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Gil Denis 04-16-2011 04:19 PM

Met with Dr Pettine

I had the pleasure to visit with Dr Pettine on Thurs 14 and am very happy, as the day after the visit I came up with many questions and concerns.

I will see if I can get some questions answered by email?

The Dr is Great has all the toys to fix many spine issues. Is a pioneer in spine surgery.

He suggested to install Coflex at L4-L5 and L5-S1 with StaXx XD expandable device at L5-S1, I am very pleased with this and now seeing if W.C. will cover this procedure?

This would address the levels giving me problems at this present time!:eek:

How Ever this does not address my other two levels above that are horrible, and will need some intervention in the future, this is some of the questions I will ask.

Gil :)

dshobbies 04-16-2011 06:25 PM

Sounds like good news to me. Now to get WC on board??????

Maria 04-17-2011 12:53 PM

hey Gil,
Good that you have a plan you feel is worth going with and hope WC will be on board w/it and if so, in a timely manner.

Gil Denis 04-29-2011 03:14 PM

Hi All

I am still waiting on W.C. review process.:eek:

Now would install StaXx xxd at two levels:eek: Plastic spacers Does any one have some inside information on these implants? Not much on the web?



jsewell 04-29-2011 06:01 PM

I am glad you came away happy after meeting the doctor. Always good. I wish you good luck with WC, hope they let you know soon and approve the surgery.

Gil Denis 05-17-2011 07:13 PM

I am on the fence and falling off, Waiting for W.C. approval for a two level procedure in Colorado With Coflex and Staxx at two levels, giving me the worse problems L4 to S1. This does not address the other two levels above, L2-L3 being the worse, and L3-L4 bulging bad. However my L1 -L2 is perfect I need this level to stay that way.
Other surgical options are.
Four level fusion and Fusing my S-I joint Wyoming
Four level ADR Pro Disc, Germany $95,000
Two level Fusion Here in Jackson, Insurance would cover but other levels would not last.Not a good surgeon.
Two level fusion and Two level ADR with M6 U.K. $55,000plus travel lodging food etc.
Four level procedure Fusion, ADR,Fusion, ADR in Brazil lost contact and will not reply to any of my emails???
Stenium four level M6 $ 95,000
Waiting for a reply from Spain.
Other top surgeons will not help too many levels or will not accept Workers Comp
Tried to re finance our house Failed.
Selling all my toys Bikes,Skies, kids stuff,tools, Garage sale etc.
I am a prisoner trapped in my body. Cannot walk for more than Three miles, no yard work , Stiff every day, etc.
My neck is getting very painful looking into getting a MRI to see whats going on in there
Still no drugs, just some advil, etc
Loosing my mind, and not to mention the stress this is putting on my spouse,

I could go on but I think you get it


Maria 05-17-2011 11:44 PM

why don't you try
Pain meds before going for seriously expensive and big magnitude spine surgery. Maybe some relief would better enable you to make a clearer cut decision.

Can't walk more than 3 miles? This is bad?? 3 miles isn't that short a distance. Stiffness.. arthritic?

I wish I had tried some kind of medication before even having my 2nd discectomy.

Good luck Gil, at least there seems to be no lack of surgical options!

james 05-18-2011 06:57 AM

wow, you can walk 3 miles? This is awesome. If I can walk one mile I have no complain whatsoever.

newhere 05-18-2011 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by james (Post 14682)
wow, you can walk 3 miles? This is awesome. If I can walk one mile I have no complain whatsoever.

same here...canot stand or walk long distances...
sam like u i have DDD l4 l5 annular tear...already 10 years

Hooch 05-18-2011 12:18 PM

Gday Gil,

Pretty terrible situation, feeling like you're headed towards disability? I know there is always someone worse but sometimes that's like being thankful for being kicked in the guts and not the nuts. I could do a lot of stuff pre-op, but only through pretty full on pain.

It's a huge surgery, 4 levels. I'd echo Maria's comments that pain meds to get you through in the meantime may help a little... no good being just on Advil.

I hope your family can find a way out.

dshobbies 05-18-2011 05:43 PM


And around and around we go.

I think you know how many of us feel about Stenum. I'd stay away.

Not crazy about the 4 level fusion, if avoidable.

2 level fusion with 2 adrs on top - not sure I'd fuse L4/5 if avoidable.

fusion, adr, fusion adr might be best if you can't get a 4 level adr. How about fusion with 3 adrs on top?

I've read other posts about WC and how the wheels turn slowly. You always have the option of legal assistance. What about legal aid? Would the threat of legal action push things along or would you then have to actually act on it?

I'm exhausted just thinking about your fight. I remember mine 5 1/2 years ago. You'd think we'd be further along by now!

Maria 05-18-2011 06:58 PM

Hey Gil,
My experience w/the insurance carrier I had w/WC would only auth surgery in the states. If I went outside the country I would have had to settle benefits and take cash w/no future medical. Future medical is covering next to nothing anyway now so it may have been something had I known then I wouldn't have thought so important to keep in place then again hindsight is 20/20 as everyone knows.

I don't like the idea of a four level fusion. The idea of two on the bottom fused and maybe 2 ADRs on top as Dale mentioned might work then again doubt that's something WC would auth.

If surgery is authorized here by WC then you decide you don't want to have it at least then the cash value should stick if you're settling out your bennies to go elsewhere. Always a thought. It's still cheaper I believe to do mult level whatever abroad then even 2 level fusion, ADR or hybrid here in the states unless someone is going to give you a cash deal.

good luck.. understand why your head is swimming...mine was once as well. I think everyone does when presented with so many options and limitations and just wants to make the best decision possible to try and get it right on one try.

Gil Denis 05-24-2011 09:17 PM

Hi All

The surgery order was just submitted to W.C. today it should take three to six weeks to be approved:eek:

Coflex has recently been approved by the FDA, lets hope it goes through? W.C. does not approve ADR it is considered experimental:eek:

Live goes on


Gil Denis 06-09-2011 07:42 PM

Hey All

Good news W.C has approved surgery with Dr Petinie in Loveland Colorado for Coflex at two levels L4-L5 and L5-S1 not sure how it is connected at L5-S1?
Will also install Staxx spacers at both levels not sure how they stay in place?
L2-L3 is not in great shape or is L3-L4 but they are not pain generators may never be or may get worse?

If and when the other levels go I may need more. This is the best I can do with no finances to go for the big surgery with ADR,

I will add more going to soccer to watch junior>


Maria 06-09-2011 08:32 PM

Great news!
Hey Gil,
Congrats on the WC auth for the surgery with the surgeon of your choice and at 2 levels! Look forward to hearing more about it all and hope this surgery will take care of "what ails you" and the rest if and when necessary can be addressed at that point.

I was always worried about my disrupted L3 so didn't get L4 and L5S1 taken care of re ADR or hybrid surgery and while I've been pleasantly surprised with autofusion results of L5S1 I do believe L4 is still a problematic level for me.

So go for it and best wishes with everything! thanks for keeping us updated!

mmglobal 06-09-2011 10:55 PM

Gil, great news. I look forward to hearing of your success. Please keep us posted.


dshobbies 06-10-2011 04:40 PM


Oh the relief you must feel right now. Any date news?

jsewell 06-11-2011 03:58 AM

Congrats on the surgery approval with your surgeon.
Hope it is scheduled soon

james 06-11-2011 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by newhere (Post 14684)
same here...canot stand or walk long distances...
sam like u i have DDD l4 l5 annular tear...already 10 years

How much degeneration you have?
Has degeneration progress, or it is stable?
Are you good at other disc levels?
Are you going through any treatment?

james 06-11-2011 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by newhere (Post 14684)
same here...canot stand or walk long distances...
sam like u i have DDD l4 l5 annular tear...already 10 years

I cannot walk/stand more than 10 minutes and cannot sit even a second. MRI only shows DDD at L4-L5.

newhere 06-11-2011 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by james (Post 14820)
How much degeneration you have?
Has degeneration progress, or it is stable?
Are you good at other disc levels?
Are you going through any treatment?

i have degeneration type 3 look at the picture(
i dont know for progress...have same filling almost 10 years...its not that i have pain all the time,only when i must walk or stand...
im good on other disc yeah...i had discogram for l3 l4 was ok...negative...but l4 l5 showed annular tear and this dallas grade was paintfull!!!
i go to some exercises but doesent help so much....
feel free to ask anything :) cheers ...

newhere 06-11-2011 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by james (Post 14821)
I cannot walk/stand more than 10 minutes and cannot sit even a second. MRI only shows DDD at L4-L5.

its not "only" that serious...
i also have allways DDD l4 l5 on MRI...then one dr perform discogram and now i know why i have pain...
did you made discogram???

jsewell 06-11-2011 06:49 PM

I don't really put much faith in MRI's as my hip one a few years ago showed a good right hip. My surgeon went in and discovered severe arthritis in the joint and the next step was a total joint replacement.

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