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TiredofPain 03-16-2012 02:08 AM

Bone Growth Stimulator
Greetings from Texas. I received my bone growth stimulator on Wednesday. I'm supposed to wear it for 30 minutes at the same time daily. The technician that delivered it was great and answered all of my questions. It is called CMF OL1000 Bone Growth Stimulator. It's external and easy to operate and put on. After the 1st use, yesterday I had an increase in pain. The tech had to come back to have me sign a form that he had forgotten so I asked if anyone had experienced an increase in pain after use. He said no, and the operators manual and everything that I have been able to find and read says that no side effects have been noted. He mentioned that it might have been the way I was sitting and it may have pushed on an area that was tender. So, today I made a point to make sure that I just sat on the bed and did not lean on anything. But again, I had an increase in pain. I don't feel anything during the treatment. I'm just curious what other peoples experience was with the use of a bone growth stimulator. My L4/5, L5/S1 fusion surgery was 11 months ago. Thanks. J

jsewell 03-16-2012 06:21 AM

Tired of Pain,
Mine was a totally different device as i wore it all the time except in the shower. Or maybe that is just the advancement in technology since 2007 when i had mine. i never did notice anything at all with it.
I have never been prescribed it again either . I have had some sections that have not fused and just been redone at the time of surgery near the area. One that was first done in 2009 was still not fused at my surgery last August 2011. So it was redone.
I think you should call your doctor and let him know if it keeps happening. How long does the increase last? Not that i have any ideas, just curious.
Hope it gets better and the thing works.

TiredofPain 03-30-2012 05:15 AM

Hi Judy,

Thank you for the response. I waited to see if the pain that I was afraid was associated with the bone growth stimulator was actually related. I don't think it is, as the pain over the past several months has gradually been worsening. However, I think there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. At least I hope so. The hydrocodone stopped working at all, absolutely no relief (no sense in taking it if it's not helping). So I stopped taking it this past Sunday. It's really tough to get into see the surgeon, so I was going to tough it out best I could until my next appt which is 24 April.

I went to see my primary care doc this afternoon for some other issues and she recommended that I go see a podiatrist. I've had ankle and knee probs for several years. I noticed not long ago (about 2 weeks) that the souls on my shoes were wearing out unevenly, the outsides where much more worn down than the inside. When I mentioned this to her, she said that could be (no guarantee) a contributor to several of my painful problems including my back. She said that I need to ask the podiatrist if I have a misaligned gait (sp) and if it can be corrected and if it could be part of my other pain problems.

She also prescribed me with Fentanyl patches. I've been wearing one for about 5 hours and it has given me considerable relief. I'm actually thinking that I may get a decent night sleep. Because my fusion failed, I know that I still have issues with the back, but the thought that my ankles may be a contributor to pain because of the way that I walk. Well, it gives me a little bit of hope that there might be something that might help. I'm not full of false hope, but at this point anything that could possible help is comforting.

I view it as if my car needs a front end alignment, then it wont drive correctly and maybe be a rough ride. I have to put things into perspective that I can understand. LOL. Maybe my feet/ankles are doing the same thing. I'm hoping to get an appt early next week. Will provide the findings. Thank you very much for always responding, your a very kind person. I hope that you are doing well.


Maria 03-30-2012 07:50 AM

re inserts/orthotics
I wear Sole inserts that are $50 and can be bought online or a running shoe store. I have very flat feet (pronate). These inserts helped alleviate some degree of back pain for me and this well after my 2nd failed discectomy (like nearly 20 years). I tried orthotics that were made for me but they actually gave me sciatica tho the sole inserts work great for me.

Good luck w/whatever you try for your feet/gait.

mmglobal 03-30-2012 10:08 AM

If your tires are aligned properly, they will last several tens of thousands of miles. If the alignment is bad, you'll chew them up in < 10,000 miles. That is why as our spines deteriorate, our facets go because they are being abused by the poor configuration and biomechanics.

Look into z-coil shoes. They have a heel that is constructed with the springy thingy from Maria's bike seat. Some of them look pretty goofy, but the people I know who have them swear by them.


TiredofPain 03-30-2012 04:14 PM

LOL, I hope Maria doesn't find out that someone took the springy thingy from her bike seat. I have seen shoes that you are talking about. As far as being goofy, ummmm, vanity for me left a long time ago. Most people think I'm pretty goofy anyway, so it would be a good match. I have an appt with a podiatrist on Monday morning, so will know more then. I'm pretty excited by the posibilities. All these years of back pain, and this could be a contributor. Will post the results. Thanks for responding in terms that I'm unable to understand. And thank you very much for the laugh. Along with the Fentanyl patches, which at this point are FANTASTIC, the laugh just made my day that much better. :o) Have a great weekend.

cherylstewart67 03-30-2012 08:09 PM

highly recommended
i used mine for 6 months 3 hours daily for c spine and i am fused; i will say that; so it must work.

jsewell 04-03-2012 03:28 PM

Tired of Pain,
I have orthotics as i over pronate severly and have flat feet as Maria does. I am bad and do not switch and put them in each shoe. women do tend to wear different shoes all the time. I keep them in my hiking shoes. I have also had knee problems too.
I hope your appointment at the podiatrist went well and I am so glad the fentanyl patches are doing a great job. I hope you are sleeping better as well.

TiredofPain 04-03-2012 04:31 PM

Hi Judy,

Thanks for the reply. The appt with the podiatrist went very well. I have had ankle/foot probs for many years. The dr. diagnosed me with Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome on both ankles. It can be corrected with surgery, but I'm going to wait and see what happens with the fusion from my back surgery. He is also ordering orthotics to insert in both shoes. I have heard that the orthotics have been great for other folks. It can take 3 - 6 weeks to get the orthotics. I've read somewhere that it was almost instant relief and the individual was able to walk much further and with little or no pain. Will see, but I'm excited. J

jsewell 04-03-2012 06:22 PM

I do know or did know some about tarsal tunnel syndrome as i thought i had it at one time. I had actually fractured my heel bone , separate times on each foot. they were stress fractures. I was a runner for many years and really did abuse my poor feet. I only stopped running in 2008 after my hip replacement. At this point i just don't think it would do my poor back any good. It is not recommended with a hip replacement.

Glad you had a good appointment though. When i got my orthotics i was told to wean myself into them so ask if the doctor does not tell you this. I wore them for only a few hours each day for a few days, i really don't remember the schedule , but i sure was told not to just put them on and go!!!

I actually did just have foot surgery 2 weeks ago on 4 toes on my left foot., Due to my different gait and some neuroligical loss to my feet i developed hammertoes. one foot corrected, one to go. Not sure when i will be brave enough to do the right foot with no driving!!!
take care,

TiredofPain 04-03-2012 07:08 PM


Thanks for the info. I'm making a list of questions for when I go back to the podiatrist. Sorry to hear that you had foot surgery and that you still need another. How is the recovery coming? Good I hope. J

jsewell 04-03-2012 08:20 PM

The recovery has been OK bad days when i started walking. Well actually my first day out I flew to Florida for my dad's memorial service , it was one week after surgery. It is much easier to recover from than back surgery , that is for sure.
Today at 2 weeks i can wear shoes again, at least whatever i can actually put on comfortably!!! I do volunteer work on Tuesday eve's at my endocrinologists clinic otherwise i would just stay off it.
Oh and being the clutz that i am, i walked into a door with my baby toe on the good foot and broke it too!!! That at times hurt more than the surgical foot!!!
I meant to mention as far as your percocet not working, at one point I had to start taking 20 mg as one dose. In the hospital they always give me 5mg after the pain pump is disconnected. It does absolutely nothing., I try to explain that i have built up a tolerance and it never works. I still am just miserable. One time i stuffed some in my eyeglass case so i could feel better and self medicate!!!

Cathy Pabst 04-10-2014 02:58 AM

Bone growth stimulator
I am currently sitting here with my foot in my bone stimulator. I will let you know if I have any pain afterwards. I had a bone fusion on my left foot on Dec. 20th. It was the second one. The first time, the bones did not heal, so hopefully this machine will help me. I do not feel anything at them moment.

mmglobal 04-11-2014 05:39 PM

Cathy, thanks for posting. I hope to hear good news about more success with the stimulator.


mmglobal 04-11-2014 05:43 PM

PS.... do you have any known issues related to to the first fusion failure?

Bone density issues?



Steriod use?


Obesity or malnutrition in history?

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