Have seen the commerical - it is the same principle as the Wobble Chair that Some Chiro use look up Pettibone Chiropratic - It is a good idea for the manuevers are safe if you are in reasonably OK condition - in the lumbar spine however with that said if you have severe compression then it wont be such a good idea. The theory is it helps keeps minimal issues from getting worse & I used used the Wobble chair POST ADR surgery & well after being healed - it does help the ligaments to be looser & not as tight - since i didnt' do MRI's to see pre or after which would only be after long term use. I like the back to life better as you are laying supine but the theories are the same. But again when I had a progressive spondylo bone on bone it was not something I would have been doing.
Nor would I advise manuevers if one is being compressed in their lumbar - if only they had such a idea for the Cervical

I would advise you ask a PT person or Physical Med Doc if they have seen the commericals. But again the exact manuevers this does is the exact same as the Wobble chair & it does feel good for the lumbar in taking out aches - and I still have a herniated L3/4 & it didn't excaberate anything - but I also have a working loading disc level still at L4L5 thanks to the ADR so the L3L4 is no longer getting overworked the way it was. And this Wobble chair didn't make that hurt or anything actually the opposite. Been 5 yr's Post ADR & throwing salt over shoulder still doing good. I dont like still to sit for very long so for many lumbar people I would think the back to life would be better than the wobble chair.