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newhere 03-03-2012 08:13 PM

Had SED done,l3/l4
So at tuesday i had selective endoscopic discectomy with thermal anuloplasty for my painful l3/l4 disc. It was discogenic pain,with annular tear. The surgery went very well. Doctor perform discectomy and annuloplasty. Im still sore,but all this is in fresh state.
sed is first option for patients with long term chronic discogenic pain,proved with discography,before taking a bigger step such as fusion or adr.
wish me luck for recovery and outcome result :)
if someone is interessed,feel free to ask me any question.
Cheers and wishing you less pain :)

Keano16 03-03-2012 08:58 PM

I think you made a good decision.

From my point of view, its important to try all indicated minimally-invasive treatments before "final" step like ADR or fusion.

Lets hope your results will be acceptable and that you will be able to avoid problems in future... Fingers crossed :)

Maria 03-03-2012 09:01 PM

re SED
Thanks for updating us and please let us know how you continue to do. Wishing you the best of course and hope you can avoid bigger more invasive surgeries.

jsewell 03-04-2012 01:33 AM

Newhere, I am so glad you finally had some treatment for some of your pain. I wish you the best in your recovery. SED sounds like a good surgery. Take care and keep us updated as to how you are doing.
judy cyber mom

cp7959 03-05-2012 06:44 PM

Newhere, if you don't mind, where was your surgery and who performed it?

Thanks in advance.

newhere 03-06-2012 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by cp7959 (Post 16490)
Newhere, if you don't mind, where was your surgery and who performed it?

Thanks in advance.

It was in Croatia...i live here. Dr Robert Saftic perform surgery. Try to contact him... Spinal surgery in Croatia - dr. Robert Saftic - Endoscopic, laser and micro-endoscopic spine surgery

I must mention again,i travel all around for my lumbal pain since i was 16. But this other neurosurgeons knows nothing. I realy dont know how i can know better some things about spine than they. I am not classic example as peoples with herniation seen on the mri.
i had discogenic pain,and dr saftic found this out with discography. He is best doc for me. Caring and want to help patients,not refusing them. I highly recomend him. 5 stars rating to dr Saftic :)
And which problem do u have with spine?

jsewell 03-06-2012 06:06 PM

Newhere, can dr Saftic help you with your thoracic pain? Like maybe discography to see if it is from a disc?

newhere 03-06-2012 06:33 PM

I speak with him,and he think i have myofascial pain. No matter wich pill i take,the pain does not ease. I will speak with him about thoracic next time when i have visit.

jsewell 03-06-2012 07:46 PM

Have you ever visited a chiropractor for that pain? I am doing the billing for one and he does some type of myofascial release. I will look it up and see what it is all about

newhere 03-07-2012 12:35 PM

Yeah i see few of them. They all cracked my back,but no relief. Im in bed now,had lumbar surgery,and thoracic is killing me. So dull pain beetwen sblades,so deep and it goes to my so pissed of today....grrrr

cp7959 03-07-2012 12:37 PM

Newhere - I have a central protrusion at L3/L4. Minimal to no low back pain. My chiief complaint is left leg sciatica to the top of my foot. I've had this for 1 1/2 years.

Starting to think about surgical options.

jsewell 03-07-2012 07:33 PM

Newhere, I am sorry you are hurting. I am too unless i take pain meds. They only take care of about half of the pain. It is mostly in my lumbar area .
Get better

mmglobal 04-07-2012 09:19 PM

Looking for an update... hoping to hear good news.

newhere 04-10-2012 11:21 AM

Update from me. Im 1month post surgery. It is slighty better but im still having problems while walking. I googled alot and my findings from few yars ago was that i have lordosis. Pain is minimum when sitting or lying,but somehow when i go straight to walk i have pain again. I think then the pressure goes on my bad l3,l4. This condition is also called anterior pelvic tilt. So im trying to put my pelvis in neutral position. When i walk and lower my knees,i get relief. I also have very very tight hamstrings,and found this can be problem. I will see it next week,with my doctor :) greetings to all of you!!! :)

jsewell 04-18-2012 08:27 PM

I am glad you are keeping us posted. i also have problems when trying to stand up straight and walk. I always have my knees bent. I feel like i am leaning forward. I have a problem with where my lumbar lordosis is. From all my surgery or really from the last surgery on L2-L4 my lordosis has changed and caused this problem. I am seeing my spine surgeon on Monday and am going to request an x-ray to see where my curves are . He is sending me to physical therapy for this posture issue which i will start next week.
I hope you are feeling better.
judy mom

newhere 04-19-2012 11:15 AM

Yeah,i can definately corelate this pain with lordosis.because i dont have pain while lying or siting. Wery weak gluteus,thigt hamstrings,weak abs,result as lordosis. When we bent in knees,lumbar curvature normalise,because we normalise hip. I will soon start with theraphy for lordosis. I was on control before few days and my dr say that my disc is clean now,but still i am having pain while walking. I will try to do my best and hope you will also :)

jsewell 04-20-2012 05:20 AM

I also have the same other problems you mentioned. I am starting physical therapy next week and will work hard on all of this to hopefully help a lot with posture and pain .
WE are in the same condition on this one.
judy mom

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