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dshobbies 01-27-2009 05:17 PM

I spoke too soon
A couple of months ago I posted that I was off Celebrex which was the last of my spinal meds. I asked if headaches were a part of the withdrawal. Obviously, the drug was still in my system because once it left, the pain returned. By days end my leg hurt so badly I needed daily pain meds. My activity level dropped dramatically.

I didn't want to start up again but felt that quality of life issue guided me back onto Celebrex. I see a new PM in a few weeks and will discuss the negatives with him. I guess I already know the positives!


Gil Denis 01-27-2009 05:52 PM

leg pain
Hi Dale

What do you think your pain is generated from, is it your ADR or facet joints?
Keep me posted I am looking into Dr B for Three levels?
Have some nerve damage in left leg.

Thanks Gil:)

dshobbies 01-27-2009 07:59 PM


I had no leg pain prior to my 3 level. During surgery, the nerve root was 'irritated' and caused extreme nerve damage. Better then a bad back but still difficult!

My definition of 100% may be different but so is the definition for irritated:rolleyes:


mmglobal 01-27-2009 10:02 PM


While I left the opiates, Neurontin, AD's behind just a few weeks after my adr surgery in 2002, I have never been able to be off the anti-inflammatories for more than a couple of weeks. It's never worth it. Stomach irritation has not been an issue, but it may be starting up. I really am sorry that Bextra was taken off the market. Not only was the the best nsaid for me, but it also had the best stomache buffer.

I'm sorry that you cannot stay of the celebrex... I was so glad when you posted. I'll be that you'll try again in a few months. You are ahead of where you were months ago... maybe you'll continue to improve.


Kathy 01-27-2009 10:25 PM

I know you want to be off the medications so badly. It is no fun having to take something to function. I would love to not take anything and hope to one day be there; but if doing so means a poor quality of life, then I will continue to take meds as well. I am sorry that you were 'off meds' and now you will have to be back on them. I wish you the best of luck.

SandyW 01-27-2009 10:54 PM


Sorry to hear you can't get along without the anti-inflammatories. Maybe the doctor can try something other than Celebrex. Sometimes we have to give in and take those pills. Just wish you could have managed without.

I know I would feel much better if I could take anti-inflammatories. Have taken OC ibuphrophen for years and it worked so well. Started having severe chest pains, trips to the emergency room. Had all the heart tests. Doctors decided my heart was fine, but my stomach wasn't. :D

My husband takes OC ibuphrophen for his ankle replacement in 2001 and more now for his back pain - up to 9. Sure hope he has a strong tummy. Doesn't need any pain meds for the back yet. He reads all your posts and says "no way do I want lumbar surgery." He's getting smarter about using his back correctly, more core building and less lifting. Hasn't had the legs go out on him for 6 months or so.

Best wishes and hang in there - be cool :cool:! Sandy

phylly 01-28-2009 03:35 AM

I understand how you may need the Celebrex. I have had to go off mine for my surgery and the rest of me hurts so much. It is a great drug and if it helps and does no harm then you may need to stay on it for awhile.

Maria 01-28-2009 02:43 PM

sounds ok to me
I do what I have to medication wise to be functional. I've tried decreasing both my Neurontin and Methadone and the result was horrific pain that laid me out and had me in terrible pain and crying sooo much. I was totally emotionally and functionally debilitated. So obviously it's just not worth to me.

Maybe some day I can stop the Methadone w/help but I'm pretty sure I'll be on the Neurontin or something like it for a long time re burning nerve type pain. Even the Methadone helps with this I think....

So here's what I say~ live your life with what helps you to live it as long as it's not creating other medical or other problems for you;)

fortitudine 02-02-2009 05:08 PM

Maybe I'm just lucky
I have been on a prescription anti-inflammatory for so many years I can't remember - probably twelve or more, for arthritis since my late 40's. First it was Arthrotec and then Celebrex when it came on the market. Celebrex stopped working for me after about 5 year and I went back on Arthrotec. It's an old drug - a good anti-inflammatory combined with a stomach protector that has worked great for me for many years. I don't know why more docs don't prescribe it.

dshobbies 02-02-2009 05:37 PM

I'll ask my new pm about Arthrotec. My concern is more about liver damage over long term use. So far my stomach is OK. I'm not opposed to taking drugs as needed but known side effects have me concerned. I'm the side effect queen!

treefrog 02-02-2009 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Maria (Post 6162)
Maybe some day I can stop the Methadone w/help but I'm pretty sure I'll be on the Neurontin or something like it for a long time re burning nerve type pain. Even the Methadone helps with this I think....

Maria, I think my pain med (Opana-ER = oxymorphone) also helps my nerve pain. I had been having nerve pain that went from my right hip into my thigh for the longest time, and even neurontin only helped a little. But after my discogram caused me lots of extra pain, nerve pain at that (in my knee, calf and feet), my doctor increased the Opana-ER. Since then, I haven't had the pain in my hip or thigh. I do still have some tingling and slight numbness in both heels, and my right calf and knee feel a little numb, but it's not nearly as bad as the other pain had been.

marion 02-02-2009 07:59 PM

Hi DShobbies. I am sorry you have found you still need meds celebrex I havent heard of it is it really so bad? I know it means you need it, if the pain is bad when you stop but I dont think you should beat yourself up about it.

I was on less meds before my operation than I am now!!! I have gone through the feeling of failure. I take them now to prevent the pain getting out of hand , not like before when I took them and the pain was always out of hand !!! I would amount of drugs I take daily , and I wonder in the long term what they will do to me, do you?? Marion

dshobbies 02-03-2009 12:26 AM


Long term effects of drugs are different for the various drugs. For Celebrex and other nsaids, it could be liver damage. I'm not opposed to taking any drug for the rest of my life but I am concerned about possible liver damage.

I'm also very upset about possible side effects for osteoporosis drugs, which I should probably start taking soon. One side effect is that is can actually cause osteoporosis of the jaw:eek: This has me pretty nervous.

Maria 02-05-2009 04:29 PM

re meds/osteoporosis
I cannot seem to find even a calcium supplement of any type I can stomach w/my methadone. Then to top it off I too was really concerned re the potential jaw necrosis effects of my osteoporosis med (Actonel) so I stopped it for over a year.

Went from t-2.2 to t-2.6 this past year.

I'm also not pleased with the cholesterol reducing drugs. Liver toxicity seems so possible.

Currently I'm taking Methadone, Neurontin, Fioricet, Skelaxin and supposed to take Actonel and Zocor (the two I'm not taking as I should).

I see my PCP next week and I know she will be only too happy to yet throw another script my way for whatever I mention..

What has medicine come to? I always ask about the drugs interacting and am reassured they won't. I always ask about potential probs caused by prescribed drugs and am told that the benefit outweighs the risk currently (esp. with osteoporosis and cholesterol meds).

I'm ranting .. sorry. There is more I can say tho it all boils me being non compliant I suppose.

Anyway, I do hear your concerns and share them re the biophosphates..

mmglobal 02-05-2009 05:54 PM

I've been taking NSAIDS almost continuously for 7,8,9? years. I do liver function studies yearly.... knock on wood, no problems. Also, as I mentioned above... no stomache issues, but I think that may be changing. I probably need to leave regular Volateren. In Germany, they have a combo Voltaren with a stomache buffer. I have an appt. with new primary care next week... I'll see about changing things up.


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