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iSpine Discuss Detect Nerve damage in the Main forums forums; Hi Folks Glad i joined this wonderful forum. I have been reading and sobbing on people stories. I had a ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2014, 10:00 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 3
Default Detect Nerve damage

Hi Folks

Glad i joined this wonderful forum. I have been reading and sobbing on people stories. I had a bad slip fall that send me to ER where a sacrum hematoma was detected on MRI. But no disc herniations or broken bones. 6 months later, i had severe nerve pain on side of foot and sole numbness. Diagonosed with neuropathy. Took gabapentin for 3 months and currently take R-ALA, biotion, etc.. Now, i am having nerve pain, hips, inner groin, piriformis spasms and right foot sole still numbing. I hear nerve pain is hard to diagnosed even with EMG.
I am set for an EMG on my back (S1) tomorrow. I am scared that it will replicate or make the problems worst. Ortho thinks is the S1 compression, damage..
Has anyone able to detect Nerve damage or inflammation via MRN (maganetic resonance neurography). Will insurance pay for this?
I plan on getting a new MRI or CT. i figure CT will catch any tumors that MRI didnt catch last year.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2014, 03:56 AM
mmglobal's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
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How did the EMG go? They can be pretty painful, but just for short periods of time. When will you get the results.

I have had several clients with who've had MRN that identified piriformis syndrome, then had successful bilateral piriformis release surgeries with Aaron Filler, the inventor of MRN. I have spent some time with Dr. Filler. He has some very interesting ideas and has developed some groundbreaking treatments.

In some cases, MRN makes a diagnosis possible, that could not have been properly diagnosed without it. The flip side is that when you put a magnifying glass on something that you could not image before, you see anomolies and potentially have procedures done unnecessarily if these anomilies are not causing your symptoms.

I have no recent experience with MRN.... a few years ago it was 3.5K per side. I'm not sure about insurance coverage, but a phone call to your MRN facility should answer that question. If you have trouble finding out, contact me off the forum and I'll email my contact in Dr. Filler's office.

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2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
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