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-   -   Back Institute In CA and NYC Looks Good! (

ADR seeker 10-31-2011 03:25 AM

Back Institute In CA and NYC Looks Good!
Back Institute - Safest, most effective procedure for herniated disc, sciatica, back pain

Yale trained doctors and they say doctors go there for treatment. I am still checking them out. Let me know that you think.

They don't sound like scammers.

Maria 10-31-2011 07:24 PM

re back institute
The only one I've heard of is Dr.Ditsworth and have heard really good things (results) or rather read them from several of his patients. What I imagine is if it's the right procedure that is being offered for the right condition with the right surgeon things have a more favorable chance of working out well.

That being said I still believe there can be surprises even in the best of cases with the best surgeons and best surgical option chosen for the condition at the time tho hopefully less than when things bode altogether in one's favor.

Good luck if this is where you choose to go for a consultation.

ADR seeker 10-31-2011 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Maria (Post 15932)
The only one I've heard of is Dr.Ditsworth and have heard really good things (results) or rather read them from several of his patients. What I imagine is if it's the right procedure that is being offered for the right condition with the right surgeon things have a more favorable chance of working out well.

That being said I still believe there can be surprises even in the best of cases with the best surgeons and best surgical option chosen for the condition at the time tho hopefully less than when things bode altogether in one's favor.

Good luck if this is where you choose to go for a consultation.

I spent some time in the sales and marketing industry and I know a sales pitch when I hear one. Back Institute sounds sincere and devoid of hype. My gut feeling on them is that they are ethical. I have heard good things about Texas Back Institute. Not all American companies are sleazy and not all foreign companies are honorable.

Fortunately there still are some doctors who take their oath seriously.

ADR seeker 11-01-2011 09:58 PM

I spoke too soon. I got a call from one of their sales people. It's a scam. Here's what happened.

I asked if they took Medicare and they said no. I asked if they could recommend a facility in the East that does what they do and they said that they are the only ones who do it as it is a patented procedure. That was a lie. What they do is called a per-cutaneous endoscopic discectomy. Other surgeons do them. Here are some animations.

Lumbar Spine Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy medical legal presentations - YouTube

Micro Endoscopic Discectomy - YouTube

Cervical Endoscopic Discectomy (CED) Information - YouTube
Here is why not to get a fusion.

Percutaneous Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy - YouTube
Here is endoscopic micro discketomy Percutaneous Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy - YouTube

jsewell 11-02-2011 03:01 AM

I am really sorry to hear that. I was hoping you had found a good place to help you

Maria 11-02-2011 04:13 PM

or maybe
You got an overly zealous sales rep that isn't the best reflection of the facility/business. I'd call back and speak to someone else or ask to speak to the Marketing Supervisor esp. if they're not the only one to perform this procedure wherever. Maybe there is some truth in what was said in some patented piece of equipment only used by them or some such detail.

I'm not trying to make excuses for them it's just been my experience that sometimes it takes several calls to get the information I want and often enough I've asked to speak to supervisors as I've gotten such different answers from different employees. I know you said you worked in marketing and sales altho I worked my entire career in health care and wouldn't have wanted to judge the doctor or staff's performance or even facility based on one interaction with someone who might not really know all the in's and out's of things. Then again I really dislike hype and BS myself.

If you feel it's a waste of your time because they don't take MediCare then that's understandable as well or if this one response turned you off that much. I know I've heard really good things about Dr.Ditsworth and from what I heard he didn't sound like the kind of surgeon that would be part of a swarmy practice/institute/facility.

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