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iSpine Discuss Biologic disc treatments in the Main forums forums; Does anyone follow this area of research and know of more treatments out there. Hopefully biologic approach will become common ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2010, 02:27 AM
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Default Biologic disc treatments

Does anyone follow this area of research and know of more treatments out there. Hopefully biologic approach will become common first line treatment in near future.

At present .....

1. nucleus regeneration

a. In use.... Disc Regenerative Therapy | Diagnosis & Treatments | Capitol Spine & Pain Centers®

b. In trial....Intradiscal rhGDF-5
Intradiscal rhGDF-5 Phase I/II Clinical Trial - Full Text View - ClinicalTrials.gov

c. Award winning compound
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2. a. Biologic Anular repair
Phase 3 trial to commence
Treatment of Symptomatic Lumbar Internal Disc Disruption (IDD) With the Biostat® System - Tabular View - ClinicalTrials.gov

Spinal Restoration - Products

(a patient's comments copied from another forum posted as follows. Name/details of person deleted by me.)
“ …I had my 2nd and hopefully last Fibrin injection the first part of February of this year (2009). I worked part time all summer at a hospital and have been working full time since the 2nd of September for ...................... I am doing well. The Fibrin seems to have held this second time. I never thought I would get out of bed again and it seems like a miracle to be working. I work for a bunch of great Spine Doctors. I would certainly try the Fibrin. You don't burn any bridges with it and I do know of people that have gotten relief from it even when their discs were less than 1/3. Some bone on bone almost. The docs I work for know Dr. Pauza and have talked to me a lot about it. I have shown some of them my films and they were amazed I am walking much less working full time. I don't get on here too much anymore because I work a lot but if I can answer any questions I would be more than happy too. I will try to set this up so I get notified if anyone writes. Best wishes and God bless.

10-02 - ProDiscs L4/5 and L5/S1 - FDA study - disks placed incorrectly which
caused problem at L3/4 and L2/3
01-05 - ProDiscs at C5/6 and C6/7 in Germany - seems to be working fine so far
Bedbound from 09-06 until 10-08 due to severe pain and weakness
09-08 - Had Fibrin sealant done at L3/4 and L2/3 After 6 weeks - much success!
Hoping and praying that the lumbar revision surgery that was scheduled with Dr. Regan can be indefinitely postponed ”

b. Mechanical anular repair (not biologic)
Good News For Aching Backs | Article Archive | M.D. News Bay Area Edition
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2010, 12:35 AM
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Another biologic treatment in trial. Look forward to these approaches starting to replace surgery in near future.

Spine Wave, Inc.

".......Clinical investigations have been designed to demonstrate the potential benefits of the NuCore® Injectable Nucleus, which include pain relief and restoration of the spine’s biomechanics. Patient enrollment in clinical trials for the NuCore® Injectable Nucleus include patients in Switzerland, Germany, Australia and the United States."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2010, 01:09 AM
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2 year outcome of nucore trial

SpringerLink - Journal Article

An injectable nucleus replacement as an adjunct to microdiscectomy: 2 year follow-up in a pilot clinical study

Journal European Spine Journal
Publisher Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
ISSN 0940-6719 (Print) 1432-0932 (Online)
Issue Volume 18, Number 11 / November, 2009
Category Ideas and Technical Innovations
DOI 10.1007/s00586-009-1136-0
Pages 1706-1712
Subject Collection Medicine
SpringerLink Date Tuesday, August 18, 2009

An injectable nucleus replacement as an adjunct to microdiscectomy: 2 year follow-up in a pilot clinical study

Ulrich Berlemann1 Contact Information and Othmar Schwarzenbach1
(1) Spine Center Thun, Bahnhofstrasse 3, Thun, 3600, Switzerland

Received: 9 April 2009 Revised: 21 July 2009 Accepted: 4 August 2009 Published online: 18 August 2009

Abstract Literature indicates that loss of disc tissue from herniation and/or surgery can accelerate degeneration of the disc. The associated loss of disc height may correspond with recurrent back and/or leg pain. A novel hydrogel has been developed to replace lost nucleus pulposus and potentially restore normal disc biomechanics following herniation and surgery. A single-center, non-randomized, prospective feasibility study was undertaken to investigate the use of NuCore® Injectable Nucleus hydrogel (Spine Wave, Inc., Shelton, CT, USA) as a replacement for nuclear tissue lost to herniation and microdiscectomy. Fourteen patients were enrolled at the authors’ hospital as the initial site in a worldwide multicenter pilot study. Subjects who were entered into the study suffered from radicular pain due to single-level herniated nucleus pulposus and were non-respondent to conservative therapy. Following a standard microdiscectomy procedure, the hydrogel material was injected into the nuclear void to replace what tissue had been lost to the herniation and surgery. Leg and back pain, function and disability scores were monitored pre- and post-operatively through 2 years. Neurologic and physical evaluations, blood and serum analyses, and radiographic evaluations of disc height and implant stability were also performed.

Results showed significant improvement for leg and back pain, as well as function scores. No complications or device related adverse events were observed. MR controls confirmed stable position of the implants with no reherniations. Radiographic measurements indicated better maintenance of disc height compared to literature data on microdiscectomy alone. The NuCore® material appears to protect the disc from early collapse following microdiscectomy; and therefore, may have the potential to slow the degenerative cascade of the spinal segment over time.

Keywords Nucleus replacement - Herniation - Hydrogel - Microdiscectomy - NuCore®

Contact Information Ulrich Berlemann
Email: uberlemann@hotmail.com
Email: u.berlemann@dasrueckenzentrum.ch
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 04:00 AM
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Beginning of oral medication approach to treating disc degeneration....

Diffusion of Human Lumbar Intravertebral Discs can be Enhanced Pharmacologically
With Oral Nimodipine
S. Rajasekaran, Ph.D., J. Naresh Babu, MS K.S. Murugan, MD Ajoy Prasad Shetty, MS
Introduction: Histological studies have documented that Calcium channel antagonist
Nimodipine increases vascularity of end plates in rats. However, there is no corresponding data
for humans and whether endplate hypervascularity leads to increase in diffusion. This prospective
study in human volunteers reports for the first time in literature an increase in diffusion following
Nimodipine by serial post contrast MRI study.
Methods: Forty lumbar end plates of four young healthy male volunteers formed the study
material. The pre-drug diffusion levels were studied by pre and post contrast MRI (0.3 mmol/kg
of gadodiamide) at 10 minutes, two, four, six, 12 and 24 hours. After a gadodiamide wash out
period of 10 days, a plain MR examination was performed to ensure return of signal intensity
values to the base line. Oral Nimodipine was administered (30 mgs QID) for five days following
which diffusion studies were performed by a similar MRI sequence. Enhancement was calculated
at different regions of interest (ROI) - vertebral body- VB; subchondral region-SCB; Endplate
Zone-EPZ and at superior and inferior peripheral nucleus pulposus-PNP and central nucleus
pulposus-CNP, using appropriate cursors by a blinded investigator. Paired sample t-test and area
under curve (AUC) measurements were performed to compare the pre and post-drug signal
Results: Nimodipine was found to increase the signal intensity for all ROI significantly pre and
post contrast at all time intervals (p>0.01). The maximum difference in enhancement was at 10
minutes at VB; two hours for SB and EPZ; four hours for PNP and 12 hours for CNP. There was
also a significant increase for AUC at all ROI pre and post nimodipine showing that nimodipine
increases diffusion(p>0.01).
Conclusion: This is the first study to document an increase in diffusion of human lumbar discs
by oral nimodipine and poses interesting possibility of pharmacological enhancement of lumbar
disc diffusion.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2010, 05:04 AM
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A current phase III biologic trial is enrolling, if apprpriate for your disc location and pathology.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 03:29 AM
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Considering these trials were done on chronic patients, including some with failed backs, you would think that there would have been many follow up double blind placebo trials to confirm the outstanding results from these minimal treatment approaches.
Much more money to be made in open surgery and selling pieces of metal I suppose.
Biochemical injection treatment for discogenic low... [Spine J. 2003 May-Jun] - PubMed result
Treatment of painful advanced internal lumbar disc... [Pain Physician. 2006] - PubMed result
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 05:01 AM
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Vitamin D anyone?
Back Pain? Vitamin D is a Surprising Champion of Pain Relief, Research Shows - PR.com
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-22-2010, 02:08 PM
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Posts: 63

Don't forget The Regenexx? Procedure
Dramatic Reduction in Disc Bulge with Disc Stem Cell Injection
LM is a 39 year old male with a 16 year history of severe low back and leg pain. He underwent injection of his own cultured stem cells into his disc bulge. His bulge was very large, so he barely met the study criteria and frankly I wasn’t optimistic about his possibilities, but he was entered into the study largely on the optimism of my partner, Dr. Schultz. Well, LM proved me wrong this week. He is now 7 months post procedure and is 80% better. His films are above. Note the very large disc bulge at the tip of the red arrow on both the before images (top is a saw you in half axial view, bottom left is a side view sagittal). Then note the marked reduction in the size of the disc bulge seen at the tip of the yellow arrow in both matching slices on the right. I have also highlighted the S1 nerve on the axial films (the before and after on the top)-red dot on the before, yellow dot on the left. Note how the disc was pressing on this nerve in the before image and is now far away from the disc in the after. This also corresponds to a reduction in his leg symptoms related to this S1 nerve. Realize all of this was accomplished with only an injection and without surgery. Since this disc bulge had been there for a long time and was worsening before treatment, it’s unlikely this represents spontaneous resolution of this disc.
Rob Wilson
2/06 L4/5, L5/S1 ADR Stenum Hospital - Iliac vein cut w/ occlusion of iliac vein and hematoma
12/06 thru 8/07 Laser Spine Institute - 6 surgeries on L3/4 both sides, L4/5 both sides, L5/S1 both sides

4/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L5/S1 right
8/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L5/S1 left
12/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L4/5 right and left

9/8/09 Piriformis surgery for sciatica and cramping
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 06:39 AM
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Here is info on fibrin injections. This info came from Spine Journal published proceedings (2009; 10S:105S) that are mentioned on the SpinalRestoration website:

This study used pig lumbar spines. To damage the discs, a 19G needle was used to remove 1 ml of nucleus material.

"Nucleotomy produced transient increases in IL-6 and TNF- at 3 weeks that were prevented by fibrin injection. For the no-treatment and fibrin-treated discs, stiffness and leakage pressure were less than control at 3 weeks. Stiffness returned to normal at 6 weeks for the fibrin-treated levels and at 12 weeks for the no-treatment levels. Disc proteoglycan content was less than controls at 3 and 6 weeks for the no-treatment and fibrin-treated levels. GAG content returned to normal at 12 weeks for the fibrin-treated levels, but not for degenerate discs. No adverse cellular reaction to fibrin injection was noted by histology."

I wonder how much less proteoglycan content was in the fibrin-treated levels, and I wonder how the fibrin treatment would fare against a torn disc (as the website states, Biostat "occludes annular fissures"). I don't believe such a claim can be substantiated by this trial.

The SpinalRestoration website mentions an unpublished document named "Fibrin sealant modulates the inflammatory response in intervertebral disc cells." If anyone can find this or any good info on this mode of treatment, please let me know. Thanks.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 11:57 AM
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Regarding fibrin, i had no luck finding a copy of ......."3 Buser Z, Jane L, Thorne KJ, et al. Fibrin sealant modulates the inflammatory response in intervertebral disc cells. Unpublished manuscript."
Being "unpublished" is likely reason.

Found this promising paper....
J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2008;19(9):1219-37.
Fibrin promotes proliferation and matrix production of intervertebral disc cells cultured in three-dimensional poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) scaffold.

Sha'ban M, Yoon SJ, Ko YK, Ha HJ, Kim SH, So JW, Idrus RB, Khang G.

Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Previously, we have proven that fibrin and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds facilitate cell proliferation, matrix production and early chondrogenesis of rabbit articular chondrocytes in in vitro and in vivo experiments. In this study, we evaluated the potential of fibrin/PLGA scaffold for intervertebral disc (IVD) tissue engineering using annulus fibrosus (AF) and nucleus pulposus (NP) cells in relation to potential clinical application. PLGA scaffolds were soaked in cells-fibrin suspension and polymerized by dropping thrombin-sodium chloride (CaCl(2)) solution. A PLGA-cell complex without fibrin was used as control. Higher cellular proliferation activity was observed in fibrin/PLGA-seeded AF and NP cells at each time point of 3, 7, 14 and 7 days using the MTT assay. After 3 weeks in vitro incubation, fibrin/PLGA exhibited a firmer gross morphology than PLGA groups. A significant cartilaginous tissue formation was observed in fibrin/PLGA, as proven by the development of cells cluster of various sizes and three-dimensional (3D) cartilaginous histoarchitecture and the presence of proteoglycan-rich matrix and glycosaminoglycan (GAG). The sGAG production measured by 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) assay revealed greater sGAG production in fibrin/PLGA than PLGA group. Immunohistochemical analyses showed expressions of collagen type II, aggrecan core protein and collagen type I genes throughout in vitro culture in both fibrin/PLGA and PLGA.

In conclusion, fibrin promotes cell proliferation, stable in vitro tissue morphology, superior cartilaginous tissue formation and sGAG production of AF and NP cells cultured in PLGA scaffold. The 3D porous PLGA scaffold-cell complexes using fibrin can provide a vehicle for delivery of cells to regenerate tissue-engineered IVD tissue....."

A broader study.... The implantation of non-cell-based materials to prevent the recurrent disc herniation: an in vivo porcine model using quantitative discomanometry examination

Small numbers of spine patients have actually had Fibrin disc treatment and a few have posted their outcomes on the web. 'Sounds' incredible actually. Is a pity medical industry or big pharma didn't put some serious money into biological disc treatment research years ago. Maximum $ per patient seems to be their focus.
I edited names.

" 18 January, 2010. I just had my second 4 level Fibrin Sealant last week. My first treatment was 4 level also in October of 2008. Before learning of the Fibrin Sealant I was told by every surgeon I saw in Honolulu I needed 3 level fusion. I looked into the ADR option , but was told since I would need 2 level high on the lumbar L2-3 L3-4 my chances would be poor at best. I then read .......'s post about her Fibrin Sealant she had in Tyler Texas. The idea of not having hardware in my spine and life without pain meds was worth a shot, no pun intended. I came to Texas with very bad leg pain before my first treatment and a constant stabbing pain on my left facet joint besides disc pain. I walked out of the first treatment without any leg pain period and most of the facet and disc pain was much better.

After 5 weeks I was completely pain free and off all pain meds. The relief lasted over 12 months but slowly crept back except the leg pain which has remained pain free. I decided to have a second treatment in Texas again, once again my disc pain and facet pain has disappeared. Anyone who wants a less invasive treatment should consider the Fibrin Sealant. It burns no bridges and might bring long lasting pain relief. Time and technology will always improve your chances for a better treatment.

Aloha ...........____________
Surfing Accident 20 years ago.
Back pain started 3 to 4 years ago.
Chiropractics, Massage, Meds
MRI 7/30/07
MRI 8/1/08
MRI 3/1/09
DDD in L2-3 and L3-4
Facet injections almost every month for 16 months
Discogram 9/1/08 Positive L2-3 L3-4
4 Level Fibrin Sealant 10/08 pain relief to my legs the next day. Disc Pain much better , but pain returning about 8/09.
4 Level Fibrin Sealant top off 1/10 looking forward to a longer relief this time. "

"21 January, 2010.
Yes the study is very limited and full at this point, but you might be able it receive fibrin sealant outside of the study. Remember I was turned down by all the ADR surgeons based on how many levels I needed and the levels on the lumbar spine. I went from daily goofballs Vicoden ES to no pain meds within 5 weeks of my first procedure and I had 4 levels done. So going from almost inoperable, besides fusion, to pain free and med free with in less then 6 weeks. Without this procedure I would have a 3 level fusion right now and even thou I needed a second treatment I am planning a surf trip to Sumatra Indonesia in April and enjoyed surfing in Hawaii all summer last year.

If I had to get topped off with additional injections for the rest of my life it would be well worth the quality of life it gave me back. With all the technology that will improve the current ADR think how much a few years time a fibrin injection could give you time to get a much better ADR down the road a few years and maybe you will be able to avoid the hardware completely.

Cheers .............
Surfing Accident 20 years ago.
Back pain started 3 to 4 years ago.
Chiropractics, Massage, Meds
MRI 7/30/07
MRI 8/1/08
MRI 3/1/09
DDD in L2-3 and L3-4
Facet injections almost every month for 16 months
Discogram 9/1/08 Positive L2-3 L3-4
4 Level Fibrin Sealant 10/08 pain relief to my legs the next day. Disc Pain much better , but pain returning about 8/09.
4 Level Fibrin Sealant top off 1/10 looking forward to a longer relief this time."
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2010, 12:14 PM
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I should add link about fibrin Phase III clinical trial. They appear to very serious about their product.
Newsroom - Spinal Restoration
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 06:17 AM
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Another post i found regarding fibrin disc injection, by a girl with major spine history.
When this type of treatment hits the market it will worry and then force major companies to compete in this area, leading to more advances. a long overdue option for some, between conservative care and major surgery.

01-20-2009, 11:37 AM
Senior Member

One thing everyone needs to understand is that my spine is more screwed up than the average bear. I have had 6 spinal surgeries and my lumbar artificial disks are in wrong. This is causing scoliosis and the way they are placed continually puts more load on my other disks. This is why I need another sealant done. Most people have gotten at least 3 years out of the injection and are doing well. 3 years is as long as it has been in anyone. I believe 80% have gotten long-term relief. I would not get discouraged that I need another sealant done. I don't think I am the ideal candidate to rate Fibrin on because of the malplacement of my artificial disks. It does work so well that I am willing to give it another try. It is a lot better than taking your chances with a major surgery that may or may not work.

10-02 - ProDiscs L4/5 and L5/S1 - FDA study - disks placed incorrectly which
caused problem at L3/4 and L2/3
01-05 - ProDiscs at C5/6 and C6/7 in Germany - seems to be working fine so far
Bedbound from 09-06 until 10-08 due to severe pain and weakness
09-08 - Had Fibrin sealant done at L3/4 and L2/3 After 6 weeks - much success!
Hoping and praying that the lumbar revision surgery that was scheduled with Dr. Regan
can be indefinitely postponed
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 02:37 AM
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You never know if what u read on the web is fact or fiction. The following post I found elsewhere, sounded almost too good to be true. But I found a scientific extract recently (bottom) that gives it a lot of credibility.

I then did a Pubmed search under "intervertebral disc regeneration" and discovered that a lot of impressive research and testing has taken place over recent years. There would probably be mainstream biologic treatments happening today except that surgeons and medical industry have been (and will remain) much more motivated by the huge profit levels made from surgery as well as the metal bits and pieces that cost thousands.

extract of post...."I was turned down by all the ADR surgeons based on how many levels I needed and the levels on the lumbar spine. I went from daily goofballs Vicoden ES to no pain meds within 5 weeks of my first procedure and I had 4 levels done. So going from almost inoperable, besides fusion, to pain free and med free with in less then 6 weeks. Without this procedure I would have a 3 level fusion right now and even thou I needed a second treatment I am planning a surf trip to Sumatra Indonesia in April and enjoyed surfing in Hawaii all summer last year."

J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2008;19(9):1219-37.
Fibrin promotes proliferation and matrix production of intervertebral disc cells cultured in three-dimensional poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) scaffold.

Sha'ban M, Yoon SJ, Ko YK, Ha HJ, Kim SH, So JW, Idrus RB, Khang G.

Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Previously, we have proven that fibrin and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds facilitate cell proliferation, matrix production and early chondrogenesis of rabbit articular chondrocytes in in vitro and in vivo experiments. In this study, we evaluated the potential of fibrin/PLGA scaffold for intervertebral disc (IVD) tissue engineering using annulus fibrosus (AF) and nucleus pulposus (NP) cells in relation to potential clinical application. PLGA scaffolds were soaked in cells-fibrin suspension and polymerized by dropping thrombin-sodium chloride (CaCl(2)) solution. A PLGA-cell complex without fibrin was used as control. Higher cellular proliferation activity was observed in fibrin/PLGA-seeded AF and NP cells at each time point of 3, 7, 14 and 7 days using the MTT assay. After 3 weeks in vitro incubation, fibrin/PLGA exhibited a firmer gross morphology than PLGA groups. A significant cartilaginous tissue formation was observed in fibrin/PLGA, as proven by the development of cells cluster of various sizes and three-dimensional (3D) cartilaginous histoarchitecture and the presence of proteoglycan-rich matrix and glycosaminoglycan (GAG). The sGAG production measured by 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) assay revealed greater sGAG production in fibrin/PLGA than PLGA group. Immunohistochemical analyses showed expressions of collagen type II, aggrecan core protein and collagen type I genes throughout in vitro culture in both fibrin/PLGA and PLGA. In conclusion, fibrin promotes cell proliferation, stable in vitro tissue morphology, superior cartilaginous tissue formation and sGAG production of AF and NP cells cultured in PLGA scaffold. The 3D porous PLGA scaffold-cell complexes using fibrin can provide a vehicle for delivery of cells to regenerate tissue-engineered IVD tissue.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 04:09 AM
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Some recent biologic disc treatment outcomes........

Intervertebral disc regeneration after implantation of a cell-free bioresorbable implant in a rabbit disc degeneration model.
Department of Rheumatology, Tissue Engineering Laboratory, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany; TransTissue Technologies GmbH, D-10117, Berlin, Germany.

Source Biomaterials 2010 Apr 27.

Abstract Degeneration of the intervertebral disc is the most common cause of lower back pain. Interestingly, all available treatments are limited to treat the symptoms and not the underlying biologic alterations of the disc. Freeze-dried resorbable non-woven polyglycolic acid (PGA) - hyaluronan implants were used in a degenerated disc disease (DDD) model in New Zealand white rabbits. The constructs were immersed in allogenic serum and implanted into the disc defect. Animals with discectomy only served as controls. The T2-weighted/fat suppression sequence signal intensity of the operated discs as assessed by magnet resonance imaging decreased in both groups one week after the operation compared to a healthy disc. After 12 months the implanted group showed an increase of 51% in the signal intensity compared to the 1-week results whereas the signal intensity in the sham group remained on the same level from one week to 12 months. Histological and quantitative immunohistochemical examination after 12 months indicated cell migration into the defect and showed formation of disc repair tissue.

In controls, repair tissue containing type II collagen was not evident.
In conclusion, the implantation of polymer-based constructs after discectomy induces tissue regeneration resulting in improvement of the disc water content.

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000

Disc Regeneration Therapy Using Marrow Mesenchymal Cell Transplantation: A Report of Two Case Studies.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nara Medical University, Nara, Japan.
2010 Apr 23.

STUDY DESIGN.: Marrow mesenchymal cells (MSCs) contain stem cells and possess the ability to regenerate bone, cartilage, and fibrous tissues. Here, we applied this regenerative ability to intervertebral disc regeneration therapy in an attempt to develop a new spinal surgery technique.

OBJECTIVE.: We analyzed the regenerative restoration ability of autologous MSCs in the markedly degenerated intervertebral discs.

SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA.: Fusion for lumbar intervertebral disc instability improves lumbago. However, fused intervertebral discs lack the natural and physiologic functions of intervertebral discs. If intervertebral discs can be regenerated and repaired, then damage to adjacent intervertebral discs can be avoided. We verified the regenerative ability of MSCs by animal studies, and for the first time, performed therapeutic intervertebral disc regeneration therapy in patients and obtained favorable findings.

METHODS.: Subjects were 2 women aged 70 and 67 years; both patients had lumbago, leg pain, and numbness. Myelography and magnetic resonance imaging showed lumbar spinal canal stenosis, and radiograph confirmed the vacuum phenomenon with instability. From the ilium of each patient, marrow fluid was collected, and MSCs were cultured using the medium containing autogenous serum. In surgery, fenestration was performed on the stenosed spinal canal and then pieces of collagen sponge containing autologous MSCs were grafted percutaneously to degenerated intervertebral discs.

RESULTS.: At 2 years after surgery, radiograph and computed tomography showed improvements in the vacuum phenomenon in both patients. On T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, signal intensity of intervertebral discs with cell grafts was high, thus indicating high moisture contents. Roentgenkymography showed that lumbar disc instability improved. Symptom was alleviated in both patients.

CONCLUSION.: The intervertebral disc regeneration therapy using MSC brought about favorable results in these 2 cases. It seems to be a promising minimally invasive treatment.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2010, 07:54 AM
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A single injection promotes disc Regeneration

Hard to get medical industry to run with these treatments, when the huge money is to be made in ADR and fusion hardware.

CONCLUSION: The results of this study show the feasibility of restoring degenerative rabbit discs by a single injection of OP-1 into the nucleus pulposus. Importantly, the effects of the OP-1 injection on disc height were sustained for up to 24 weeks. The metabolic changes in the cells, following a single injection, might be sustained and, thus, induce long-term changes in disc structure. An efficacy study in large animals is required to show further that the intradiscal injection of OP-1, or bone morphogenetic proteins or growth factors with similar properties would be useful for the structural restoration of the IVD in humans.

Osteogenic protein-1 injection into a degenerated ... [Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2006] - PubMed result
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 06:37 AM
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Red wine for disc degeneration.......

The Action of Resveratrol, a Phytoestrogen Found in Grapes,... : Spine
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 06:14 AM
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Have to add collagen type II to the list. A few human and numerous animal studies have shown that it significantly reduces joint pain. Combined with Glucosamine & Chondroitin seems to be superior to either alone.
It's something else that is not really heard about because there's no money in it to attract attention of big pharma or medical industry.
Could be worth a try for pain reduction. The following product sounds good, but i can't speak from experience.
ImmuCell Kolla2 Collagen Type ll 600mg 120 Capsules by Neocell Laboratories - $24.99
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2010, 07:01 AM
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A recent study of restored disc height using non surgical decompression.

BioMed Central | Full text | Restoration of disc height through non-invasive spinal decompression is associated with decreased discogenic low back pain: a retrospective cohort study
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2010, 04:53 PM
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The NuCore Injectable Nucleus seems very similar to the DASCOR System that is no longer viable. Is there any more information on the clinical trial in the US that is referenced?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 11:58 AM
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Nucore type procedure is 100+ times more desirable for patients but something seems to be holding back the development and introduction of minimal biological spine treatments. Could it be the threat to multi billion dollar fusion and ADR industries?

The images of regeneration you wont see with ADR or fusion.

CiteULike: An injectable nucleus replacement as an adjunct to microdiscectomy: 2 year follow-up in a pilot clinical study.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 07:34 PM
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Location: Akron, Ohio
Posts: 63


I have had 2 ADR's at L4/5 and L5/S1. Now I have some problems with L3/4 with front thigh weakness and pain in back. I want to try the Biostat Fibrin sealant. Who performed this for you? Was it part of trial? Thanks
Rob Wilson
2/06 L4/5, L5/S1 ADR Stenum Hospital - Iliac vein cut w/ occlusion of iliac vein and hematoma
12/06 thru 8/07 Laser Spine Institute - 6 surgeries on L3/4 both sides, L4/5 both sides, L5/S1 both sides

4/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L5/S1 right
8/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L5/S1 left
12/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L4/5 right and left

9/8/09 Piriformis surgery for sciatica and cramping
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 08:21 PM
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Rob, I have several clients who've received the fibrin sealant, some with good results, some were not successful. I like Dr. Kevin Pauza in TX for this.

The Nucore is not really a biologic treatment. It's basically performing a nucleus replacement via injecting a flowable hydrogel into the evacuated disc following a discectomy. There are other nucleus replacements that can be inserted endoscopically.

Nucore is similar to the Dascore nucleus replacement except that with Dascore, the flowable polymer fills the evacuated disc space inside of a balloon that inflates with the polymer as it's pushed into into it. The Nucore system does not use a balloon to contain the nucleus replacement. It is simply a hydrogel that directly fills the cavity created by the discectomy.

1997 MVA
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2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2010, 06:09 PM
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My problem with all these studies is that I could do a test on the benefit of drinking beer on discs and a small group of people would report benefits on pain and tests may even show positive results, but how do you determine a test or procedure that has repeatability and whos success spans the population not just hand selected people. There are so many variables that are not studied, what percent would heal normally, time line patients have been hurting to be called chronic, etc. Vax-d, IDET etc. all had such studies promoting their products and are now considered not to work very well.

Most doctors I have seen consider disc regeneration the holy grail and are on board but consider time and testing the determining factor. I for one look at it in terms of quanity. If fibrin did work doctors would make a fortune injecting it in every soul with DDD and still do surguries on ones that don't fit criteria. I know money is a great motivator , but several breakthroughs in the last 100 years in medicine offered great benefits to patients that saved lots of money compared to old standards.

But one variable to is that if one person gets better from IDET, technically it is a success. Albeit only for that one person and their doctor, but a success no doubt. So it is such a slippery slope to decipher these studies and decide what is viable for the population and what might help one, because money has to be there.

I hope they do discover a treatment for disc degeneration because I just dont buy the healing on your own from tears etc. The anatomy of a disc just does not give me any reason to think a tear with any supplement can heal with gravity and pressure constantly on it from standing up and sitting. It would seem any healing done when laying down would introduce a strained disc to gravity when you stand up and the cycle would repeat with the disc tearing what has healed. The studies I have been reading about tears healing dont seem to do a discogram post healing to see if the tear is really there, they have gone off MRI for high intensity zone disappearing. I would like to see a discogram done post healing, but I am sure no one wants to pressure up a disc they think just healed.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 12:58 AM
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Aaron, you have a healthy level of skepticism.

I disagree about the beer study. A LARGE number of drinkers would certianly get improvement from this therapy. I have experienced great benefit, even regeneration of my discs and healing of my annular tears from drinking beer. Sadly, my spine was just to severely damaged for the beer to overcome the DDD. I tried.
1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 10:06 AM
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I have not had the fibrin procedure, but it is one of only a few minimal approach possibilities for me. There are a number of very happy patient outcomes posted about it on the net. As Mark mentioned, Dr. Kevin Pauza in TX is name mentioned. A phase III trial indicates they are serious about it.

Aaron, Mark
Beer in quantity would be effective pain management.
But wine is needed for disc regeneration.
The Action of Resveratrol, a Phytoestrogen Found in Grapes,... : Spine
And glucosamine to help heal tears.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 02:02 PM
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Default Skeptic, yes. Hopeful, very

I am a skeptic but I am very interested in Dr. Pauza trials. But damn, the criteria and testing to make sure you are a good fit is crazy, if what I read about the trial is true. But I am excited as it says if the trial works he wants to expand to cervical and thoracic spine injections.

As spine patients I think I fall into the " I will try anything once " category when dealing with spine so I am trying to contact him concerning if he is going to do a thoracic trial for fibrin. Props for bringing this study to my attention crystal.

Yea Mark I started my own trials on the benefits of beer long ago. Have not yet found many, but I still trudge on ( for the good of man of course).

In all seriousness could you imagine if wine was discovered to work. Sales would hit the roof.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-05-2010, 10:13 AM
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I do have a little more red wine than usual, to help the scientific research.
I suspect that a comprehensive and disciplined multi modality approach would be needed to slow/halt/reverse early disc degeneration. A disc without full thickness tears might also be needed, and a youngish age would also help.

This current trial is hoping to reverse early lumbar disc degeneration by a single injection.
Degenerative Disc Disease Clinical Trial: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled, Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Preliminary Effectiveness of Single Administration Intradiscal rhGDF-5 for the Treatment of

And this recent study claims non-surgical spinal decompression reduces back pain and increases disc height, which would be one ingredient to any regeneration. I think the decompression might work best before a person went to sleep so that it wasn't followed by loading up the disc again and maybe undoing any benefit.
BioMed Central | Full text | Restoration of disc height through non-invasive spinal decompression is associated with decreased discogenic low back pain: a retrospective cohort study
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2010, 03:01 AM
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Default this sounds great

Maybe Mark or someone else may have researched this.....Nonsurgical EXogenous crosslink Therapy (NEXT)
It sounds almost too good to be true........."the treatment will be far less inexpensive than invasive surgeries as it only requires one outpatient procedure. It works immediately and offers more permanent pain relief".

Biotech company wins grant, continues innovative project

Our Technology

Optimization of Protein Crosslinking Formulations ... [Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010] - PubMed result

The Effects of Exogenous Crosslinking on Hydration... [Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010] - PubMed result

Exogenous crosslinking recovers the functional int... [J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010] - PubMed result
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 03:43 PM
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Default about stem cells for fow back pain


The first thing I must do is apologise for my bad english. I am in Madrid and I have suffered from low back pain for two years. I have intervertebral disc degeneration in L5-S1. I had a treatement with my own cultured stem cells on June 2010. My back and leg pain has improved about 40%, maybe a little more, but I have still problems. My question is about where is possible to get this kind of treatments. For example, where LM did he get it? Do you know which clinics in Europe are doing the treatments? And do you know if they are getting good results?

Thank you. You can ask everything about my treatment if it interests you.


Originally Posted by wilsonrob View Post
Don't forget The Regenexx? Procedure
Dramatic Reduction in Disc Bulge with Disc Stem Cell Injection
LM is a 39 year old male with a 16 year history of severe low back and leg pain. He underwent injection of his own cultured stem cells into his disc bulge. His bulge was very large, so he barely met the study criteria and frankly I wasn’t optimistic about his possibilities, but he was entered into the study largely on the optimism of my partner, Dr. Schultz. Well, LM proved me wrong this week. He is now 7 months post procedure and is 80% better. His films are above. Note the very large disc bulge at the tip of the red arrow on both the before images (top is a saw you in half axial view, bottom left is a side view sagittal). Then note the marked reduction in the size of the disc bulge seen at the tip of the yellow arrow in both matching slices on the right. I have also highlighted the S1 nerve on the axial films (the before and after on the top)-red dot on the before, yellow dot on the left. Note how the disc was pressing on this nerve in the before image and is now far away from the disc in the after. This also corresponds to a reduction in his leg symptoms related to this S1 nerve. Realize all of this was accomplished with only an injection and without surgery. Since this disc bulge had been there for a long time and was worsening before treatment, it’s unlikely this represents spontaneous resolution of this disc.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 04:07 PM
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Default It coul help

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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 10:18 PM
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Welcome to the forum! Thanks for posting.

LM is an unnamed participant in the study that was being published by the Regenex people. They had a facility in Colorado that had some diffuculty in the past and had stopped doing their procedures. I don't know if they started again.. Rob... do you have an update?

Dr. Bertagnoli in Germany is still doing the ADCT (atologous chondrocyte) harvesting and reimplantation procedure. You can contact his staff directly or if you'd like some help with the presentation, let me know (via the GPN website linked below.)
1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 11:40 PM
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Default stem cells

Thanks for you answer. I thought Dr. Bertagnoli was specialist in disc replacement and that condrocytes treatment was actually in Codon clinic, but I thought too that they had stopped. I wrote to them, but I got no answer; maybe I should try again.

As I said, I received the stem cell treatment, so I will tell you if it works or not.

Thank you again.

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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 09:26 AM
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There is a top clinic in Austria doing biological treatments on all joints and spine. Will get contact info soon. My friend was their student, now he is doing some of this treatment in Croatia (for example biological transforaminal infiltrations to avoid use of steroids, etc.)

EDIT: Found a link Home
"The world of spinal medicine, unfortunately, is producing patients with failed back surgery syndrome at an alarming rate"

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Last edited by Keano16; 12-19-2010 at 09:34 AM.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 10:43 AM
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Default sten cells


Thanks for your post. I hope you will get some piece of information soon.

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 11:04 AM
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Keano, thanks for the info. Your contribution to the patient community is so valuable. It's great to have you here!
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2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by lugar View Post

Thanks for your post. I hope you will get some piece of information soon.

I can't get in touch with my friend directly, he is traveling a lot and does not reply calls when he is abroad.

I suggest that you go to their contact page, and inquire what could be done in your case: Kontakt

Mark, thanks for kind words.
"The world of spinal medicine, unfortunately, is producing patients with failed back surgery syndrome at an alarming rate"

2005 - 2012: Rich personal experience with spinal disorders and various treatments (surgical, therapeutic, diagnostic)
Co-Founder: Vertebris Internationl Spine Hospital
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 04:59 PM
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Welcome to the forum and I would love to hear more about your experience with being injected with your own stem cells. I don't know if it's information you want post publically or that you'd feel more comfortable writing about in a private mail. I can read spanish if you'd like to prefer to write in your native language altho your written english is fine.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 08:28 PM
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Welcome to the forum. Please start your own thread to tell us a little more about you and your procedure. We'd all like to hear more -

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 12-19-2010, 08:34 PM
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Default stem cells

Well, It is no easy for me to write in english, but I will try. I have disc degeneration disease in L5-S1 and I have suffered pain for two years. I found out a clinic in Spain where they were doing stem cells therapy from autologous mesenchymal cells and I tried. I got innoculated on 10th June and I have improved about 40-50%, specially in my leg pain. Now I am waiting still for six months and then I will see what I can do.

Best regards

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