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Maria 07-20-2009 03:31 PM

getting an EMG for upper extremities
I'm about to undergo an EMG tomorrow on upper extremities because of report of dropping things frequently. I think it will be normal tho I'm going to go ahead and get it done anyway. The Neurologist I just started seeing is working with migraine prevention (adding on more drugs and trying to reduce my use of Fioricet to only rescue drug).

Sadly I've found that not having Lola with me helps decrease my episodes of neck pain because she is such a puller when walking w/me. She's a mini schnauzer and I would have to cop to not having trained her well as I'm obviously not the alpha-dog w/her. She is about 20 lbs and when she pulls as in to take flight to chase something (like a cat/bird/squirrel) the action just kills my neck.

So the drugs my new Neuro wants to put me on for migraine prevention and muscle spasm are Depakote and Baclofen.

I decided I don't want to take Depakote after reading about it but rather Topamax.

The Neuro didn't chastise me for my use of Methadone for pain however he did state *of all the drugs you're on you can use Neurontin for the rest of your life as it's that safe..." hmmmm, I don't know about that and I'd like to try to decrease my use by a bit just to see if I get back some brain function as a friend of mine cut out one dose and her mental functioning is much improved. She has more pain but is trading it for ability to think more clearly.

Ok, that's it w/me.. back is status quo for now.. thankfully!

dshobbies 07-20-2009 04:55 PM


Hope all goes well with the test and no surprises come your way. As for Neurontin - I don't function well on it but then again, my pain is mostly copable. If I had to take pain meds everyday, all day, I'd have to reconsider.

Another side effect I've never heard mentioned but is a warning - is a skin sensitivity to perfumes. My arms have recovered but my neck still breaks out in a rash.

My best to you Maria, Dale

Maria 07-20-2009 11:29 PM

I hope there will be no surprises as well.. I was surprised that the office wouldn't take my debit card for the $40 copay so now I'll owe $80 tomorrow.. wahhhh... have to limit the number of doctors visits I can do a mo due to copays (visits/meds)!

I'll post if there's anything squirrely going on;)

Maria 07-21-2009 10:59 PM

EMG today
Was normal per the Neurologist excepting some minor irritation with left cervical area (I had a muscle spasm while parking car and turning my head). I didn't bring my cervical MRI report and the Neuro would like it.

So I'm normal! Just must be mechanical *crap*. I'll ask for a copy of the report soon.

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