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iSpine Discuss Chronic Pain from Spondylosis- Help Please! in the Main forums forums; Hello- I am looking for some insight and treatment options for chronic lower back pain caused by spondylosis. Some background- ...

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Old 07-28-2012, 09:26 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 1
Default Chronic Pain from Spondylosis- Help Please!

I am looking for some insight and treatment options for chronic lower back pain caused by spondylosis. Some background- I am a 36 yr old male with an active lifestyle and a physical job. I have experienced low back pain since my teenage years and it has come in gone with various degrees of severity for many years. My wife and I recently welcomed our first child into the world and it has been often difficult to pick her up and help care for her due to a recent flareup in my lower back pain.

I have seen many doctors over the years and been told I will likely always experience some level of pain. Surgery might not be my best option because it is often ineffective. I have done physical therapy, chiropractic care, home exercises, and am currently managing pain with NSAIDs. I was prescribed an oral prednisone dosage last year and it seemed to really help for a while.

I would greatly appreciate any recommendations, personal experiences, and effective treatments that anyone here has found helpful. Has anyone tried the prednisone and was this helpful? Also how much does physical therapy help? In my experience it was not very helpful. Thanks in advance for any help. Very much appreciated!
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