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mary.mary 04-21-2009 10:32 PM


Ok well, after waking up a couple days ago with a head that felt like it was going to EXPLODE and my vision jumping around like crazy, I went to the ER thinking I was having a STROKE!!

Long story short, they kept me there a couple days, did test after test after test, they finally decided to give me ANOTHER blood-patch, and said that the last patch must not have worked, which caused the headache to become that much worse.

They FINALLY decided I could come home today!! YEAH!!
I tried to come online and send a message through my cell phone, but it didn't work...I could check out the site but not leave messages...LOL!

Just thought I would keep you guys all updated!!

Hope everyone is doing well!!

All the best,

mmglobal 04-21-2009 11:03 PM

Mary, great news that you are on the mend. I know that the headaches from CSF leaks and other problems associated with CSF can be HORRIBLE. My understanding is that the blood patch us very effective for addressing the leaks. Thanks for the update! Stay well,


Kathy 04-21-2009 11:37 PM

Wow Mary, you had one of the horrible side effects of an epidural injection. I am so sorry you had to go through that. Did you get any back pain relief from the injection? I'm sure your daughter is glad to have mommy home. That had to be hard on you, missing her. Praying for you, Kathy

runner 04-22-2009 12:35 AM


What an ordeal. I am sorry you had to go through that.
I have heard of other people needing to have the blood patch redone.

It just sounds like your epidural injection was not done with fluoroscope. Epidurals can be done with not that much pain involved. They have been painful for me and I have had five done, but I never experienced a cerebral spinal fluid leak. I just experienced side effects from the steroid and a couple of days of increased back pain and then I was back to my baseline.
I know you are new to all of this, but epidurals and facet blocks can be relatively painless (not completely painless, but tolerable) and some people can get great relief.

It just sounds like you had an inexperienced operator and unfortunate circumstances. I am glad you didn't have a stroke and I am sure you were terrified that you were having one. My last four injections were done with sedation and i was surprised how much easier they were to tolerate. I would recommend experience, fluoroscope and sedation.


Nairek 04-22-2009 05:32 AM


Glad to hear that you are on the mend!


dshobbies 04-22-2009 05:14 PM


Glad to hear you're feeling better. Have you told your doctor about what he did to you, or allowed? This was needless suffering...'First do no harm'.

treefrog 04-22-2009 07:28 PM

Mary, I am so sorry it took so long for them to get you back to normal (well, not normal, but you know what I mean). It's just awful, what you had to go through.

Who watched your little Angel for you? I'm sure she is very glad to have her Mama back.

Take care.

mary.mary 04-24-2009 04:04 AM

Another update.......

Well, I can't believe the pain I have been having in my low back, it takes my breath away. It feels like contraction type pain, it comes then goes then comes then goes, IT IS CRAZY!! I seriously have to stop everything I am doing when it hits and wait for it to pass, WHAT IS IT??

Ugh!!! Is this EVER going to end? If it isn't one thing its another!!

dshobbies-I also wanted to answer your question with regards to if the dr who did this DISASTER knew about what happened.

He is FULLY aware, actually when I went to the ER and they did all the tests (not sure exactly what they did, can't really remember, I know one was an MRI of my brain, there were a couple other tests as well) to rule everything thing else out before they confirmed it was a Post-Dural Puncture Headache ( I am so impressed I remember the name, hee hee hee) they contacted the dr who did the ESI to tell him I was in the ER and that he needed to come down to look at me, he told the ER dr that he was sick and not able to come down and that I should just be given an IV of saline and demerol and then to send me home and that I could come back in a couple days if not better. THANKFULLY, the ER dr disagreed and contacted another anestesiologist(*SP) and he told the ER dr to admit me and that he would come and see me in the morning...which he did and after 3 days of laying in a hospital bed flat on my back, high as a kite from the pain meds, with a headache that was bearable as long as I didn't move to ANY type of vertical position and sit up, I was FINALLY given a 2nd blood patch and was able to go home the next morning......

I have a follow-up appt with my family dr tomorrow, so I am hoping he MIGHT be able to help me out with the contractions I am having in my back-or whatever they are, if you were to look at my low back it is DESTROYED, BRUISED and there are 5 puncture marks, from the needles...YUCK!!!

I do want to THANK you all for taking the time to read my posts and help me out, you have ALL helped me get through it all when I thought I couldn't....


dshobbies 04-24-2009 05:44 PM

Just one more comment Mary,

Send the first doc the bill from the er and hospital.

My husband is a car restorer. If any damage is a result of something he has done, he is responsible. When my pool guy caused something to fail, he was responsible. When the electrician caused ... he was responsible. WHEN A DOCTOR CAUSES... HE SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE. SEND HIM THE BILL!


treefrog 04-24-2009 07:09 PM

Wow, Mary. My heart is aching for what you are going through. I wish that there was some way that I could help you. Well, just know that we are all here for you, to help in the only real way that we can, and that is with knowledge and advice, and understanding for your situation.

I am so sorry you are in such pain, and for so long. I hope that your doctor can help you soon.

runner 04-25-2009 02:12 AM


The "take your breath away" back pain is what I experienced on a regular basis before I had my ADR surgery.
Recently, it has come back a bit but in 2007-2008, that pain was from a degenerated and herniated disc.


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