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iSpine Discuss Dr. Regan taking Medicare in the Main forums forums; It's been tough trying to keep up with insurance changes. I had cultivated other options for Medicare patients when ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-11-2010, 11:49 PM
mmglobal's Avatar
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Default Dr. Regan taking Medicare

It's been tough trying to keep up with insurance changes. I had cultivated other options for Medicare patients when some of the 'bigger boys' like Regan and Delamarter quit taking insurance.

I had a chance to spend some time with Dr. Regan yesterday and I'm pleased to report that he is currently taking medicare. The situation can change as reimbursement levels are ping-ponging all over the place. They will be adjusting in and out of programs as the reimbursement levels can get to be so low, it's not worth their while.

For now, it's good news for the Medicare patients. Both in his Los Angeles office and Anaheim, you can see him under Medicare.

On another note, for those of you who are worried about the difficult landscape for health insurance companies; it was reported on the news today that their Q1 through Q3 (released today) profits this year are up 41%.
How they continue to rape American businesses and consumers and take billions out of the system while the national economy is in shambles is beyond me. All of this while they continue to reduce services.

Off the soap box for now...

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 02:39 AM
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Insurance companies are exempt from Sherman Anti-trust and when they were mutual companies (owned by policy holders).. this was done in 1938 by the McCarrin-Ferguson act.. so that the insurance companies could "share data" to better establish broader risk tables. In the 90's the major health insurers "de-mutalized" which means that they are now public - for profit - companies with stockholders and the policy holders have no vested interest in the company.

So now we have public held companies with total exemption from what is considered ILLEGAL by any other public held company. I have read ... that some state's insurance oversight boards will not even consider intervening in a health insurance rate increase until it EXCEEDS 50% in a given year.

So what better business to be in... one that is exempt from any all actions - including price fixing - and have assurance that until you exceed raising your rates > 50% per year .. that no one is going to bother you.

Makes the 10%-12% annual increases for brand name drugs ... look pretty benign.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-2010, 08:07 PM
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Default Is the same

Pain Management doctor working with him that was there back in '06? I cannot remember the guy's name tho he made quite an impression on me regarding his bedside manner.
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adr, back surgery, dr. john regan, spine surgery

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