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jessmith07 05-22-2009 03:52 AM

Leaving for Europe tomorrow...
...and I'm absolutely terrified...

I know treefrog (Cathy) is already on her way...

Mark...are you still there?

I think I have everything all packed and ready, but I just KNOW that I'll forget something important! I haven't been sleeping well lately, and I'm just EXHAUSTED!!!

I guess I'm just looking for encouragement that I'm doing the right thing by going to Germany and Dr. B for a 2-level lumbar ADR...

Jess :eek:

symara 05-22-2009 11:50 AM

Good luck Jess!

I know you will feel better afterwards! I'm so jealous. But I'm happy for you, you are doing the right thing. I'm looking at it this way for myself. I'm going to do it, and even if it goes wrong for me, at least I tried before going on to more permenant, less "forgiving" procedures like fusion.

dshobbies 05-22-2009 05:16 PM


Of course you're terrified.:eek: We all were and we all lived through it :D Don't worry about forgetting anything, you can buy whatever you need over there.

Good luck, the other side is waiting:D


melodyl 05-22-2009 11:08 PM

Best wishes!
Hi Jess,

It is perfectly normal to be nervous. Having surgery is a huge event in your life.....and going to another country for it adds to the excitement. You will be in good hands and good company. You have done your research and know that this is the best choice for your circumstances. Before you know it, you will be posting to let us all know how well everything went and how much your pain is reduced. We will be looking forward to hearing from you!



Katie 05-23-2009 03:06 AM

Godspeed Jess. I will be thinking of you all the way, and watching for your messages, giving us the good news of your recovery.

Maria 05-23-2009 05:42 PM

wishing you the best!
Who wouldn't be nervous.. but it's exciting to move on in life! Wishing the absolute best for you and can't wait to hear how all goes!

jessmith07 05-24-2009 01:09 AM

We're here...
...and all I can say is WOW! My husband, the seasoned world traveler of 25+ years, just laughs and says, "You have this shell-shocked look in your face". But the fact of the matter is, I've never been outside of the United States (unless you count the time I crossed over into Nogalas, Mexico for about an hour, just to say I did). It's astonoshing be driving around and have no clue what the signs mean. Or that when the speedomoter on the taxi says 180, its not MILES per hour. Oh, and you can FORGET nutrition contents on packaging in the grocery store!!! Even if it was there, unless you're fluent in German, you'd have no clue what the heck it meant!

Tomorrow is Sunday, (well, actually, today is Sunday as it's going on 3 am and ~ BIG SURPRISE ~ I can't sleep) and I really have no desire to leave the safety of this room. Even when I finally managed to get my computer connected to the internet...guess what? My yahoo home page was WHAT?!?!?! IN GERMAN!!! And there was no way around it that I could find! I know that this will probably be very comical one day, and probably is hysterical to those of you that have already been through this, but HOLY CRAP! I planned, I prepared, I made lists, I packed, I asked questions and I read other peoples questions...I only forgot 2 small things, and WHOA! I TOTALLY wasn't prepared for the culture shock! I think it wouldn't be a big deal if I'd ever been out of my home country before, but for a "virgin trip" this is a whammie...having to realize that not only am I traveling to a strange place for a strange surgery by a strange team of doctors that I've never met before, but guess what...I'M GOING TO BE A FOREIGNER! Don't get me wrong, the people are WONDERFUL, it's just a strange sensation...I'm on the flip side of the coin and I don't think that I'll ever be able to look at foreigners in our country again without genuine compassion and admiration for them and how difficult it must be.

Anyway...I suppose I should try to get some sleep...

I'll keep you posted. Hopefully I won't spend the day tomorrow (well, later today) hiding in the closet sucking my thumb :confused: Hubby and I had a wonderful dinner with Mark M. and he introduced us to another of Dr. B's patients who's 2 weeks post op and doing phenominal. I also met Katherine (she's next door and doing great) and Cathy (treefrog) is just down a couple of flights of stairs. I must admit, I felt quite euphoric after dinner, but the panic monster began setting back in within a couple of hours and now Hubby is sweetly snoring :p and I'm...well...I'm not snuggled up to him where I should be. :(

So, maybe I should just get that way...I do love that man! :)

Good night all...

dridobits 05-24-2009 01:18 AM

Your trip
I am thinking of you and wishing you the very best!!!!!

dshobbies 05-24-2009 05:32 PM


Your post made me smile. I remember feeling everything you're feeling now. It's easy for me to say fear not but that 'shell shock' expression is real. You planned and planned for the unknown. You had all your ducks in a row but forgot to include your brain:eek::)

Yes, when you get home you'll look back and smile too but that's a little ways off right now. Try to take your thumb out of your mouth and relax. Think about all of us who are smiling at the memory. Think about that man you love so much who is there to support the woman he loves. With him you can do anything. Go ahead and cuddle for you won't be able to for awhile.

BTW, I agree with you about immigrants. I now look at them differently too.

My thoughts are with you, Dale

runner 05-25-2009 07:18 PM


Think calming thoughts. I know it can be overwhelming but soon you will be on the way to recovery.


Cindylou 05-28-2009 11:41 AM

Jess, wondering how you are. When you are able to post please do. We are all thinking and praying for you. One nice piece in your favor is having all the Americans around. That can be a huge comfort in a strange land. When I was over there a couple years ago, there was not 1 other American (besides my loving husband) in that hospital. Anita had already left. No Mark. No other American patients to fellowship with, and that is huge. So take advantage of any companionship of your fellow Americans. And know we are also here for you, back home.

My best to you,


Justin 05-28-2009 11:57 AM

Hey CL,

I spoke with Cathy (treefrog) yesterday and she said that Jess was having some trouble post-op with the anesthesia and pain medication. Apparently, she was not heavily medicated before surgery and this is probably playing into her symptoms. They both had surgery the same day, May 26th, and are rooming together. They do not have Internet in their room, so that is probably why there are no updates.

I thought I would pop in and give everyone an update.

Cindylou 05-28-2009 12:14 PM

Thank-you Justin.

dshobbies 05-28-2009 04:08 PM

Thanks Justin,

I remember those first few days can be difficult. It turns to fantastic when they become a dim memory. Wishing them both better days and looking forward to updates.

jessmith07 06-01-2009 12:56 PM

I made it to the other side!!!
1 Attachment(s)
Hi everyone! I made it to Paris but not completely unscathed. My feet an ankles were so swollen by the time I got here that I couln't move them and could barely walk! Even though Marty had set up wheelchair service for me, it was not what we were led to believe.

Anyway, the surgery on Tuesday went fine...Wednesday was a blurr. I got sick a couple of times from the morphine, so once they took me off of that, I got better. Thursday, the stupid birds woke me up at 5:00 am, and I decided that enough was enough...I got up out of that bed, put on my brace and took off. By Friday, I was using the stairs insted of the elevator, and had made arrangements to leave the hospital 2 days early (I was supposed to stay until Tuesday, June 2, but left Sunday, May 31).

Aside from the plane ride from Munich to Paris (that little trip wore me out) and Tim V nearly killing us on the Autoban :eek: I'm doing great!!!! I had to come to the hotel and put my feet up for a couple of hours, but the swelling is down quite a bit, and Marty is happlily fussing over me and taking EXCELLENT care of me!!!! :)

Here's to all of you from Paris...CHEERS!!!

mmglobal 06-01-2009 02:09 PM

Wow, Jess... great news! I'm so glad to hear that you made it to Paris! Have a baguette with fresh butter and jam for me. (I don't know why we can't duplicate the taste elsewhere... but there is nothing like breakfast in Paris!)

Sounds like you are on track for an excellent recovery. Please keep us posted. All the best,


Cindylou 06-01-2009 02:17 PM

Ha-ha, love it Jess, sipping wine through a straw!! :D

Take it easy in Paris. But hope you can enjoy some sites. We had our honeymoon in Paris. So romantic.

dshobbies 06-01-2009 04:47 PM


I guess if you have to recoup somewhere, why not Paris? Plane rides can cause your feet to swell without just having had surgery and glad to hear they're back down. You look happy and rested. Can't wait for further updates.

Do you have to go back to Germany for a short term follow-up? or??

Take it slow and keep us posted.


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