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mrbee 08-09-2008 10:43 PM

MrBee's webpage: Impossible Miracle
Hello to everyone here at iSpine,

It has been a long time for me to post here or to any spine forum. Mark has asked me to update my outcome etc. I thought maybe the best way to do this is to introduce my new web page The Impossible Miracle - A True Account of a Modern Day Miracle. This incredible story of my journey through spine surgery, ADR surgery and a rare revision with horrible complcations is shown here in wonderful web format.

I encourage everyone to visit this site and learn briefly the story, with photos, of my medical tragedy, ending with one of the most amazing miraculous healings. I hope that my story wil help others to not give up. even while suffering never ending pain. But to trust in God who hears our prayers and will lighten our burden.

Of course I cannot thank Mark enough for all he has done to help me and so many others as we have travelled the world of back pain together. Mine is gone forever through God's blessing me. I pray for this to happen to others through God's grace.

Please share the story and the web page with everyone.

God bless,

Willie Beeson

mmglobal 08-10-2008 08:52 PM

Dear Willie,

I'm so sorry that I could not make the launch party. Please post the schedule of your signings here... I'd love to come to one... maybe we can put a luncheon together around one?

Also.... feel free to post any news on the airing of the show???

It's been great to see all of this take shape. I wish you all the success in the world with your book, speaking engagements, etc... Yours is such an incredible story.

Let's talk soon.... I'll be back in a week.... all the best,


ans 08-10-2008 11:32 PM

Great news, all around for you Willie.

Did you consider going with a huge publishing company so you'd be rich and famous?

This is truly a miracle.

My best, Allan

mrbee 08-11-2008 12:14 AM

Hi Ans,

My healing is an amazing miracle! My life each day is a testimony to the truth of God. I myself cannot deny any of it. I however, can only tell this incredible story as it is. Thank you for the encouragement. No I did not choose a major publisher. I desired to go with a small publisher who has integrity and sound beliefs. Plus I retained all the rights to my story. For a first time author that is nearly impossible with large publishers.

Please tell people about this story. The web page is great. The book is unbelievable. Right now I am editing the audio version I recorded 2 months ago. This is hard work. I have deep respect for authors efforts to write that I never understood before.

I hope we can all have an ipsine gathering soon. After summer (I am an air conditioning contractor) if Mark is stateside, maybe my wife would agree to have a party at our home. I would like to do this. Once Mark comes home I will talk to him about his schedule etc. Anyway, it would be great to do this. Mark has done so many at his place it is time for me to step up, lol.

Take care and God bless you,


mrbee 08-11-2008 12:30 AM

Hi Mark,

How is Germany? I pray that you are well and that your clients are recovering quickly. You are a wonder to do this over and over. It is a difficult job at times.

I did speak to Des and she said that we are in post production and it looks like Sept for a planned release date on the taping. I so want a copy!! I do have book signings with Borders. One on Sept 27th in Brea. The other Oct 4th in Montclair (Plaza). I will post the times later. Maybe GPN can do the same.

I would love a luncheon. Maybe as I told Ans we could do a party at my home in late Sept. I will have to get permission from Darla etc. The launch party was a great success. Many people came and shared in the wonder of this incredible time. Darla had a cake made up just like the book, it was awesome. I still don't have the pics, you need to see them!

Also a newspaper reporter came and interviewed me for the OC register. Pretty cool, huh. That will be out in 2 weeks she said. Anyway, I miss you and look forward to you being back in town. Oh, thank you for letting me post the website here (best to ask for forgiveness) I thought the web page would be the best way to post. It is so awesome!

Call me once you are home, much to discuss.


mmglobal 06-22-2009 11:53 PM

I just returned from kc0iet's revision surgery and by amazing coincidence, I'll be spending the evening with another client who's story is similar.

Willie's amazing story will be webcast live and ultimately broadcast, but I don't know the details. I'll be there to help explain where I can and to give witness to Willie's amazing story. Here is an email that he sent out....


PS... again.. webcase live in a couple of hours!


Hello Friends,

I would like you to see this Monday night, June 22ND, a Web Cast live video taping of my incredible healing story. It will be shown on UNCIONTV go to the web page (in Spanish) Iglesia Cuadrangular Catedral de Milagros
Click the TV link and if your computer has the right flash file it will play. The shoot begins at 7pm. Since my incredible healing in April 2005, I have been sharing the story in various settings. You will be impacted by the depth of my story and the amazing healing I received. Even if you do not have belief or a faith, I encourage you to watch this. It will be broadcast in English. It will be @ one hour. There will be several "witnesses" on stage who watched this amazing story unfold and witnessed my instantaneous healing!

As someone who I have met I wish to invite you to hear and see my story. It will help you to understand what my family went through and how only through the grace of God I was restored. Please take the time and watch this.

Thank you for your time, I do not usually send out mass emails, this is a unique moment that I wanted to share with you.


Willie Beeson

Katie 06-23-2009 12:48 AM

Warning:infected link worm!!!!!!
Great...everyone stop trying to load is a virus/worm!

Katie 06-23-2009 12:49 AM

Nice job guys! Thankfully my computer caught this before i lost everything.

Please everyone not try to open this link!

Jim M2 06-23-2009 11:33 PM

I bought Willie's book from this link "The Impossible Miracle - A True Account of a Modern Day Miracle"

That's not the infected link, right?

Katie 06-24-2009 01:17 AM

Yes it is. When I clicked on the link above, my virus protection software set off all kinds of alarms. I don't know when you last clicked on that link, but it sure was infected yesterday. Thankfully I was able to shut down before my computer was affected.

Please be careful. I hope you enjoy the book though and I really would have liked to have had a look at it.

Gil Denis 06-24-2009 03:55 AM

Hey everyone

Do not open this link:eek:

I use a mac and all my protections prevented a major problem :eek::eek::eek:

Nice job Willie:mad:

All be Good


fuzzy 06-24-2009 06:23 AM

Willie's site is fine. It is a fine read and there are no virus or worms.

The spanish website that was used for the live broadcast is a little questionable. I suggest not to load that page but then the broadcast must be over now.

mark-perth 06-27-2009 06:59 AM

Thanks alot Mrbee and MM, just what I want on my computer. This is my last straw with this extremely biased site. Its obvious this site is purely just a marketing site for GPN to get business. If it wasnt he wouldnt have responded to my very first post with this PM below.

Global Patient Network


Mark, I don't typically solicit people on iSpine. I try to keep my business away from the forum. Your case is difficult and you must be very careful. I can help you in very meaningful ways... If you want to discuss it... let me know. I can call you if you want.


714.292.8104 cell California time
1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Life After Surgery Website
President: Global Patient Network, Inc.

If Mark Mintzer was interested in anything apart from his bank balance then he would have helped me like he suggested above but never responded to my return message. Surprise surprise I didnt hear from him again after he found out that I had already contacted Dr B directly. Beware all, this site is nothing but a con.


Keano16 06-27-2009 12:19 PM

Yes, I must comment on this also.

I am not trying to insult anyone, but here is the same situation. 2 years ago I presented my problem to Brain-Forums community.

Mark sent me PM there, offered me help with BEST doctors in europe... I sent him 3-4 PM's there, I sent him 3-4 emails. Then I also wrote on this forum, sent him PM here.

No reply here either.

Regards to everyone.

fuzzy 06-28-2009 06:33 AM

Mark, the communication issue seems to be a little bit of a problem.

Mrbee's Willies site is fine. No problems with it.

KL Aguilar 06-30-2009 03:10 AM

I met Mr. Bee at one of Mark's functions. A true miracle. I didn't know he had a book out; I am going to order it on Amazon. I need a miracle too!

JeffreyD 07-01-2009 05:09 AM

Willy's book
It's a truly awesome (and awesomely true) book.

Jim M2 07-01-2009 09:18 PM

Before God's intervention in Willie's life I knew Willie thanks to Mark Mintzer. At the GPN website you can see pictures of me, Willie, Mark and many other at GPN patient-doctor seminars and BBQs in Mark's backyard. You can see Willie at the Dr. Regan seminar before he sank almost to his death. I heard Willie's miraculous story first hand at a patient gathering at Dan's apartement party room in 2005. It was awesome. I really did order the book online (haven't seen it yet) because I am truly interested in it. Hope I didn't catch a virus.

We are all friends, all in pain and all looking for support and information through this website. You can see all of the valuable information Mark gives us here. I don't know how he finds the time to do it. I know Mark's primary motivation is to help. Before he started the business he helped me. Go look at the first GPN gatherings in 2003-2004. 100's of hours of organizing by Mark. No money was made. I used to stop by his house and he would talk about the conflict between going back to work or continuing to help others. I suppose GPN is the compromise. He had 3 teenagers at the time. Some of us on these forums have wondered how Mark can support a family doing it. If Mark is making some money now I'm all for it. Of course if you haven't known Mark over the period I describe I can understand why you think he's completely money motivated. I can assure you it's not his prime motive.

Cindylou 07-01-2009 11:54 PM

Well said Jim. Thank-you!

cavalier 07-02-2009 03:01 AM

I have never found Mark pushy - he offers help & if someone says for now no that is fine - he is simply there if you need his services. On the flip side of this if he didn't offer help many folks who NEEDED his help who didn't have the resources /the time especially in pain may have just jumped at the 1st spine doc's surgical offer. For some folks that is not always the best thing taking the 1st doc they talk too for their best outcome for life. It is a maze that some people dont have years to deal with learning especially in pain. He fills a spot that has helped many people who needed his services. Damned if you ask and damned for the people if he doesn't, but there is no pressure. If you feel comfortable making decisions then fine. He is supportive of people either way and he has been thru alot There is alot of time involved in working on one case. I would personally rather someone ask me if i need help & if i dont I will say so. It is hard work & it can be daunting getting conflicting "expert" doctor opinions, yet if we pick not the best one for us, only we have to live with those decisions. Keep in mind with the traveling & being in surgeries I know Doctor's are not always as fast in getting back to patients either. It is a challenge but if you dont want to use the service then dont, simple as that no harm no foul. I have seen posts to people on the forum regardless when he can. I guess it's always easy to judge but i know from my years of work in dogs and breeding - people always took up large banks of my time, gaining knowledge & even saying they wanted a pup from me etc - or saying they were going to buy one of ours only to use that knowledge & time I invested into them and buy elsewhere from a competitor who spent no time with them at all as they then knew more of what to look for etc. People want to help but there is this thing called trying to make a living he has a passion for this and trying to have that middle ground. Best - Jill

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