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Nairek 04-22-2009 05:50 AM

Another year older.....
So I hit the big 35 today. For the first time in a very long time, it's nice to not feel like I'm 85!

While I'm not totally pain free, it is an absolute blessing to have a great deal of my pain be gone from my life.

Here's to hoping that the rain stops & the sun comes out so I can have an almost pain free birthday, finally!

:) Karin :)

Cindylou 04-22-2009 02:49 PM

A big, old giant HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! OMG. 35. You are a baby. It's been a long time since I was that age. But, how happy I am for you that you are enjoying diminishing pain levels. That is wonderful news in itself to celebrate.

Don't overdue tho!


treefrog 04-22-2009 03:40 PM

Happy Birthday Karin. I hope the weather improves, so that you can fully enjoy the day.

phylly 04-22-2009 05:09 PM

Happy Birthday Karin,
35 is such a great age. Have a wonderful day.

dshobbies 04-22-2009 05:11 PM

Happy Birthday Karin. 35 is a great age, enjoy it:D

Maria 04-22-2009 06:13 PM

Happy Birthday
Oh Karin.. to be 35 again!!! Wow! I'd love that!
Ok well, I turned 55 in Feb and I was OK with that too except these darned wrinkles and stuff~

Anyway, remember that today will never come again so enjoy it in whatever way you're able. Sometimes we let so much slip away and we don't even realize it.

Live, love and be as happy as you're able.

Happy Healthy Birthday and many many more;)

Gil Denis 04-23-2009 12:44 AM

Hi Karen

Happy Birthday and to a pain free life you have a lot more great years adhead of you,

Oh to be 35 again and know what i know know:D

Have a glass of wine and cake:)

All the BEST


Nairek 04-27-2009 04:43 AM

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! When I woke up that morning to get ready for work, I wanted to just take the day off from both of my jobs & enjoy the day. Sadly I didn't & wish I had.

One of my co-workers asked for help looking up something in the database. I was able to find what she was looking for within 10 seconds. Then my co-worker, for whatever reason, decides to grab me by my shoulders & shake me back & forth in my chair! The only thing I could do is grab my desk & say quite loudly "Don't EVER do that again" as I felt pain radiate from around my fusion.

So the rocket scientist says "OMG I forgot, I'm so sorry". So I tell her maybe I should get up, walk out to my truck & walk around with my cane for the rest of the day so she'll remember.

:::Sigh::: so the rest of my days was kind of shot after that. I wasn't in an incredible amount of pain, but there was more than there usually is. I made it through the rest of the day & went home. When my husband asked me how my day was & I told him what happened, he turned about 3 different shades of white & almost became ill. I had to explain to him that there is driftwood in the sea that has more brain cells than my co-worker.

Later on in the evening, I was walking around in the backyard & had a recurrence of the shooting pain down my right leg for a split second. That was the 1st time since surgery that it has happened. It kind of freaked me out.

So the next day, my co-worker comes up to me & asked me if I was OK. I told her about the shooting pain incident & told her that the new rule was to "Never touch the gimp again"!

Since then, I seem to be doing OK. No lasting effects from the shaking. Just PO'd that it happened.

dshobbies 04-27-2009 06:00 PM


OMG. I know how you feel but I can't help feeling sorry for your co-worker who meant no harm but did it anyway.

I do hope you're ok, that no ill effects are still present from your shaking. I know your co-worker will never forget, ever!

My best to you, Dale

Nairek 04-28-2009 03:20 AM


I'm sure that my co-worker feels bad for shaking me. I hold no ill will towards her. Hopefully in the future she just thinks before she even thinks about doing something like that again. She does ask me how I'm feeling & I tell her that I am hanging in there. I know she hears me cussing under my breath when I push myself too much at work which is why I was so stunned when it happened.

I am feeling a bit more on the sore side than usual but it may be because I am trying to do a little more than I am use to. I'm hoping that it eases up some. I'm under an incredible amount of stress which doesn't help. Eventually things will get easier. :)

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