line some help up somehow or set yourself up well prior to surgery.

I don't know if this is the first time you've posted or not tho if so welcome to the forum and sorry that you've got that much going on tho I do hope whatever is plannned to do will work for you.
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