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Shebo 02-11-2011 06:02 PM

Spinal Cord Stimulator for Thoracic
Has anyone had an SCS done for the upper thoracic area? My PM made the suggestion last time I saw her. I know they are the doctors but my concern is there isn't much room in that area to thread the leads. I'm concerned with creating more damage. I can't find anyone who has had this done in this area.

mmglobal 02-12-2011 07:12 PM

I think a neurosurgeon will thread the leads wherever he wants them with little difficulty. That is one of the reasons that SCS is so well reimbursed by insurance companies… because it is a ‘neurosurgery’.

IMHO, they are a symptom masker and don’t address the root issue. I have seen them work for people and be like magic. However, I don’t know anyone who’s gotten more than 18 months of use out of one before it’s ignored or turned off all the time. I have seen people with pain from the implant. The leads will impair future MRI’s. They are not something that they can pop in and pop out easily.

Shebo 02-13-2011 12:52 AM

Those are all of my concerns as well. The Pain Management doctor would do this surgery. She's done 2 injections (which haven't helped). I think the SCS and injections are just covering up the real issue. When I asked the PM if my situation would deteriote by masking the pain with the SCS, she told me she didn't have a crystal ball. She also said that she was happy I was being "reasonable" and considering other options. She has no other options and wants me off the meds.

What did you mean by this statement? "However, I don’t know anyone who’s gotten more than 18 months of use out of one before it’s ignored or turned off all the time."

Thanks for your thoughts.

Hooch 02-13-2011 07:13 AM

Why does the PM doctor want you off meds in your condition? And the surgeon who would do the op, u mean is someone associated with the clinic?

Sorry just sounds a bit iffy.

Maria 02-13-2011 05:22 PM

sounds more like
An ultimatum from your PM re "considering options".. like consider this because I want to take you off all meds. That wouldn't sit well w/me.

Then again I don't know if you get any relief w/meds so perhaps it's not right of me to say the above either. However if there's one thing I feel I've learned with all my spine stuff is to get more than one opinion whenever anyone suggests something invasive or of a surgical nature of any kind.

If you get any benefit from meds such as it addresses some pain issues and/or you're not maxing out doses (such as maxing out on doses and getting no benefit) and/or experiencing any toxicity, side effects or probs to end organs then why stop taking them. Then again if they don't help at all and/or any of the other issues are a concern I can understand the prescribing physician wanting to discontinue prescribing or perhaps looking into prescribing something different maybe long acting to see if that could help with your pain (again I don't know what you've tried or your PM has already tried re prescribing so take what I say re ultimatum and such with a grain of salt).

Can you see someone else or get a few more opinions?

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