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cherylstewart67 02-10-2012 11:04 PM

simple but true
we are all here asking for help and ideas. we have all of these tests and mri's seems most people here are interested in adr. we are all leary of surgery and want to get off the pain meds. wouldn't it just be so much simpler if the insur co and fda got off their asses and just approved the multi level adr so that we can move on? why why why, don't they see it would save money and quality of life for everyone? in stead we sit here afraid of making the next move, flying over seas to seek help, spending money we don't really have. i just want to get better so i can lead a productive life with my husband...we are all hoping for a miracle to come along.

cp7959 02-14-2012 04:45 PM

I can only speak from my experience. If a spine is in such a state that it needs that kind of procedure, ADR will probably not give the stability that fusions would.

For multi level problems, I am in favor of single ADR on top of a fusion.

I wonder how many ADR patients are walking around that have "Auto fused" and don't even know it. I was one until I seen an Xray several months later.

ADR seeker 02-14-2012 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by cherylstewart67 (Post 16414)
we are all here asking for help and ideas. we have all of these tests and mri's seems most people here are interested in adr. we are all leary of surgery and want to get off the pain meds. wouldn't it just be so much simpler if the insur co and fda got off their asses and just approved the multi level adr so that we can move on? why why why, don't they see it would save money and quality of life for everyone? in stead we sit here afraid of making the next move, flying over seas to seek help, spending money we don't really have. i just want to get better so i can lead a productive life with my husband...we are all hoping for a miracle to come along.

Check out this.

GELSCOM - Administration of DiscoGel

It's called discoGel. I still no little about it but it makes more sense than most of the crap they do.

cherylstewart67 02-15-2012 10:53 PM

adr seeker

Originally Posted by ADR seeker (Post 16428)
Check out this.

GELSCOM - Administration of DiscoGel

It's called discoGel. I still no little about it but it makes more sense than most of the crap they do.

very interesting. i look forward to reading more. thank you!

cherylstewart67 02-15-2012 10:59 PM

hum not for me

Originally Posted by cp7959 (Post 16427)
I can only speak from my experience. If a spine is in such a state that it needs that kind of procedure, ADR will probably not give the stability that fusions would.

For multi level problems, I am in favor of single ADR on top of a fusion.

I wonder how many ADR patients are walking around that have "Auto fused" and don't even know it. I was one until I seen an Xray several months later.

everytime i get a fusion it lead to more ajacent level ddd. if i can't get adr, it's nothing.

ADR seeker 02-16-2012 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by cherylstewart67 (Post 16439)
everytime i get a fusion it lead to more ajacent level ddd. if i can't get adr, it's nothing.

I am disgusted that the modern ADRs are not available in North America. I an constantly contacting senators and congressmen about this outrage. Hopefully one of those crooks will suffer with failed surgery and the medical run around.


cherylstewart67 02-22-2012 10:42 PM

Isn't it sad?

Originally Posted by ADR seeker (Post 16441)
I am disgusted that the modern ADRs are not available in North America. I an constantly contacting senators and congressmen about this outrage. Hopefully one of those crooks will suffer with failed surgery and the medical run around.


As a Christian I know that I should not think things like this, but I totally feel the same way! I also think about it for the insurance companies that decide not to cover it! People don't care until it effects them.

jsewell 02-23-2012 05:26 PM

Cheryl that is so true that most people do not care until it effects them. They need to be able to walk a mile in another mans shoes.

cherylstewart67 02-24-2012 11:37 PM

or crawl

Originally Posted by jsewell (Post 16459)
Cheryl that is so true that most people do not care until it effects them. They need to be able to walk a mile in another mans shoes.

or crawl as it seems i must do sometimes when the pain is so bad!

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