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Eastex 06-25-2009 10:53 PM

Has anyone had a neurotomy done. I am going on 7/1 and 7/15 to have one.

Gil Denis 06-26-2009 02:06 AM

Hi Eastex

What? never heard of it

Could you Please explain



mmglobal 06-26-2009 02:55 AM

Facet rhizotomy? Radio frequency ablation of nerves to facet?? SI joint???

Change the name on the thread to Facet Rhizotomy instead of Neurotomy and you'll get more replies... many of us have had this done... some with excellent results. (contact labeng for positive reference.)

Eastex 06-28-2009 02:32 AM

I am not sure, but my paper work says "CERVIVAL, THORACIC, AND LUMBOSACRAL NEUROTOMY INFORMATION" What is a Neurotomy and why is it helpful?
"This procedure is done to treat pain caused by facet joints by creating a lesion or burn in the pain fibers to the facet joints also known as the Medial Branch of the posterior primary ramus. The purpose of RFTC of the medial branch is to decrease pain and inprove function. This is done only if pain is relieved temporarily by facet joint injections and the by medial branch nerve blocks" I have had facet joint injections and medial branch nerve blocks already

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