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sk8ter 05-10-2009 01:35 AM

Leg Pain
Can you have behind the knee nerve pain on both knees with C5C6 nerve impengment from bone spur and middle to right side 4mm bulge. I didn't know if pain in legs can be caused by cervical issues. i also have what 4 doctors have said frozen shoulder but now after CT and MRI they think is cervical involvement. I am in Los Angeles who are the better docs to do ARD ? in this area?

Katie 05-10-2009 03:04 AM

I have severe compression of the cord from C5/6 and moderate with C4/5. I have unsteady gait and am very clumsy, and fall occasionally. I also have compression, spurs, etc. from L3/4 to L5/S1. We discussed a number of my problems but did not get extremely specific regarding which disc affected which areas. Sorry, I wish I could help more.

My soon to be surgeon is quite worried about the problems that the cervical levels are causing. I do not have the symptoms you are describing though, with pain behind the knees, etc.

Nairek 05-10-2009 04:33 AM

That's a good question. I can't say for sure if cervical issues would cause behind the knee pain. I believe that most cervical issues would affect your arms, hands, fingers, & chest more than the lower portion of the body from the dermatone charts that I have looked at.

Do you have any issues in your lumbar area? Have you had any imaging studies done on your knees? I have had a torn lateral meniscus for years that I still haven't had surgically repaired. Since my fusion surgery, I feel it a lot more than I use to.

dshobbies 05-10-2009 09:51 PM

Hi sk8ter and welcome to the forum,

From what I've read of this and other forums, yes, cervical issues can be the cause of leg pain. I'm also not familiar with ARD???? though I kind of feel I should be:confused:

My best to you, Dale

runner 05-11-2009 12:19 AM


Do you mean ADR (artificial disc replacement)?

Maria 05-11-2009 02:10 AM

re pain in or behind knees
Best to get this checked out by a doctor. Because I have a history of 2 right knee surgeries and osteoarthritis in both knees and patella tendon tracking problems my OSS has had to do diagnostics on my knees that would rule out whether it's just a knee prob or also a problem that is created by or contributed to by my lumbar problems.

I think there are plenty of qualifed docs in the LA area that can check this out for you..

Re the cervical cause of probs~ that I have no clue..

See your doctor or an OSS in the area.

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