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newhere 11-29-2011 11:14 AM

Trip to Bonn (beta klinik) - update1
So i finish with one week trip to beta. Its great place there and dr Reul is amazing,like other stuff there. :)
Story from beta & dr. Reul :
After a long conversation with dr Reul who is wonderfull,he order whole spine MRI,but most, we focus on my problematic area - thoracic!
MRI showed only small t6 t7 herniation like allways and he suggest 2 things:
first take out blood so if there is maybe some rheuma factor(i still don know total results),and second costovertrebral block at t5-t6-t7.
It was thuesday,and he did costo block. First thing i noticed when he puncture my skin all the way to facet,is that is not the area where i have pain. i allways tough t6 t7 is higher. ?!?
After block, i didnt had any relief provided,so i came one day later to see if there is some afect..unfortunately no.
Then i show him with my fingers area thats hurts,and where is my deep dull pain. it's around t2 t3 t4.
So he try again costo block to t2-t3-t4-t5.
When he inject needle in my skin around t2-t3,then i feel,yeah is somewhere there. Anestetic goes in, and i feel some pressure across my ribs,but that's was not my pain i have.
So dr Reul told me,if i dont get any benefits from costo block(i'm still having this dull deep pain around t2 t3),that he would try to do discography from t2 i think - all the way to t7.
I'm confused because,my t6 t7 looks bad,and the pain im experiencing is above herniated t6 t7...
Crazy spine :rolleyes:
Maybe someone of you had this diagnose,that pain can came from non herniated disc,i dont know im confused now?
Thats update from me,and please sorry for my long text and english.
Im not so good lately...
Greetings from Croatia...
UPDATE: i get email from dr .Reul about my blood test:
"Thank you for your mail.
As I said to Dr. Zeeghers, we found an abnormal finding in the lab results
suggesting an autoimmun disease like the Lupus erythematodes. The lab value
is pathologic but we should always be suspicious.
The Lupus Erythematodes (LE) can affect the spine and nearly every organ and
can be treated by steroids in first line.

As I told you, it seems for me not to be only a mechanical problem and you
should think about a systemic steroid treatement for diagnostic an
therapeutic reasons."

Maria 11-29-2011 01:08 PM

crazy spine
I've long thought that about my own spine! I'm sorry to say I don't have anything that would enlighten you re the tspine and just hope someone else here will. Just wanted to say that I'm following your spine journey and wishing you the best. I'm sorry to read that you're not doing so well tho I imagine you're a bit let down with more added confusion right now so I do hope that future diagnostics will give the dr. and you a much clearer idea of where the pain is coming from.

Your English is fine so don't worry~ take good care~ Maria

jsewell 11-30-2011 03:30 AM

I am glad you made it to germany, but sad that it just leaves you confused. when is doctor ruel supposed to do the discography? that was what told which discs of mine were the ones causing pain.
You don't have to worry about your english, it is fine.
judy cyber mom

newhere 11-30-2011 11:41 AM

I think next time discography,must see with dr what is next step. Btw how much thoracic dis cs was tested with discography?

jsewell 12-01-2011 12:22 AM

I think i had between T 5-6 all the way through T 11-12. So quite a few levels. Some hurt a bit but the big giant pain was from T7-8 and T11-12. My MRI did not show any more than maybe just a few bulging discs. It was considered an almost normal MRI or one that shouldn't cause me any pain.
So for me it was all about discography.

Are you going back to Germany again?
cyber mom

newhere 12-01-2011 09:16 AM

Yeah i will go back,but i dont know when. My MRI also look's good,only small herniation t6 doctor speak something for discography level t2 -t7. maybe "healthy" disc can be cause?

jsewell 12-03-2011 02:53 AM

discs that show only a little problem may be , i think. I was told there was nothing there to cause pain from the MRI, but i begged for the discography. It hit the pain right exactly on the spot. I was in tears.
I have lost power do to a wind storm so i am not sure when i will get back to a place with the internet . I am not ignoring my far away adopted son.

newhere 12-03-2011 09:06 AM

haha adopted son :)
i think i will also insist to check up disc's with discography.
My doctors also say,due a MRI you cant have pain from spine.
So i hope discography will rule something out.
at least it was like this in your case :) your story is my optimism,and hope that something will pop up :)
Love to mum,from virtual son :)

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