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iSpine Discuss coccyx pain in the Main forums forums; I am new to the forum and looking for help. I'm 36yo and have not had injury that I ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2010, 09:22 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Default coccyx pain

I am new to the forum and looking for help. I'm 36yo and have not had injury that I know of, but have had a terrible coccyx pain for over a year. It's very localized and is mostly relieved as long as I'm not sitting, if I sit for more than a few minutes, it's terrible.

I originally had injections, 2 coccygeal and 1 caudal and got some relief, but it returned with a vengeance since June. I have tried chiropractic care, medications, such as lyrica, and even percocet (which I refuse to keep taking). I do yoga and stretching and even saw a physical therapist that did an internal exam (rectally) pressing directly on the coccyx that was the absolute worst pain I've ever had, it made me see stars!! I went back to her a couple more times and she did some more gentle external work, but it wasn't helping. So now I've tried accupuncture and I've been twice and I've also been taking tramadol, with some mild relief.

So far nobody can tell me anything, I've had xrays that didn't show anything, and the spinal doctor I saw in boston, was the one that said PT was the only thing that would probably help. My GP had not much advice other than the meds.

When the pain first started I had an MRI and they saw nothing, as well.

My question is, I'm going to be in Washington DC, and I want to know if there is someone I should see.

Thanks for any advice!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 12:27 AM
Pharmacist.steve's Avatar
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Has anyone considered a topical application of Lidocaine (2%gel/3%cm/5%oint) and/or not sure if a Lidoderm patch could be cut into a size that would be workable. Still need to find cause - if possible - otherwise .. try to treat the pain in the mean time
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 01:00 AM
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Hi Shelley and welcome,

Not that I've heard a lot but a positive touch response with nothing on x-rays or mri?????? To my knowledge you've tried all the right drugs and then some. Maybe Mark has some ideas - Have you considered a second opinion?

Just wanted to say welcome. One thing we all know about is pain!

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 01:00 AM
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Default used to have

Terrible coccyx pain and avoided sitting for years. Got better with one surgery at L5S1 tho got worse again when L4 bulged. In 2000 had alot of soft tissue work with cranial sacral releases done by PT specializing in failed spine surgery and started ESIs with caudal ESIs for this pain. Got a good amount of relief and am not sure if I just had so many years of this type of pain and then some multidisciplinary type of treatment and coincidentally got relief however it happened and thankfully I don't have this pain anymore since about the 2001/02. Truly a relief so I know you must be suffering with this type of pain and I wish you the best. I never tried the topical lidocaine however sounds like a good idea to me! Editing to add that in 2001 also started opioid treatment for pain (very low dose daily) and had been on Neurontin 1800mg/day since 1998. Recently was able to discontinue the Neurontin ~ whoohooo!
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