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treefrog 04-23-2009 05:44 PM

Surgery date - May 26
Yay!! I now have a date for my 2-level disc replacement with Dr. Bertagnoli.

May 26th is the start of my new life!

I will be having surgery at St. Elisabeth's in Straubing Germany.

Now to get started on all the travel and recovery plans. There is a lot to be done.

mmglobal 04-23-2009 06:14 PM

Great news Cathy, I'm glad you got what you were after!

We'll have a chance to meet in person as I'll be leaving Straubing on the 25th. If you get there on Saturday or Sunday, maybe we can get together?

All the best... keep us posted,


New-disc 04-23-2009 06:28 PM

Tree frog,

Spring brings you a new beginning.

Your in my prayers!!

Please keep us all posted...

Travel light


Maria 04-23-2009 06:36 PM

I think you are wise to go for this esp. at your age as I was that age more or less when first contemplating ADR and would have loved to been able to have the surgery with Dr.Bertagnoli. I still think that he's the person I'd want to have surgery with because of his expertise and because at this point I'm sure I'd need vertebraplasty. I may have spelled that word incorrectly tho you know what I mean...

So CONGRATS on moving forward to your new life!!! :D

Justin 04-23-2009 06:51 PM

Cathy, I'm so excited for you. It feels like we just spoke about this not too long ago. ;) Your new life will be here before you know it. :D

Talk to you soon.

treefrog 04-23-2009 07:08 PM

Okay, so now I need to figure out all the travel.

Number 1 - I didn't know there are 2 Munich airports, which one do I fly into? Is it Franz Josef Strauss (MUC)?

Number 2 - How long does it take to fly there, I think someone mentioned 10 hrs? I just want to try and figure out, what day to put into the search box, as departure. If I want to arrive on May 22, do I put that I want to fly out on that date, or the 21st? Maybe some playing around will help me figure that one out.

Number 3 - I think I need to wait until I get the official information, to figure out when to schedule the return flight. But on the cost estimate it says an estimated 6 days in hospital. And I would like to stay the additional week after discharge.

So, yes Mark I should be flying in before the weekend. At least that is what I understand.

If my surgery is the 26, admission is the 25, the pre-op stuff is the 24. To be on the safe side I'd like to be there by the 22, just in case there are delays. But at the latest, the 23, which is Saturday.

Kathy 04-23-2009 07:09 PM

Cathy, That is great news! It won't be long and you will be on the other side. Congratulations!!!

dshobbies 04-23-2009 07:49 PM


Great news! I got there 2 days before my surgery. Day of arrival, check out city, next day - admission & pre-op stuff, day of -discogram and surgery. In hospital 9 days, 1 1/2 weeks in hotel, was supposed to be 4-5 days in hospital and the rest in hotel but.... Probably safe to arrive on the 24th. Earlier and you'll have some time to see the sites. Check with Dr. FM.

Leave day before arrival date, to arrive midday??? Should give you plenty of time to get your bags, drive from airport to Straubing, check into hotel, dinner and a little site seeing.

Didn't know about the 2 airports :confused:

Don't let the heebie-jeebies get to you. They'll disappear on the 26th:D.

Good luck to you, Dale

runner 04-23-2009 08:07 PM



treefrog 04-23-2009 08:08 PM

Thanks for that info Dale. I definitely would like to have a day to rest, before the all day pre-op stuff on the 24th. I have heard that day can be tiring. I am hoping though, that I will have most everything done ahead of time, so that it won't be quite so time consuming.

And I know I will be wiped from the flight, so I want some extra time to rest after the flight. Which is why I'd like to arrive on the 22nd, leaving the 23rd to rest and sight-see.

And I have figured out that I need to put in the 21st as departure date, if I want to arrive in Munich on the 22nd.

I was told 6 days in hospital, then plan on staying a week after discharge. That puts us flying out around Mon. Jun 8. Kind of sucks for my boyfriend, who has to go back to work, to arrive home at the start of the work week. Because that really means we don't get home, until Tue. June 9th (despite the time difference).

I guess our flight can be rescheduled if I have difficulties, and am not ready to fly home by then. But I hope it will go according to plan.

trkdoc714 04-23-2009 09:07 PM

That's great news Cathy! The travel can be taxing so it sounds like you have a good plan in place in that respect. Your poor boyfriend on the other hand is going to be dragging for a few days after returning it sounds like. It'll be great to have him there with you. I went to Germany by myself but of the five patients in my group, I was temporarily "adopted" by the mother of one and the wife of another. They helped out a great deal but now I have to buy 2 extra Mothers Day cards.......

Aside from the regularity issue, the results of the travel strain was the worst part of my recovery so far. I hope you fare as well or better!

Good luck to you!


phylly 04-23-2009 11:32 PM

Congratulations Cathy,
I am so happy that you have the date. You will have a month to get everything organized and ready. This is great news.

Michelle Maree 04-24-2009 01:23 AM

Hi Cathy,

I am new to the forum and would like to start by congratulating you on your decision to go ahead with surgery. I hope things go fantastically well for you. I have read your story and can relate to you as you seem to be in a similar position to me, coping ok on meds but limited enough for your life to be effected in important ways and wanting to be able to participate more fully in life. I am not sure still if i am a candidate for ADR but if i were i would only go to the best, as this back has to last the rest of my life. Just wish the Australian dollar wasnt so lousy. I wish you all the best and keep posting throughout your journey if you can. You may just give an Aussie gal the courage to do the same.

Michelle :)

Gil Denis 04-24-2009 01:53 AM

Hi Cathy

Finally a date to a bright new future you must let me know how it goes .

take your time and find the right travel plans were here to help.

i will follow your tread for I may be not far behind you

All the best


Cindylou 04-24-2009 03:31 AM

Cathy, first....a big congrats on having your surgery scheduled. What a relief huh? That's a huge piece of the puzzle right there. I like your idea of arriving on the 22, to give yourself some extra time. Why not? It will be less stressful too all the way around, in case you run into any surprises.

It will be here before you know it. I had 3 lumbar levels done and I was in the hospital for 10 days. I had a few glitches which accounts for the longer stay. We were there a total of 3 weeks which was just perfect. I'm aware not everyone can make that happen, but it was well worth it for me.

Time to start making your lists and packing!


dshobbies 04-24-2009 05:52 PM

Hi Michelle,

Welcome to the forum. Perhaps you can start a new thread and tell us about yourself. I assume you have back or neck issues and you're in pain. I'm sorry for that.

BTW, the entire world's economy ain't doin too good either.


treefrog 04-24-2009 06:08 PM

Hi Michelle, thanks for writing to me on your first post. Yes, the American dollar isn't so great either. Not the best time to be paying for surgery overseas, but my back isn't cooperating. ;) I look forward to reading more about your situation, when you get around to posting about you.

I will try to continue posting here, all through my surgery and recovery. I will start a surgery thread, when the time comes. I am hoping that my boyfriend will get on here and post for me, if I am unable to right after surgery.

A question for anyone that has used the site for sending funds over to Germany. Is it the XETrade part that you sign up on? It looks like it, they say it is for sending funds around the world, so I think that is the right section.

My boyfriend is working at his second job tonight and tomorrow night, he bar-tends part time for extra cash (which is really coming in handy for this surgery), so we will be arranging our flights and hotel on Sunday.

Cheryl 04-24-2009 08:39 PM

Congrats and best of luck.

Yes it is xetrade


jessmith07 04-25-2009 06:20 PM

We'll get to meet...
Hey Cathy...if I can swing it with United to change my flight plans at this late date (I've had a ticket to Paris in hand for months for a vacation), I'll be joining you in Germany! Dr. Fenk-Meyer just e-mailed me that they've put me on the schedule to check-in on the 25th for surgery on the 26th! :)

treefrog 04-25-2009 11:22 PM

Oh, very cool Jess. I hope you are able to re-arrange your flights.

After yesterday's feeling of panic at everything that needed to be done, I am feeling strangely calm today. Maybe it's because there isn't much I can do today. And I think I am starting to believe that everything will work out all right.

I had been feeling pretty sick, with the worry of not knowing what was going to happen. Now that I have a date, and have put some things in motion, I am feeling more relaxed. I also started putting together a list of those things I need to get done.

One question I have though, is what should I ask of my PM doc, as far as medications to take with me. I mean, I'm sure that Drs. Bertagnoli and Fenk-Mayer will take care of meds that I need right after surgery, and the 6 days or so that I am in the hospital. But, I also know that some people have said they were glad of bringing whatever meds they brought. But I have been taking Opana-ER, which is not appropriate for after surgery pain. I also have oxycodone that I take occasionally, for breakthrough pain.

I will be asking her for:
lidocaine patches for around the incision
anti-nausea meds in case I need that (there aren't many pain meds that don't make me sick)
muscle relaxer
something for sleep (again, not something I normally need, but in case I need - like on the flight home)
and of course extra pain meds - oxycodone, or Opana (not ER), and I will also ask how soon after surgery I can start the Opana-ER again.

Is there anything I am forgetting? What if she asks, or says that they should be taking care of all my meds following surgery? What should I say to her then?

Michelle Maree 04-26-2009 12:52 AM

Thanks for the welcome guys........
Hi Guys,

Thanks Dale and Cathy for the welcome. I will introduce myself shortly (as soon as I figure out how to start a thread :rolleyes: hmmmn! :o)

I was just wondering Cathy.Was anything said by doctor B about your mild facet degeneration? I also have this noted on my MRI report and thought it might preclude me from ADR. I am having a facet nerve block this Friday to see how much pain is stemming from them. If it is significant like 50% or more that would count me out right?????

I am really excited for you Cathy and will be cheering you on the whole way.


Katie 04-26-2009 03:50 AM

Click on the main forum...iSpine...then click on 'new thread'...that will get you a thread of your own ;)

dshobbies 04-26-2009 04:59 AM


Unfortunately, I used a lot of my pain meds while still in the hospital. Plan on taking your own meds once you're off the pump. Their meds don't always translate.

If you can take something with you that you can cut in half, it will take you through some heavy duty and lighter pain, as needed. If not, take both with you. The woman who had surgery the same day I did ran out. I needed stronger and stronger meds and poor Julius ran all over Straubing looking for pharmacies on a Sunday.

Also, you're expected to bring any other required meds from home.

You also didn't ask but I didn't plan on wearing my own clothes while in the hospital, just their lovely gown. Wrong - after the first couple of days, everyone wears things like comfortable sweats, etc. I didn't have enough clothes. You'll probably also wear a brace. I wore mine under my clothes but wore a man's sleeveless tight cotton t-shirt underneath so it wasn't next to my skin. I'm pretty sure there's a thread about what to take with you and good ideas, such a a high toilet seat, a grabber or two and so on.

I wish you such good luck. Pain free days are ahead.

Michelle, Facet degeneration may or may not preclude you from ADRs. You need to discuss this with Dr. B, FM. Good luck, I hope it's not too bad.


jessmith07 04-26-2009 03:30 PM


Well, we've got it all set up. My husband was able to change my flight and I'll be arriving in Paris on May 23. We'll then be flying to Munich on the 24th and checking in to the hospital on the 25th.

I have been corresponding with one of Dr. B's patients in Moscow, and she advised me that the Gernam doctors can be a bit stingy with pain meds so to be sure to bring plenty with you. Here is a quote from her email to me:

"One thing I will warn you of, the German docs are very stingy with pain meds post-op. Make sure your US doc gives you an rx of MSContin or oxycontin and a complementing instant release med for pain post-op (they expect you to bring meds from the States). You will likely need it for a month or two. They might give you some Palladon in Germany. It is an excellent sustained release pain med that is unavailable in the States. It is SR dilaudid. If they give you enough for a month or so then try to get instant release dilaudid for breakthrough pain from the US. It isn't available in Germany! You might want to stop the arthrotec a week or so pre-op as it can thin the blood like aspirin or ibuprofen. Ask Dr. B. about it. Also, being a woman who has had children, you are more prone to incisional hernia than males or childless women. Be exceptionally careful with your incision for a year or so! Mine herniated 6 months post-op and the hernia repair surgery was worse than the back surgery!"

I began taking the Arthrotec (an anti-inflamitory) about a month ago, but it was after I began coresponding with Dr. B, so at this time, he is unaware that I'm on it. I will update his team ASAP.

Also, I do recall reading somewhere else that you should bring plenty of comfortable clothing from home, as they don't make you wear hospital gowns for more than a day or so. I like your idea of the lidoderm patches...I have 3 boxes of them, so I'll make sure I bring plenty...wink, wink...:)

Perhaps I'll start a new thread on what to bring and helpful hints so that we can gain from the experience of others here on the site.

Looking forward to seeing you!

treefrog 04-26-2009 04:06 PM

Michelle, I did ask Dr. Fenk-Mayer what they thought of my facets, but I didn't really get an answer. Of course with Dr. B being on vacation right now, it's only Dr. F-M at the helm. I had a facet block, and it did nothing. So, I don't think there is much pain coming from them. I will ask them again, if they think they are a problem, but I would guess that since they want to do the ADR surgery, that they don't think that they are. Although I know there is no guarantee, and they might start to have more problems after the surgery, but of course I am hoping they won't.

Thanks for passing along that information Jess. I am worried now, about what I am going to take. I haven't taken Oxycontin, so I have no idea if it will make me sick or not. I hope my PM doc will have a good idea of how to manage my pain, post-op. And that she won't have a problem giving me enough to manage while I am there. So far she has been fantastic. And she says that I am not one of their patients that they have problems with, so she isn't worried about giving me meds if I need them.

I am getting excited. When my boyfriend wakes up, we will make the flight arrangements. I hope we can get a good deal, like Justin. Though I would guess, the closer to summer it gets, the higher the fares will be.

Cindylou 04-26-2009 09:48 PM

I second the bringing a stash of your own pain meds. I felt like I was drinking colored Kool-aid as my pain med while in Germany. My first couple of days I had completely uncontrolled pain. There is no reason for such suffering. Discuss with your doctor before you go.


Michelle Maree 04-28-2009 09:40 AM

I dont understand...........
Im sorry but I dont understand. Why is your pain medication not handled by the hospital? :confused:
Why would you spend all that money to get surgery in Germany and then have to take a druggies stash with you? It doesnt seem right to me.
Another question: Do any nursing staff check in on you once you are back at the hotel? Or are you on your own? What do you do if you run into trouble during the night? Can you call a german ambulance?
Just things i would want to know before going........

fuzzy 04-28-2009 05:16 PM

he way I understand the german experience is this.

If you are on pain meds NOW (or any other meds) then you should have enough of those for the whole trip. Its a good idea to have those things that you knwo work for you. If you have a certain pain killer regimen. bRING it! Bring extra!! Bring it twice. Split up the pills in your luggage and personal on board possesions. They only want to supply any addtional meds nessesay. If you hurt and your meds are not enough it is important to tell them. They don't want to drug you up if you don't need it (good idea). When changing to something different it can cause you un nessesay pain.

Got to run

dshobbies 04-28-2009 05:41 PM

Though American hospitals insist you use their medication, the German version is different. Their medications are slightly different from ours and though they will give you whatever post-surgical medication you need and/or write a prescription for additional meds while in the hotel, it's just a better idea to bring your own.

Yes, they even make hotel calls, the doctors that is. Their concern for you is fantastic.

I so feared going to Germany for surgery. My worry was a waste of time.

treefrog 04-28-2009 05:58 PM

Well, I have an appointment to see my PM doc. The nurse sounded like she was willing to at least talk to me, about what I might need. She mentioned the person from their office who went to Stenum, so at least it isn't a shock to her, that people choose to go to Germany.

Like I said, so far she has been a phenomenal support to me. I hope that she will hear what I say, about what you guys have said, and understand that I am concerned about my ability to take their meds and be pain free as well as nausea free.

But, gawd, the appointment is at 7:30 am. I have such a difficult time getting up in the morning. But, I know I can do it, when I have to.

I also have to have her fill in the "Certification of Health Care Provider", for FMLA. The doctor here at work suggested that she say something to the effect of, I may be able to return to work with limited duties at the 8 week mark, and that I should be ready to return to work by 12 weeks.

Of course I am really hoping I am ready to return to work by 12 weeks (or earlier), in order to be guaranteed a job. If it takes me more than 12 weeks, they are not obligated to hold a job for me. Even so, if a suitable position were available, with my reputation I would hope that I would be able to have a job no matter when I returned. But it would be nice to have that guarantee.

jessmith07 04-29-2009 07:04 PM

Will the airlines let you keep all your meds in your cary-on? What Fuzzy said about splitting your meds in your luggage worries me a bit...if you pack it in your luggage and they lose your bags, boy, are you in trouble! On the other hand, if you stick it all on your cary-on and try to go through security (after you've checked your bags) are they going to let you through or are they going to take it?

As you can tell, I'm not a very seasoned traveler...:eek:

Cindylou 04-29-2009 08:04 PM

You can absolutely keep all your meds in your carry on. I never put my meds in luggage I check. As long as it is all in the "prescribed" bottles from your docs, you are absolutely fine. Just make sure everything is marked clearly. Hope this helps.

fuzzy 04-30-2009 06:05 AM

No problem with carry on. Me just paranoid so have *extra* set in luggage just in case I lose the regular ones somehow.

mmglobal 04-30-2009 06:59 AM

I recommend taking double meds because you may come back taking more than your pre-op dose. I recommend putting 1/2 in carry on and 1/2 in checked luggage. Then, you can lose either and still have your meds.

treefrog 04-30-2009 04:22 PM

You should also consider getting your doctor to write a note too, saying that you are prescribed the medication for pain. Even though your prescriptions will be in labeled bottles, it doesn't hurt to have that letter too. I always carry one in my wallet, just in case (and particularly when I have just a few pills with me [like taking to work] - because then they are not in labeled bottles).

I won't put any in my checked luggage. TSA employee's have been known to steal medications from baggage. I just don't want to be the person that allows medication to get into the wrong hands.

Unless you put them into a locked box in your luggage, but even then I don't think I would do it. I am going to try and find a little lockable box (like a cash box), so I can lock them up in the hotel room. Not that I don't trust the people at this hotel in particular, but it's just a good idea anywhere that you stay. And even in your won home, if you have guests, it's a good idea that your meds are not accessible.

Kathy 04-30-2009 06:33 PM

Treat your medication like cash! Don't put them anywhere you wouldn't leave $500. Many, many people abuse prescription drugs and will steal them. This addiction affects people in all social and economic groups. I would absolutely not put my meds in my checked bag. I do not trust the TSA employees to not steal them and I don't want to tempt anyone with an addiction. I carried all of them in my carry on bag (which was like a small pharmacy). In the hotel, I locked them in the safe, along with my camera, wallet and jewelry. In my home, I hide them in random places around the home. I don't think any of my guests would steal them; but once again, I don't want to tempt anyone who struggles with this particular addiction. My doctor also will not replace lost or stolen pills, so it is not worth the chance of that happening. I would be very careful where you keep them and where you leave them. I only carry 4 or 5 in my purse, and not in a Rx bottle. My pharmacist said that since I had a valid script that it was not a problem. If I were ever questioned on it, they could call my dr and pharmacist and verify my script. I did carry all the valid bottles when traveling, just in case. Cathy's idea of carrying a note is a great idea too.

treefrog 05-01-2009 02:58 PM

Anybody know if the DVD players they have at the Hotel Theresientor are N. American, and play DVD's with Region 1 encoding? Or are they for playing locally rented movies?

My boyfriend and I are big movie/TV watchers, and will be bringing a lot of DVD's of movies and TV shows. We will watch them on our laptops, if needed. But it would be nicer if we could watch them on the DVD player at the hotel, on their TV's.

Cindylou 05-01-2009 04:19 PM

Boy, I don't remember. I do know we brought our own portable DVD player and watched movies on our laps. We're big movie people too, and that was alot of fun at nighttime. Hopefully, someone else will chime in with an answer.

fuzzy 05-01-2009 05:21 PM

Usually the German players do not play American DVDs.

treefrog 05-01-2009 05:36 PM

Right. Which is why I wanted to know if the DVD players they have available to put in your room at the hotel Theresientor are N. American players, or European.

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