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ans 10-22-2006 04:40 PM

Glow-in-the-dark colors?
Am painting an older Toyota the brightest colors possible - something that w/make my girlfriend cringe in horror. Why? B/c I cannot account for the stupid drivers behind me, etc. whom I cannot dodge.

Until rubber-bumpers as in those kids' bumper-cars are legally mandated..

Maybe day-glow orange?

Maria 10-22-2006 04:46 PM

sounds lovely~
I think that'd be cool~ I had a 1995 Dodge minivan (caravan) and their paint jobs were wearing out on so many of the similar year type vans I had seen so when mine got really bad, I wanted to paint it like the Volkswagon hippy vans but Edgar didn't think that was a cool idea... so I ended up selling it for too cheap a price~ getting the Mitsubishi Montero SUV that gets me much more respect from SUVers it seems or at least not everyone in one appears to be up my butt all the time~

Do the Halloween paint job ~ that'll get some notice:eek:

mmglobal 10-24-2006 09:39 PM

Maria.... paint the Montero.. that'll be a test of his love!

Maybe Edgar will like Allan's ex g/f!


Maria 10-25-2006 02:10 PM

mi SUV
Ohhh Nooooo~ I love my SUV just like it is, never mind the big E!!!
Must buy Volkswagon HippyVan either painted or un~
ans GF and E??? Perhaps~ both latin! (ans~ just kidding)!!!!

ans 10-25-2006 06:25 PM

She will be available at the San Juan Capistrano slave market in a week. She will be willing and take instructions readily.

Maria 10-25-2006 06:50 PM

right on..
Someone to take instructions~ I didn't pass that course:D

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