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Spine Advocate 05-02-2012 03:21 AM

4 treatments that work but you can't have them
The first one is DiscoGel. Discogel is an injection of gelled alcohol into a herniated disk. It is very safe and very effective.

Ozone therapy is also a very safe and effective way for reducing disk hernias.

The M6 replacement disk is one of the best artificial disk replacements. Unlike the disk available to Americans the M6 disk acts like a real disk. The M6 disk is made in the USA.

The NeoDisc is also made in the US and it acts like a real disk and it is easy to transplant.

There may be a way to get these treatments in the US. It's called compassionate use. Here in America we don't own rights to our bodies, the FDA does so you doctor has to petition the FDA in order to use these "experimental" treatments. The truth is none of these are experimental. They ARE tried and true and far superior to anything you can have in the US.

Maria 05-02-2012 03:14 PM

your message
Sounds familiar!
Actually I can't have anything right now except low cost pain medication authorized by WC ...

Spine Advocate 05-03-2012 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Maria (Post 16691)
Sounds familiar!
Actually I can't have anything right now except low cost pain medication authorized by WC ...

Keep looking for clinical trials.

John Galt 05-06-2012 01:03 AM

Hi, I have to disagree with the OP because Ozone treatments are available in the US. I am in the US and have had ozone injections for a herniated disk.

mmglobal 05-07-2012 05:49 AM

John, can you start a thread about your ozone treatment... I'd like to hear more.



cherylstewart67 05-07-2012 10:02 PM

problem for prior pt's with fusions
we can't get accepted into any trials! Even though combination of fusion and adr have been done overseas with great sucess. The US based trials don't want to risk us prior fusion patients messing with their trail outcomes. :o(
I had not heard of the Neo; I will want to read more about that too. I have seen the M6; it looks so far advanced! 05-13-2012 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Spine Advocate (Post 16686)
The first one is DiscoGel. Discogel is an injection of gelled alcohol into a herniated disk. It is very safe and very effective.

Ozone therapy is also a very safe and effective way for reducing disk hernias.

The M6 replacement disk is one of the best artificial disk replacements. Unlike the disk available to Americans the M6 disk acts like a real disk. The M6 disk is made in the USA.

The NeoDisc is also made in the US and it acts like a real disk and it is easy to transplant.

There may be a way to get these treatments in the US. It's called compassionate use. Here in America we don't own rights to our bodies, the FDA does so you doctor has to petition the FDA in order to use these "experimental" treatments. The truth is none of these are experimental. They ARE tried and true and far superior to anything you can have in the US.

Sometimes it is a matter of time until we can get various treatments//get insurance to pay for them. Some kind of race against time?

Spine Advocate 06-03-2012 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by John Galt (Post 16711)
Hi, I have to disagree with the OP because Ozone treatments are available in the US. I am in the US and have had ozone injections for a herniated disk.

Where? Link? How did it work?

I don't believe you.

John Galt 06-03-2012 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by Spine Advocate (Post 16845)
Where? Link? How did it work?

I don't believe you.

Ozone Therapy Doctors World Wide

Directory of doctors and clinics that use bio-oxidative therapies including ozone therapy and hydrogen peroxide therapy

'nuff said!

Spine Advocate 06-06-2012 07:20 AM

Two of the links go to the same site and none of the people listed to Ozone Diskectomy. The other link goes to a post you made here.

Most are not MDs so they are not allowed to inject it.

Post a link that goes to a clinic that does Ozone Diskectomies.

Who did your Ozone Diskectomy? Do you have any before and after MRIs?

John, I think you are bullshitter.

Here is another device Americans can't have.

This is Paradigm Spines DCI implant.

mmglobal 06-06-2012 08:14 AM

Spine Advocate Banned.... exlpained here:

John Galt 06-06-2012 11:01 AM

Spine Advocate was certainly obnoxious!

Ozone is indeed being done by MD's in the US. The main proponent is Dr Frank Shallenberger. He developed a technique he calls Prolozone. Dr Shallenberger injects ozone near the herniated disk to shrink/heal the disk. While I did not have Dr Shallenberger perform my ozone treatments, my doctor was trained by Dr Shallenberger in the use of Prolozone.

Ozone or Prolozone is a safe and effective (in my case) treatment for backpain that we have available to us and I believe people should give it serious consideration.

Alternative Medicine | Anti-Aging Medicine | Breast Cancer Prevention | Carson City
096-2009-08-20--Frank-Shallenberger--Prolozone-chronic-pain-ozone on Vimeo

mmglobal 06-06-2012 04:51 PM

I don't think he's obnoxious... just in pain. I suspect that he has very good reasons to be angry. It's just that the negative and confrontational posts do not enhance the discussion. It's balanced against the good info that he posts and I hate to see him go, but I think it's best for the forum.

Let's all let this fade away... piling on or saying negative things about another member (even if it's deserved), detracts from the forum.

Thanks for understanding.


karreymetris 06-29-2012 06:35 PM

Is this guy a known looney around these boards? Or are these suggestions good? They sound pretty cool to me!:)

joemonfl 07-09-2012 10:30 PM

Always be careful
Hi Mark.
Saw the thread and did a quick search for the doctor but didn't like what I saw, he has been prosecuted before.
Frank Shallenberger, MD, disciplinary actions

Here is the current link Nevada link.
The best treatments & outcomes depend not only on technology, but the skill of the doctor.

mmglobal 07-10-2012 03:18 PM

Joe, nice to see you here! How are you doing? Will you post an update on your recovery in the surgical outcomes area?

Take care,


John Galt 07-11-2012 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by joemonfl (Post 17000)
Hi Mark.
Saw the thread and did a quick search for the doctor but didn't like what I saw, he has been prosecuted before.
Frank Shallenberger, MD, disciplinary actions

Here is the current link Nevada link.
The best treatments & outcomes depend not only on technology, but the skill of the doctor.

Joe, sometimes "quick searches" are not the way to go . Dr Shallenberger has responded to accusations,
Frank Shallenberger disciplinary actions

Years ago, the US Gov't went on a witch hunt and persecuted doctors using ozone. Dr Robert Atkins (Atkins Diet author) was treating HIV patients with ozone and the gov't cracked down on him for treating with ozone.

I can testify that my doctor was taught by Dr Shallenberger on ozone applications and at this time I can say that the two ozone sessions that I've had have helped me.

mmglobal 07-11-2012 02:56 PM

John, great point!

Most spine surgeons who have been practicing for many years have lawsuits against them. Developers and early adopters of new technologies are easy targets and attract more lawsuits than doctors who practice the old 'gold' standard. Sometimes the new technologies will not pan out and the gold standard is still better. Sometimes the gold standard is simply old-school.

Unless the numbers are way, way, way out of whack, seeing a few malpractice lawsuits against a doctor is the norm and should not cause alarm. If you experience alarm and really need what THAT particular doctor does, it behooves you to look a little deeper than just noting that there are lawsuits.

All the best,


arielbackpain 11-26-2012 06:02 AM

Herniated Disc Pain Relief and Treatments Guide
Herniated discs are a major cause of disability in people under 45.
I am one of those people.
For the past 3 years I suffer L5S1 disc hernia, the most common type of hernia.
But each case is slightly different and that makes it very difficult to treat.
In my case I also have hyperlordosis, scoliosis and spina bifida.
I have been trying countless treatments and supposed cures. I was often left in disappointment but fortunately found some sources of relief.
I'm not a doctor, just a student with lots of experience with a mother which is a doctor.
At this time, despite my efforts, I have reached a point where I need surgery.
But if I have had the experience and the knowledge I have now I could have avoided this complicated situation for sure.
That's why I made a PDF with my experience and everything I’ve investigated and used to relieve my pain over the years.

I offer this guide for FREE to those who ask me by mail to this address.

Since my insurance does not cover this type of operation I'm asking for help through the IndieGoGo platform. Through a donation you can get the PDF, “Herniated Disc Pain Relief and Treatments Guide”. Through this platform I will also answer any questions you may have about the subject.

If you share this link, make a donation or just give it a like on facebook or tweeter you’d be helping me greatly.
w w w (dot)indiegogo(dot)com/herniatesdiscrelief

There I explain who I am and where I come from, watch it if you can and share it if you like it.

Stingerlee 11-27-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by John Galt (Post 17002)
Joe, sometimes "quick searches" are not the way to go . Dr Shallenberger has responded to accusations,
Frank Shallenberger disciplinary actions

Years ago, the US Gov't went on a witch hunt and persecuted doctors using ozone. Dr Robert Atkins (Atkins Diet author) was treating HIV patients with ozone and the gov't cracked down on him for treating with ozone.

I can testify that my doctor was taught by Dr Shallenberger on ozone applications and at this time I can say that the two ozone sessions that I've had have helped me.

Ozone and the other forms of nucleoplasy cost under $3000 whereas an ACDF can cost $100,000 when it is all said and done. That may be why they went after Shallenberger. Ozone discolysis could cost the spine industry billions.

Atkins was a quack.

Who was your doctor?

Stingerlee 11-27-2012 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by joemonfl (Post 17000)
Hi Mark.
Saw the thread and did a quick search for the doctor but didn't like what I saw, he has been prosecuted before.
Frank Shallenberger, MD, disciplinary actions

Here is the current link Nevada link.
The best treatments & outcomes depend not only on technology, but the skill of the doctor.

Shallenberger may be a quack but medical ozone is standard practice in Italy and health care in Italy is far better than in the US.

Ozone Discolysis basically refers to a medical treatment which is extremely novel in its nature. It was founded very recently and is practiced by specialized medical practitioners. When it is being practiced on someone who is suffering through this problem it needs to be done by someone who is experienced and has the skills to perform it.

This treatment is also considered to be a natural treatment by many. Doctors in Italy were the first ones to implement this kind of a treatment. Discolysis is a term that refers to the destruction of the disc between two vertebrae in the body. Such a disc is then called a herniated disc and the treatment needs to be performed on it to make it better. The best part about this surgery is that it can be treated within a day, that is, the person can go back home on the same day when the operation is performed.

Ozone is being used as a means to cure this herniated disc problem in patients. Ozone is made by one part of oxygen (O2 + O) which forms ozone (O3). This lasts for only a very short period of time, that is barely a few seconds. Thus, in this time period when this chemical lasts, it reacts with all kinds of substances present in the surroundings. This ozone is used to inject into the disc of the patient or around it, in order to treat the problem of herniation.

Ozone Discolysis helps to reduce the size of the disc or as the word suggests, discolysis, which literally means destruction of the disc. This process helps to take away all the pressure that is present in the nerves surrounding the disc.

There are many Italian doctors around the world who began their experiments with this treatment and have successfully cured a large number of patients all around the world. They have conducted several studies in order to prove the effectiveness and efficiency of Ozone Discolysis as well, and are still continuing with the studies and research in order to help to make the entire process better and less painful.

This entire process can also be used on the cervical discs that are herniated and the treatment has three stages in it. The first part includes the injection of ozone into the disc. The second part is the process of discolysis as mentioned above where the disc begins to reduce and get used to the ozone injected in. The third step is done in the days following, where more ozone is injected into the paravertebral muscles.

Ozone Discolysis, as a treatment, is extremely effective. More than 80% of patients have been cured with this treatment. The best thing about this treatment is that it does not cause any pain in the patient's body and even lets him/her go home the same day. Patients have felt much better and that too in a very short span of time, as opposed to the painful surgeries that do cure, but leave patients in the lurch for a long time.

Read more information and helpful tips on how Ozone Discolysis is nowadays one of the best cost effective ways for many medical treatments..

Ozone Discolysis - The Treatment That Causes No Pain and Ensures Quick Recovery

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