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Gil Denis 06-30-2009 05:54 PM

Spinal Cord Stimulater
Hi All

I just came back from a very discouraging Dr Appt. at the University of Utah Dr Meric Schmitz Suggested to implant SCS to relive my nerve pain!

Would not do ADR because I had a Lam at L5-S1 and would not do a fusion with ADR.

Back to the starting of more Doctors :mad:

Has anyone had or have a SCS in their spine would like more information on the subject.



treefrog 06-30-2009 08:25 PM

Gil, that is very disappointing indeed. I don't know much about SCS, but to my mind it is a treatment of last resort. Something for those people with failed back syndrome. And something I hoped to avoid by having ADR surgery.

Now, I have heard of some people for whom the SCS helped their pain, but all it does is mask the pain, it doesn't address the reason for the pain. To me, that is not something you want to consider unless you have exhausted all other options for getting rid of the pain generators first.

Does this doctor think ADR and/or fusion is totally out of the question for you? What have other surgeons said about the possibility of surgery?

Am I right in remembering that you have two bad levels?

This is only my opinion, and is only based on reading what other people have written about their experiences. I really hope that there are other options for you to try first.

Gil Denis 07-01-2009 04:09 AM

Hi Cathy

I have four bad levels, two really bad, I think it is an insurance case about being paid or not:mad:

Other Dr, one said fusion, one could not help, one would do a roto router to remove bone to relieve the nerve And now a SCS.

I will just keep moving forward:)

Texas back institute is next ??



Cindylou 07-01-2009 12:10 PM

Oh, brother, Gil. Not good. Surely someone can get to the right solution and treatment plan for you Gil and your spine. My thoughts are with you. One thing I do know about you WON'T give up! Keep on keeping on until you get there. I know you will. I'm holding you up Gil. God bless.

dshobbies 07-01-2009 04:28 PM


Definitely sounds like this doctor needs to put up his retired sign. I had two disco/lamis and have 3 ADRs. One was supposed to be a fusion with the ADR substituted once I got to Germany. I know of many others who also have fusion combined with ADRs.

Keep searching. The right doctor and solution are out there. A scs won't solve the problem and DDD may just crawl up your spine. Hang in there and keep us posted.


Dulishun 07-01-2009 06:41 PM

A good friend of mine got the stimulator put in a few months ago. The first few weeks were good and then slowly but surely his back pain came back and got even worse. When he went back to the place the put it in, he said that at least half of the people in the waiting room were there to discuss having it removed. He had it disabled and his pain has actually improved with it off. he will have it removed in a month. There may be success stories about these things, but I think that once the body adjusts to the stimulation it's back in the same boast as before. Just my opinion.

L5S1 Herniation and Annular tear
Over 10 epidurals,
DDD, 2 discograms (positive),
Countless attempts at conservative therapy.
Surgery date 5-26-09

Keano16 07-01-2009 09:07 PM

SCS is ONLY solution for people with FBSS.

Be careful, get 10 opinions, from 10 neurosurgeons. SCS can cause big problems to your nerve system.

If not implemented with 100% indication, it can cause for example this:
1. Pain is generated in one of your nerves
2. Pain is comming to your brain
3. SCS stops it
4. SCS is for some reason not working properly (thats why I mentioned 100% indication is needed!!!)
5. Pain is then sent back down to your legs and causes pains, and strange leg reactions.

Be careful about SCS. Its expensive and its not a joke.

Eastex 07-03-2009 09:15 PM

May I suggest Texas Spine and Joint Hospital in Tyler, TX? They were ranked #1 in Texas for spine surgery. Dr. Charles Gordon is a very good surgeon and he explains and answers everything. I was very happy with him. I really felt comfortable when he came out before my surgery and asked if I minded him praying with me. His nurse was very helpful in my recovery and she returned my phone calls very quickly.

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