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dridobits 05-28-2009 02:33 AM

Dascor disc arthoplasty system
Hi, here is another name for what I was asking if anyone knew anything about this. If anyone has any information I would really appreciate it. Thank you very much

jchebert1979 05-29-2009 01:13 PM

I know this is probably a stupid question, but did you check out the website? Disc Dynamics, DASCOR Disc Arthroplasty System

I have never heard of it, but it does seem interesting. I hope someone here might have some experience with it and can shed some more info.

mmglobal 05-29-2009 01:51 PM

Dascor, Nucore, Neudisc and many others are all part of new wave of nucleus replacement system that started with RayMedica PDN (prosthetic disc nucleus) many years ago. I've seen some of these systems implanted... basically, there is an endoscopic discectomy followed by implantation of the replacement core, also via the endoscope. I think you'll find both Dascor and Nucore patients on the forum here. The technology looks very promising, but still are not the magic bullet we are hoping for. When it works, it's amazing (like all spine surgeries), but these procedures still comes with all the uncertainty of all the spine surgeries that we face.

mmglobal 05-29-2009 02:03 PM

For most of us, the problem with nucleus replacements is the same as the problem with the biologics (stem cell replacement, ADCT, fibrin injections....). In order for these treatments to have a reasonable chance of success, they must be applied fairly early in the degenerative cascade. By the time most of us realize that we can't just do what our local doctor recommends and start researching options, we are usually pretty far down that road. Too much collapse... too much compromise of the annulus... etc.. will make us ineligible for nucleus replacements.

Keano16 05-29-2009 07:28 PM

My new neurosurgeon is familiar with this types of treatments.

He honestly told me:
"I would never implement this to someone my" ... Honestly said, its still risky and not valuated.

We need to wait more time, that is why doctors are still studying long term results of this process.

Replacement of nucleus is not new procedure, for long period of time scientists are trying to proove that with nucleus replacement pain would go away, because for a long time there was a theory that main reason of pain in the back is disorder in spine biomechanics, caused by disk degradation.

But, recent researches prooved that sterile inflammation caused by chemicall reaction of nucelus and annulus causes irritation of sinu-vertebral nerve, and this casuses 80% of back pain.

mmglobal 05-29-2009 08:31 PM

Keano... that is a great point. Mechanically, if your discs are painful and they can resolve the mechanical issues, short term success is promising. However, you must be comfortable that the materials will stay where they put them and are really inert (in YOUR system), and will remain inert. There are a lot of issues that may only be answered by looking backwards over many years of experience (and we won't know how many years are appropriate until we get there.)


dridobits 05-29-2009 11:08 PM

Thanks so much for the responses guys. I saw the video and contacted them in regards to trials. None were in my area. I guess so much of this is a waiting game. Waiting for new treatments, etc. but then as we wait our situations can deteriorate.

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