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iSpine Discuss Toe pains due to spine? in the Main forums forums; I've been off Neurontin now for several weeks and feel great overall however am wondering if this "occurence&...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 04:44 PM
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Default Toe pains due to spine?

I've been off Neurontin now for several weeks and feel great overall however am wondering if this "occurence" is due to my low back or not and if anyone here has had symptoms somewhat like this.

Right foot 3 toes starting from small toe burning and pain with walking. Sort of ache/cramp as well.

Asked my OSS about toe pains when I last saw him because I was having some shooting pains from my first two toes (big toe and next) which he said that could be from low back probs tho other toes would be due to foot related probs.

I've had surgery on all toes on left foot for hammertoes, bunion, and a tendon problem on one toe so that foot has some probs tho the right one actually slowed me down yesterday making me stop to sit out this pain. Pain was better after sitting for about 20 minute duration x2 but it was definately not a good feeling.

I now can't see my OSS for several more months (WC only auth'ing 2 visits/year) altho I can see the OSS for my feet PRN since that's with regular medical insurance however it's a $40 copay for the visit so just holding off.

Don't want to start Neurontin for something like this tho was on my feet a great deal Sat. night and then yesterday again so maybe it is related to a foot prob vs. spine since I haven't had any real spinal complaints now for a while.

thanks for any input...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2010, 10:55 PM
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First, only you can decide when any pain requires medicinal intervention.

My legs sustained quite a bit of nerve damage during my surgery. My right leg came back about 90% but my left leg is only about 60-70% with my thigh still mostly numb. However, even without exertion, my foot is constantly on fire. Upon exertion, from my big toe straight up to past my ankle, my skin becomes so sensative I cannot even touch it, thus my love for my summertime sandals or better yet, shoeless.

While taking Lyrica and before that Neurontin, my leg was still weak but mostly pain free, even upon exertion. Now, even a small amount of walking can set it off. Only while on a recent vacation did I realize the extent of my disability.

My toes, on both feet, cramp upon exertion and my left foot might swell and become blotchy, taking days to return to 'normal'. It is often worse at night.

However, these drugs can rob you of life's desires. Since creative endeavors light my world, this was unacceptalbe. I could function but wanted nothing. Even as I write this, my foot is on fire but I barely notice it when doing those things I love.

If your pain does indeed stem from back issues, when added to all your surgeries, you become faced with a decision. I do take Celebrex daily but it does not help much with the burning or sensativity.

Also, you would know better than I but I don't think this is the type of drug to take only when needed?????

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 02:20 PM
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Default re toes

Toes on fire. that's it.. and painful w/pressure. Felt it yesterday too after a while in WalMart looking for something and when walking Lola. Wasn't even going to go back out last evening tho had a short walk to a friends so the sitting for awhile before return walk was enough to calm toes down.

Am hoping this is a transient problem and will just go away on it's own.

Re taking Neurontin PRN that's not what I meant rather meant starting it again at lower dose if having neuropathy vs. other type of induced pain however that being said it is used off label for neuropathies so perhaps it doesn't have to be taken everyday if a type of pain isn't always present.

I doubt that there's any harm in not taking Neurontin on regular basis though since I feel I have my mind back I do really enjoy feeling mentally clear first thing in the morning and thru out the day and prefer not to start this again or Lyrica (which I never tried even) unless absolutely necessary.

This may be part of the tendonitis problem I have (both feet) tho I really hope not that either. It's about equally as rotten as having neuropathies!
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