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cp7959 11-15-2011 01:12 PM

Dr. Yeung - YESS
Has anyone had or know of anyone that has had YESS Surgery at Desert Institute for Spine Care, with Dr. Yeung?

How successful is the procedure? Risks?

Any experience whether insurance covers the procedure, I have BCBS?

If insurance doesn't cover it, any idea of the costs?

Any help is appreciated.

mmglobal 11-16-2011 03:30 AM

I have spent a lot of time with Tony and Chris Yeung. I learned about Yess before my first discectomy in 2000. At the time, I did not understand the differences between microdiscectomy and Tony's endoscopic procedure. If I could go back and redo my first or second surgery, I'd probably try YESS.

To my knowledge, insurance companies are still reluctant to pay. BCBS is usually the worst of the worst when it comes to paying for newer procedures.

I've observed dozens of these procedures and have more than a dozen clients who've had it done. Call me at the number on the GPN site linked below and I'll tell you what I know about YESS. (no charge) Please call business hours, California time.


mmglobal 11-16-2011 05:08 AM

Hey, I was looking around for a picture for a different thread and I bumped into these.... more fond memories:

Dr. Yeung has used this picture at my seminars... he calls us Mutt and Jeff

I was able to fly Chris Yeung up to Sedona for lunch!

Keano16 11-16-2011 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by cp7959 (Post 16031)
Has anyone had or know of anyone that has had YESS Surgery at Desert Institute for Spine Care, with Dr. Yeung?

How successful is the procedure? Risks?

Any experience whether insurance covers the procedure, I have BCBS?

If insurance doesn't cover it, any idea of the costs?

Any help is appreciated.

I know of many patients treated by dr. Yeung with YESS system and technique, and I have studied the technique very well and participated in many YESS surgeries with dr. Robert Saftic in Croatia.

Depending on the diagnosis, worldwide success rates for patients with herniated discs are from 80% to 90%.

For patients with degenerated disc/annular tear who seek for an alternative for artificial disc/fusion, success rates are lower - but SED (selective endoscopic discectomy with YESS) in my opinion is more than worth trying (when indicated).

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