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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2011, 09:32 PM
on pause's Avatar
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Unhappy Should I be worried?

Just when I think I have things under control, something new pops up and makes me rethink everything! My previous threads are "10 years of suffering and only 23" and "summer of surgery ahead" in case you need more detailed info about whats going on.

Since my herniation in November (L4/L5) I got used to a certain level of pain above what I had felt the previous 2 years. About 2 weeks ago I noticed my pain getting bad again and attributed it to the weather changes or bending wrong or something. It sort of got much worse though and I was bedridden all last week. I was able to move, but the pain was terrible and the sciatica was a bad as its ever been. My left leg was also kind of lame and I had to drag it along a little bit, but just thought it was the same damaged nerve acting up.

The past week though I'm getting radiating pain down the front of both thighs and it is worse than the sciatica sensation I'm used to. it starts at about the hip level and radiates about half way down my thighs, evenly on both sides and hasn't let up. I also have started getting a bit of numbness on my right thigh in the same place it is numb on the left side, sort of the outer area and behind the knee. My right arm though is also going a little numb on the outer side between my wrist and elbow, but comes and goes.

I'm a little concerned about these new symptoms, and that they may change my surgery plans which I only just figured out! Should I get an MRI based off these symptoms, or could it just be a weather change, pulled muscle, etc?

2003 microdiscetomy on L4/L5 & L5/S1, L5/S1 reherniated 3 weeks later
2008 L5/S1 herniation very severe, lost most feeling in left leg with nerve pain in foot
2010 L4/L5 herniation
2011 awaiting surgery of some sort
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2011, 02:05 PM
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My pain has flared up to greater than what it normally is then die back down to normal pain until I began having right leg symptoms a few months ago. I became worried and started seeking treatment again. Learned my L5/S1 grade 5 annular tear has turned into a large disc extrusion pressing on the nerve root sleeve.

You have seen so many doctors over the years and can't help to wonder if your back problems are the symptoms of some other issue. Would think though by now the Dr's could tell you what is wrong though. Have you looked at Ankylosing spondylitis (not to totally scare you).

Would think that before a major 2 level ADR surgery that new images and testing would be ordered by your doctor. I would insist on it.
2008 Back pain stared (M, 37, 185#, 5'11")

2009 MRI, Bilateral SI Joint Injection, PT, L4/5 Bi Lateral Facet Injection

2010 Acupuncture, Discogram, L4/5 and L5/S1 Bi Lateral Facet Injection, PT, L3/4, L4/5, L5/S1 Fibrin Sealant Injections

2011 ?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2011, 02:49 PM
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I know you must be worried sick and I was hoping one of the members w/more clinical experience than myself would reply soon. That being said I was a Nurse Practitioner and long ago worked in Neurosurgery. That qualifies me for nothing at that this point other than to give the standard triage advice that I would give someone that would call the Triage line I last worked at:

Seek emergency care if you have inability to use your involved extremities, severe numbness, loss of tone/function, incontinence of bowel and/or bladder or severe unrelenting pain that doesn't go away with any positional change, rest or medications.

Sometimes our problems can flare up to a point that we think there is something worse or new going on. Sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't. If symptoms are drastically different than what you've had before I generally say report this to your treating physician or if you have any of the emergency reasons to be seen go to the ER.

If you've noticed that the symtoms are dying down as in you were in bed all last week due to pain/probs and now you're up and functioning then chances are that was a flare up.

Again, I'm not a doctor and from your history you sound like a surgical candidate so I'm not saying ignore what's going on. If you feel worse than you did before or are having new symptoms seeing your doctor for an updated MRI (don't know when your last was) is something that could be ordered. If there are no significant changes that indicate a necessity for urgent or emergent surgery then you can proceed as planned.

Hopefully someone else here w/more current knowledge/experience will hop on and reply to your post. I am retired now and what I know about the spine mostly has to do with my own or what I'd advise someone to do such as see a doctor, go to the ER and the like.

The old saying .. when in doubt check it out may be worthwhile here depending on what's going on w/your symtpoms.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-07-2011, 04:52 PM
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If we could bottle the amount of energy spent on worrying, we could electify the world!

All kidding aside, I've walked in those shoes and at times, still do. Radiating pain is something, probably disc material, pressing on the nerves in your spine. From my experience, it's quite difficult to control nerve pain except with potent pain killers unless you go on longer term Neurontin or something like it.

Numbness, same mechanism but a little more serious, can take a long time to come back or can even become permanant. I have two circles of permanant numbness on my right leg (the good one) when my disc ruptured. I had surgery within 1 week with permanant damage.

So my advice to anyone who is worrying or stressed about new symptoms - call your doctor. The stress makes everything worse and you're not in a good place. We can reassure you or scare you but your doctor is your goto person. Please call ASAP if for nothing other than to put your mind at ease.

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2011, 04:16 PM
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Default how are you?

I'm wondering how you're doing, did you see your doctor or report symptoms, did the symptoms get better, etc.? Hope you are doing better or have been seen or spoken to your doctor.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-2011, 08:00 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 53

I'm not a Dr. but will give some input. The symptoms in the front or outside of your thigh could be a few different things. The obvious is spinal involvement on the Femoral or Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve. This could come from L3/L4 or L2/L3.

Another cause is entrapment of either of these nerves at another point outside the spine. Such as entrapment at the inguinal ligament to your Hip (ASIS). The referral pattern being the front and side of your thigh as well as your hip. Google Meralgia Paresthetica.

As for the numbness on your arm, it could be anything. Stress can be a big factor and one I wouldn't overlook as your working thru your current situation.

Again I am not a DR. and I would recommend talking to one about your symptoms.
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