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iSpine Discuss New here...so glad to have found you all! in the Main forums forums; Hello and thanks for reading! It's been suggested that I have a double level fusion done due to DDD ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2012, 04:05 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
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Default New here...so glad to have found you all!

Hello and thanks for reading! It's been suggested that I have a double level fusion done due to DDD and fairly moderate stenosis. My goal has been to stay out of an OR, since, in the past 8 years, I've had 2 total hip replacements and a colon re-section (Diverticular abcess). That said, I realize I can't continue in the pain I'm in. I've done PT, had ESI's and selective nerve root injections (OUCH!!)...nothing's helped. I use a walker for any sort of long distance walking and have done so for the past 2 years. Needless to say, I'm extremely frustrated given the fact that I have 2 brand spanking new hips that work perfectly and still can't walk without pain!
I'm all for minimally invasive procedures and have read about the laser procedures, Axialif, endoscopic procedures and, just recently, have been researching the minimally invasive lumbar decompression (Mild procedure). I realize I may not be a candidate for any of these, but am frightened to death of a fusion....knowing that it's not necessarily successful and that one fusion leads to another and another, etc.
I've considered seeing a chiropracter...should I? Also considering acupuncture (did some before my first hip replacement)? Would some ultrasound help? I take nothing but 800 mg. Motrin (save what Tramadol I have like it's gold!). Oh....and I also have chronic groin pain. Went thru an aspiration and bone scan to rule out infection in my left hip prosthesis two years ago....both negative. Could my back issues be causing this groin pain? It hurts to cough (no hernia) and it feels like muscle/ligament pain. I've learned to live with that. As I sit here typing, the right side of my lower back is on fire. Sometimes, when walking, I have pain on both sides...up high, near the pelvis/waistline. Arrrrghhhh! Any more, I can't tell if my pain is muscle, the arthritis...or the stenosis. I'm sure it's all!
Really want to try Neurontin, but am scared of the side affects. Just may ask pain management to try the Topomax. It's scary how we all react so differently to drugs...but I won't know unless I try?
So sorry to have written a book.....I think I'm rambling. So much more to say, but enuf for now. Just need an ear and, hopefully, some guidance.
Oh.....and BTW.....are any of you familiar with Dr. Jho here in Pittsburgh?
He does an endoscopic procedure for lumbar stenosis without fusion.
Thanks and blessings!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2012, 07:35 AM
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Endoscopic procedures are usually not so efective with spinal canal stenosis, but I suggest that you find a good minimally-invasive surgeon and discuss with him. There are some less invasive treatments that can help without damaging much of the healthy tissue. For example sublaminar micro-endoscopic (METRx) decompression.
"The world of spinal medicine, unfortunately, is producing patients with failed back surgery syndrome at an alarming rate"

2005 - 2012: Rich personal experience with spinal disorders and various treatments (surgical, therapeutic, diagnostic)
Co-Founder: Vertebris Internationl Spine Hospital
Founder: Spinoteka - Society for Spine Diseases
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2012, 11:15 PM
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I took neurontin for a few years before my lumbar ADR surgery in 2002. I too hated the side effects and quit several times. Stopping demonstrated how much it had been helping me and I would go back. The improvement in radicular symptoms was worth the side effects.

I tried Topomax but had an allergic reaction and went back to Neuronton. Fortunately, the 2002 surgery resolved 95% of my raducular symptoms and I've been off of it since my surgery day... sept 20th 2002... 10 years next month!

You have a lot of questions that I can help with, but can't type that much (because of my thoracic spine problems.) Feel free to call me... number on the GPN website and I'll give you an hour.. no charge.


PS... I have seen many Dr. Jho patients through the years. Like all doctors who have an outside the box treatment... that makes them an easy target for lawsuits. I have seen many of his patients with great success and they think he walks on water... AND others who belive he is the devil incarnate. (All spine surgeons I know have both of these types of patients.) If I had a problem that made me a good candidate for his 'keyhole' decompression surgery and my symptoms rose to the level of having surgery. I would strongly consider him.

pps... his office is tough to deal with, but don't let that get in the way.
1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
Life After Surgery Website
President: Global Patient Network, Inc.
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