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iSpine Discuss Sciatica returns in the Main forums forums; Hi I had surgery on Aug 4th of this year and woke up with my sciatic nerve so mad at ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2013, 07:14 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Sierra Madre, California
Posts: 904
Default Sciatica returns

I had surgery on Aug 4th of this year and woke up with my sciatic nerve so mad at me . Ended up i couldn't walk the pain was so very bad if my toe even touched the ground. No rest possible. So after 5 1/2 half weeks in a wheelchair or bed i had a second surgery to remove the hardwear that had just been put in the lumbar area. The pain went away. It was caused because the screws were pulling out and got the nerve tangled up in them. that is the way i describe it anyway. But that doesn't explain why right after surgery it was so bad, it did get worse when the screws started loosening. Anyway , i thought that problem was long gone.
Two days ago, my right leg started hurting when i was just walking. so i didn't do much of anything. Now the last 2 nights my legs have hurt enough to keep waking me up at night. The left leg is definitely the worst right now and is really reminding me of that time in Aug. Not as bad, but the same pain . Help. I really don't know what to do. I will call my surgeon on Monday if it remains the same. I do see my physical therapist on Monday too and get his insight. No fun , i was just ready yesterday to go for my first post surgeries hike. When i was getting dressed and realizing i couldn't step up or bend my leg without any pain, i desided to forget the hike or walk or anything. sucks.

Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

2007 ACDF 4-7
2008 hip , knee scope, hip replacement
2009 thoracic T-5 thru T-11fusion
2009 VATS T7-8, posterior only T11-12. removal of thoracic hard wear
2010 lung surgery
2010 T2-L2 kyphosis correction
2010 Kyphoplasty T-3, T-4
2011 Cervical osteotomy ,revision C4-T5
2011 Foot surgery
2011 Revision fusion T7 thru L4/laminectomy
2012 Hammertoe correction left foot
2012 Revision fusion T-12 thru L5
2012 Revision fusion L4-L5
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2013, 07:09 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default sciatica

Sorry to read this. I think the only words of wisdom I have are it sounds like you did the right thing abandoning the walk and not further aggravating the situation. I'm hoping it's temporary.

I have been walking alot. In fact today I got overzealous and did two long walks amongst my 4 shorter dog walks. On the 2nd walk in the evening nearly on the way home my right foot tendonitis kicked in again!

Ratz! This stupid posterior tibial tendonitis seems to never go away completely (which I knew it wouldn't just have forgotten I had it as I was doing so well).

Can't find my foot braces now as it's been so long since I've worn them and have to wear them to bed as it helps to immobilize from nearly any movement.

Wonder if that would work for your sciatica? I am remembering a long time ago a woman that I worked with told me in her country they put her in body cast when she hurt her back and had terrible sciatica. She was in the hospital and wore the cast a month I think and then of course she had muscle wasting all over but she said she stopped having back probs and sciatica after that. I had never heard of that before. I do see that immobilization is used at least short term of ligament/tendon type orthopedic injuries of the knee and foot more now before surgery.

Ok blabbing on here.. will stop and just hope this goes away soon for you!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2013, 06:30 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 34

Maria - sorry to hijack this post but could your posterior tibial tendonitis be tarsal tunnel syndrome? It seems that I have both of these (the nerve and tendon).
Rob Wilson
2/06 L4/5, L5/S1 ADR Stenum Hospital - Iliac vein cut w/ occlusion of iliac vein and hematoma
12/06 thru 8/07 Laser Spine Institute - 6 surgeries on L3/4 both sides, L4/5 both sides, L5/S1 both sides

4/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L5/S1 right
8/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L5/S1 left
12/08 Bonati Institute - redo of L4/5 right and left

9/09 Piriformis surgery to remove piriformis muscle causing sciatica
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2013, 08:17 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Sierra Madre, California
Posts: 904

Rob i see you had the piriformis muscle surgery for sciatica. How bad was your sciatica? How long did it last and how did you figure out it was caused by the piriformis muscle? I'm hijacking it right back!!

2007 ACDF 4-7
2008 hip , knee scope, hip replacement
2009 thoracic T-5 thru T-11fusion
2009 VATS T7-8, posterior only T11-12. removal of thoracic hard wear
2010 lung surgery
2010 T2-L2 kyphosis correction
2010 Kyphoplasty T-3, T-4
2011 Cervical osteotomy ,revision C4-T5
2011 Foot surgery
2011 Revision fusion T7 thru L4/laminectomy
2012 Hammertoe correction left foot
2012 Revision fusion T-12 thru L5
2012 Revision fusion L4-L5
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2013, 04:59 PM
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Judy, I've had several clients with unsuccessful lumbar surgery, then later have their sciatica resolved with piriformis surgery. One ID'd it with a diagnostic injection. Others went to piriformis specialists. Any spine surgeon or pain management doctor SHOULD BE able to rule it in or out. Too many of them won't take this diagnosis seriously and don't consider it.

Ask your one of your docs. I've not done this, but I'm told that if you search youtube you'll find videos with instructions on how to sit and move to trigger piriformis syndrome (PS) if that is the problem.

1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
Life After Surgery Website
President: Global Patient Network, Inc.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2013, 07:15 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Sierra Madre, California
Posts: 904

Thanks Mark,
I was reading about this yesterday. I am on my way to physical therapy and he should know the moves to irritate the piriformis. I also was lucky to get an apt with my surgeon for Thursday morning. Usually it takes weeks. I'll let you know what happens besides me going into depression!!

2007 ACDF 4-7
2008 hip , knee scope, hip replacement
2009 thoracic T-5 thru T-11fusion
2009 VATS T7-8, posterior only T11-12. removal of thoracic hard wear
2010 lung surgery
2010 T2-L2 kyphosis correction
2010 Kyphoplasty T-3, T-4
2011 Cervical osteotomy ,revision C4-T5
2011 Foot surgery
2011 Revision fusion T7 thru L4/laminectomy
2012 Hammertoe correction left foot
2012 Revision fusion T-12 thru L5
2012 Revision fusion L4-L5
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