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Michelle Maree 06-30-2009 02:52 PM

restoring disc height with fusion????
Does anyone know if restoring disc height with a fusion at L5/S1 restores lost lumbar lordosis or does it actually put extra stress on the above level because you can no longer move the joint and better to leave the useless joint as small as possible??

I would love to hear from someone who has had the experience of an L5/S1 fusion if possible. I just want to know if restoring the disc height makes for a more normal back. I have bone on bone at this level and am now experiencing facet pain in levels above due to my lordosis moving further up the spine and am wondering if restoring disc height with fusion might help aleviate this or am i doomed anyway.


fuzzy 06-30-2009 05:01 PM

If you know that you in fact *lost* disk height while at the same time your symtoms increased then chances are that it will help but every spine is unique, your surgeon should know best.

I have a fusion at L5/S1 which restored my disk height from almost bone to bone to what seems to be about normal in the rest of my spine. ADr at 4/5 to provide much needed motion. The outcome is good. before when bending I would crunch bone and then could not get back up as the vetabrae had shifted sideways and it took some time to get then back into alignment putting stress on L4/5 and causing even more pain. All gone now. I still have problems because I am sure so many things have gone wrong but the fusion and restoring disk height improved things. If yours has been that way for a long time there may have been changes of the spine adapting to the situation and it will take a while to heal after you fix it. I am not a Dr. ...what does your surgeon think?

Michelle Maree 07-01-2009 11:43 AM

Thanks Fuzzy,

My doctor says that restoring disk height does increase lordosis, but what I want to know is does doing that actually help or hinder things as, you no longer use that joint space anymore with a fusion. Does it just put more stress on L4/L5 because it is increasing the lumbar angle?
He can only give an educated opinion not one based on experience which is what im after. I realise everyone is different though.

Do you all feel better once disk height at L5/S1 is restored and lumbar curve is restored?

Michelle Maree 07-01-2009 11:49 AM answer the first part of your question yes, my facet pain in the above levels has increased since my L5/S1 facet joints have locked or fused themself and I have a more flattened lumbar curve. So it could be the loss of curve or it could just be the loss of movement......and in that case im stuffed anyway.

Cindylou 07-01-2009 12:00 PM

I'm not sure I can answer your question Michelle, but I can respond by saying I am also another who has had L6-S1 fusion (extra vertebra). However, I have 3 artificial lumbar discs above to support it. It has taken me over 2 years to finally see a reduction in my pain levels. Not a journey for the weary. I hope you get the answers you so deserve. My best to you.

fuzzy 07-02-2009 07:56 AM

oh yes, I also have L6 :D

I my case the fusion hybrid worked. Instantly. In fact I have more motion then I did before. All the stiffness and locking up with pain, gone. Now 1.5 years out I still have problems but nothing like before. It seems the adr provided that need motion to make up for the fusion and i don't seem to have issues with the restored disk height. I get regular sciatic leg pain attacts that leave me limping and on pain killers and I am not sure where those come from. These have gotten worse, get triggered but some activity and take 3 to 4 days of carefulness and painkillers to resolve. Painfull, but not like before as it GOES AWAY for a time which is a BIG difference.

Michelle Maree 07-02-2009 07:34 PM

K thanks guys.

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