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Rob Prodisc L5-s1 ans L5-L4 Aug 14 2007
SURGERY DATE:14 Aug 2007
AGE AT SURGERY DATE:39 SURGEON: SURGERY LOCATION/CLINIC:Calgary Alberta DEVICE(s), LEVEL(s):Prodisc l5-s1 l5-l4 COST =0 AMOUNT BILLED:0 INSURANCE ALLOWED:0 OUT OF POCKET:0 TRAVEL:0 EXPLANATIONS? Canada -Army ONSET OF LUMBAR PROBLEMS, DATE OF INJURY, CAUSE, ETC...:Age 18 1986 herniated disc. Cause farm Labour. repaired 1996 sore back all the time 2003 Herniated disc number 2 (vehicle hit trench in training area hit my lower back so hard had a nap I hit so hard)(fell from 2 to 1 floor house to house fighting..(training)) PRIOR SPINE SURGERIES AND PROCEDURES (IDET, ESI, etc...):1986 herniated disc was fixed with a procedure called I think Chymopapain ? discogram operation. PRE-OP MEDICATIONS:tylenol 3, (less moving or else!) PRE-OP DIAGNOSTICS (discogram, nerve root blocks, etc...):Moderate sized Central Protrusion l4-l5 causing flattening of the central canal, causing moderate canal and lateral recess stenosis as well as chronic changes at the L5-s1 PRE-OP NEUROPATHIES (what, where, & degree of pain, numbness, tingling, sexual/bladder/bowel symptoms, etc.): Moved to a desk job. Left leg would get numb the more distance I would put on my feet. Step would get shorter also. Pain worse when standing in one spot. However back muscles where worked out daily with little or no problems however later would stiffen up . Nerve pain over hips, this would cause my step to shorten while walking and foot to numb. PRE-OP CONDITION (Please include %leg pain/% back pain, pain levels, type of pain, ability to work and function, disability status, etc.... be direct, but be as verbose as you need to): Pain level would always be distracting. Leg pain and hip was worse than back when sitting. However standing in one spot was brutal on the back. Would grocery shop with the wife, and always be hunched over the cart. TIME POST-OP AT ORIGINAL POST HERE: DESCRIBE YOUR SURGICAL EXPERIENCE: No real problems. Drugs did a good job. Was walking the next day. 4th day left the hospital. Oxy lasted for 7 days when it ran out, at night the pain, nerve issues was crazy. Stayed on oxy for a month after mostly just at night. RATE FUNCTIONALITY / SATISFACTION AT INTERVALS BELOW: FUNCTIONALITY: 1. Very poor: much worse... disabled after surgery. 2. Poor: worse after surgery. 3. Neutral: No improvement, or improvements offset by new problems. 4. Fair, some improvement, limitations are still serious. 5. Good, substantial improvement, some limitations. 6. Excellent: no limitations. SATISFACTION: 1. Very sorry I had the surgery. 2. Somewhat sorry I had the surgery. 3. Too soon to tell, or I'm ambivalent about the surgery. 4. I'm somewhat glad I did my surgery. 5. I'm very glad I did my surgery. Don't forget the detail update section below! DATE UPDATED: __sept 14 4 weeks post opFUNCTIONALITY: __3_ SATISFACTION: __3_ DATE UPDATED: __Jan 6 monyh post op FUNCTIONALITY: __5_ SATISFACTION: ___4 DATE UPDATED: __July 14 11 month post op__FUNCTIONALITY: __5_ SATISFACTION: ___4 DATE UPDATED: _________ FUNCTIONALITY: ___ SATISFACTION: ___ [1 YEAR POST-OP] DATE UPDATED: _________ FUNCTIONALITY: ___ SATISFACTION: ___ [2 YEARS POST-OP] DATE UPDATED: _________ FUNCTIONALITY: ___ SATISFACTION: ___ [3 YEARS POST-OP] DATE UPDATED: _________ FUNCTIONALITY: ___ SATISFACTION: ___ [4 YEARS POST-OP] DATE UPDATED: _________ FUNCTIONALITY: ___ SATISFACTION: ___ [5 YEARS POST-OP] DATE UPDATED: _________ FUNCTIONALITY: ___ SATISFACTION: ___ [6 YEARS POST-OP] DATE UPDATED: _________ FUNCTIONALITY: ___ SATISFACTION: ___ [7 YEARS POST-OP] 6 WEEKS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ECT... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): 3 MONTHS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): 6 MONTHS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): I have notice that I dont get up with a sore back. I shave without being all bent out of shape. Impact doesnt hurt the back however fells uncomfortable. lifting my weight off my legs and than reapplying the weight use to hurt like heck. Not anymore. Still have pain over the hips, but not the same as before. My stride is no longer shorted by the hip pain. However after sitting there is hip pain after a few hours and the back is a little sore. Of course some days are worse than others. Night is still an issue. If i take nothing I may fall asleep but I always wake up hour and a half later in intense nerve pain. I am taking oxy at night for this but the surgeon is very ticked I am. I have tryed everything else, nothing works yet. I will continue to use friday as my test night. I take nothing on fridays, so if I get a real bad sleep it doesnt effect my work during the week. Hoping for that day when I wake up and go, "it didnt happpen" . That happen once, however failed the next night. Still get leg cramps in the left leg. easy to induce myself. 1 YEAR POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): Day is much the same as 6 month report. However I have managed to get off of oxy but normal pain killer is no good to me. Using Tylenol 3. I get a good 4 hr sleep. Notice my post on restless leg syndrome...I am sure I fall into that catagory. I tried last friday to take nothing, my wife says I was kicking to beat oh hell. I was half asleep. I lost..again back to the Tyn 3/ or 4. check up with surgeon this Monday..he is going to be mad...Still get leg cramps in the left leg. easy to induce myself. Hamstring also. IF I attempt to touch my heel to butt. leg cramp. like that since surgery. Also just before I have to go to the wash room, my left inside leg feels wet, butt feels wet and tingly, its been like that just before a number since my surgery. Strange but true. However I do run with my wife, I ride my motorbike, (not hard) I hunt (slower), and after 2 to 3 hours of labour I take a t3. Not sure how my body will react to day after day of labour. I will let you know. I retire from the army at the end of the month and will begin work as an electrician. Not sure if that will be smart. I will let you know. 2 YEARS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): 3 YEARS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): 4 YEARS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): 5 YEARS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): 6 YEARS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): 7 YEARS POST-OP - DESCRIBE LIFESTYLE / PAIN / MEDICATIONS / NEUROPATHIES / ETC... (discuss surgery induced symptoms [leg pain?]): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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