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SARAH2233 10-30-2010 02:38 PM

Sould I go to A+E? Very very scared
Hi I'm 68 and very very frightened. For three days now I've been getting what feels like my head/brain "jumping" when I move my head a certain way. At the same time I get a sort of "ching-ching" noise in my head, my vision "jumps" and I get vibrations like a very mild painless electrical charge down the side of my tongue, down my arms and across the soles of my feet. I can bring the "brain jumps" on as well by turning my eyes hard into the corners as far as possible. I go a bit lightheaded whilst the "jumping" is going on. and it lasts for about a second. Then I'm ok til I move my head a certain way. I've no pain or numbness but have osteoarthritis of the neck and spine. Can anyone help me with this? I'm sitting here on a Saturday with all the doctors sugeries closed feeling sooooo frightened. Thank you, Sarah.

Maria 10-30-2010 03:44 PM

go STAT (immediately)
To the emergency room/dept and don't drive, have someone take you.

dshobbies 10-30-2010 05:17 PM


Ditto Maria. You've had this for 3 days yet wait for Saturday and admit you are very very scared. Why is it that we allow whatever ailment to scare us all half to death when a simple trip to the doctor will either assure us everything is fine or start us on a treatment plan. Even is serious, we're calmed by the simple knowing.

Next time Sarah, don't wait for 3 days. And just for the telling, I'm the same way!

Good luck and let us know what the doctor said, Dale

Maria 10-30-2010 07:41 PM

re waiting
I understand waiting to see if this is something that passes tho think it warrents a very good neurological exam and for you to report to the ER today which I hope you've done since asking what should you do.

Your symptoms are a bit too freaky for my liking to sit on it and just wait any longer so please let us know if you do seek emergency consultation/care what the findings are.

Hopefully it's benign tho I don't like the sound of it at all.

mmglobal 10-31-2010 07:52 AM

Sarah, I hope you are getting checked out. Please let us know what the docs say.

all the best,


Maria 11-02-2010 01:41 PM

checking in
Hi Sarah,
I keep checking in to see if you've been seen for you symptoms. I hope so. Please update us and let us know how you're doing. Hopefully Ok.;)

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