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sosi 09-06-2012 03:40 PM

4th time is the charm?!?!
Hi All,

Here is my situation. I am a 49 year old male that is facing a 4th spinal surgery. In 1991 I was diagnosed with two torn discs at L4-L5 & L5-S1. These were fused by a great surgeon with no complications. In 1998 my fusion at L5-S1 failed and was refused using titanium to hold things in place. In 2006 I had C4-6 fused due to degeneration.

I know am experiencing extreme pain at L3-4 level. My MRI is showing practically no disc left at L3-4 and scoliosis. From what I'm told, the increased load on my spine due to the fusion at L4-S1 and the Scoliosis had caused the disc at L3-4 to fail. I cannot sit nor stand in one place for any length of time. I feel a little better walking, but not much. I'm living on 150mg of Tramadol (which I hate taking) and trying as a "Last Ditch Effort" the DRX-9000 traction machine. I'm on my 20th visit with the machine, and have seen little (if any) improvement.

I know that once I see my surgeon, the only option he'll be able to give me is a 4th fusion. From what I read, an artificial disc wouldn't be an option due to the scoliosis (could be wrong). I don't know if Auto-Fusion is an option, nor do I know how long Auto-Fusion takes.

Does ANYONE have any suggestions for me?


Maria 09-06-2012 09:52 PM

re auto fusion for my L5S1 disc
I can only give my own experience so will. In 1989 I had my first spine surgery at L5S1. It was a big open discectomy. Approach was bilateral so have a horizontal scar there.

I did have another surgery (percutaneous discectomy) on L4 in '92. L5S1 bulged again and was thought to be my worst disc situation.

Ok so from 2000 and 2003-06 I was offered a 3 level global fusion, a 2 level ADR, a hybrid surgery with L4 ADR and L5S1 fusion.

I did none of them. I started to feel better finally in 2005/6 and after having diagnostic films was told that I had autofused at L5S1.

So we're talking about 20 plus years from my original injury ( I was 28 at time of original injury) and am 58 now. I still have pain at times and I do take a low dose opioid mediine daily.

I think I'd say in my case it was between 20-30 years for autofusion of L5S1 tho when it happened what an amazing difference re level of pain not felt. I'm hoping L4 will do the same thing given enough time:D

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