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iSpine Discuss Post op Xrays in the Main forums forums; I had my appt. with the surgeon today and here are the X-rays. This is at two weeks. As ...

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Old 06-11-2009, 01:15 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 100
Default Post op Xrays

I had my appt. with the surgeon today and here are the X-rays. This is at two weeks.

As I was explaining everything he began to say that it would be 6 months before we could do anything else and I completely cut him off. I said that was not even remotely possible. He agreed to the discogram and we left it at that.

So that is the game plan. I will be having the discogram as soon as possible and we will see where to go from there. If it turns out that the thoracic herniations are causing the most pain, then I will probably need Mark's help to get in with Dr. Regan in California. If it is the other cervical herniations I will finance the money to get to Dr. B. If it is both, God help me.

Chiari 1 malformation - successful surgery 1-22-09
C5-6 herniation (extrusion) with moderate central canal stenosis and bilateral foraminal stenosis.
Prodisc-C @ C5-6 surgery on 5/28/09
VATS thoracic fusion @ T3-4 and T6-7 on 9/11/09
Fusion w/cage @ C7-T1 on 11/12/09
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