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iSpine Discuss Finally checking in....sorry about Mark's condition in the Main forums forums; Yesterday was my one year follow up appt. re: 3 level cervical ADR. Thinking about the surgery on the way ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2010, 09:23 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 35
Default Finally checking in....sorry about Mark's condition

Yesterday was my one year follow up appt. re: 3 level cervical ADR. Thinking about the surgery on the way there and back reminded me of all the great information I learned from Ispine. It's been quite a while since I've posted. Mark.....I am sorry to hear about your difficulties. I hope you are able to manage your pain until a more permanent solution is figured out. Have you thought or talked to your PM about Fentanyl patches for pain? They worked better for me than oxy or anything else when my pain was as high. The continued release over 2 or 3 days provided a steady stream of pain releaf without having to watch the clock and swallowing handfuls of pills. I was tempted to not tell you and everyone how well I'm doing after reading about your pain....but then I realized it might do you some good to hear about my "happy ending". As some of you know, I have had severe spine problems. I am fused, with lots of hardware, from T-2 or 3 down to S-1. I also have 3 artificial cervical discs in my neck. The last 5 or 6 years have been challenging....but I think all the pain, suffering, and $$$ were worth it. I have been relatively pain free (no narcotics) for quite a while. yes....my lower back aches a little if I rough house with my grandkids or garden more than I should. And my neck will act up if I spend too much time on the computer or driving..however....I don't think my aches and pains are any worse than other almost 50 yr olds. I have gotten back to a regular exercise routine of walking early in the morning and I am starting private yoga lessons next week. I think getting off of opiates has done wonders for my mental well being. I feel more energetic and happier than I have in a really long time. Mark....I hope you can feel good again soon! Please keep posting so we know how you are and what you are doing. I'll be thinking of you and sending positive healing energy your way! gentle hugs, melody
12/29/08- 3 level ADR Prodisc C in Seattle
12/21/07-Revision surgery, fusion L4/5 L5-S1
1975-scoliosis surgery,Harrington Rods, fused T2 to L4
Felt great in 20's and 30's....late 30's started having chronic neck and lower back pain. By 40 pain worsened enough to begin seeking surgical solutions.

ADR surgery much easier recovery than fusion!
This site has been a great source of information for me! I would be happy to help anyone who has questions.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2010, 11:47 AM
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Default good to hear

That you're doing so well! I have long wanted to get off opiates however found that while needing to be at my father's bedside 24 days in a row nearly 7 hours/day when he needed emergency surgery and afterwards that I am happy if I'm even pain free with opiates compared to what I've lived with in the past re pain.

However I do think that it's far more difficult to move forward mentally than when off opiates so I can surely understand how one would feel much better.

I'd really love to recover my gastrointestinal function again if able to go off opiates! That'd no doubt be a *twofer* ~ the mind and the gut!

Anyway it's very good to hear how well you're doing and that surgery has worked out so well for you. May you stay well!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2010, 02:33 PM
ans ans is offline
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Posts: 362

Wow! No opiates after a 3-level ADR. This is fantastic and I hope it remains this way for the next 75 years.
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