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iSpine Discuss visit to OSS re cervical spine in the Main forums forums; I wanted a new MRI due to my increasing neck pain episodes and I mentioned increasing headaches with neck pain/...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2009, 07:48 AM
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Default visit to OSS re cervical spine

I wanted a new MRI due to my increasing neck pain episodes and I mentioned increasing headaches with neck pain/spasms and facial numbness on left side of face on cheek that had spread across my face (cheeks/mouth). Didn't last long but was a weird feeling.. also feeling like something was on my chin .. crawling type of feeling.

The OSS doesn't think the facial symptoms are related to my cervical spine and doesn't want to do *anything* there but wants an MRI of my brain on Monday and referral to Neurlogist early next week to rule out TIA or stroke.

I'm thinking this numbness was part of the migraines I was dealing with the last few weeks and they were exaccerbated by the neck pain episodes I was experiencing.

Until the brain MRI is done and I've seen the Neurologist and been cleared re TIA/stroke the OSS doesn't want to address my cervical spine complaints further (or eval/treatment).
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-26-2009, 06:10 PM
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I have one doc who values my input and knowledge and another who does not.

When Julius suffered from hip pain, the description of the pain told me it came from his back. At first, doc disagreed because he didn't do backs and the hip mri said the same thing. Only then did he transfer him to the back specialist - saying he suspected his back all along?

Sometimes they want to be on the safe side and rule you the obvious. This is good medicine. Sometimes they just want to do it their way.

It sounds like he just wants to cover his bases. But you know him best. Either way, neither a worsening neck or a stroke, isn't exactly good news. With everything else, you really didn't need this. I am sorry.

My thoughts are always with you, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2009, 12:48 AM
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Many doctors do not believe that cervical issues can cause facial numbness because the nerves that go to the face are cranial nerves that exit directly from the brain. It is best to have an MRI rule out a stroke, but I can tell you that after 3 brain MRI's and this last surgery, the numbness in the left side of my face was definately caused by my cervical issues.
Chiari 1 malformation - successful surgery 1-22-09
C5-6 herniation (extrusion) with moderate central canal stenosis and bilateral foraminal stenosis.
Prodisc-C @ C5-6 surgery on 5/28/09
VATS thoracic fusion @ T3-4 and T6-7 on 9/11/09
Fusion w/cage @ C7-T1 on 11/12/09
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2009, 04:02 AM
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Default re *the visit*

This young surgeon is doing CYA as well he should but what ticked me off is he said re my cervical MRI of Nov.'08 when talked about exacerbation of neck probs "you ONLY have a 2 mm disc bulge"... perhaps I only HAD a 2mm disc bulge but I actually think the facial numbness is part of the migraine syndrome and that the exacerbation of the migraines is due to the increased neck problems and possibly aggravated disc bulge.

jchebert.. ditto! I agree w/u!

Bottom line~ I'd still like to address my neck issues after the brain MRI!
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