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Maria 06-10-2010 04:33 PM

Just for fun/fitness
I'm hooked on Zumba videos and/or Youtube clips of Zumba dance workouts.
I've noticed my lumbar spine seems way more fixed when trying to do the hip movements and I hope to loosen it up w/o damage. Swiveling hips has become much more difficult for me tho I'm trying!

This may be more than some persons w/pain can tolerate tho if one is fairly well and likes to dance/work out you may want to try it. Incorporation of many types of dance styles.

Fun (IMHO)!

ans 07-03-2010 10:02 AM

Wow, sounds great! Your happiness is infectuious. ;)

ZumbaŽ — Ditch the workout, Join the party!

Maria 07-05-2010 03:00 PM

this is it
the music is incredible and the moves are great. I can't do this for an hour by any means or all the moves however it at least gets me moving. My freaking feet (tendonitis) bother me far more than my back tho I have to admit that some days my legs feel like they weigh a ton so I ditch the party then!!

Then it's just walking ~ good ol' walking

mmglobal 07-28-2010 12:08 AM

Are there videos for white guys? Since my spine surgeries started, I can't move my hips independently of the rest of my body. Actually, I never could!


Maria 07-31-2010 04:20 PM

Zumba for Straight White Guys..
YouTube has some pretty good clips of everything Zumba so there is this one:
Zumba Pitbull Move Shake Drop Vegan Straight White Guy

Still fair amount of hip movement in that tho I'm sure there's a Zumba improvision anyone can make up!

Mark what's TUTAWG ???

mmglobal 08-02-2010 04:22 AM

The Ultimate Tight-Assed White Guy

Maria 08-04-2010 04:49 PM

I can shake it
And am pretty sure I can break it..

So probably being tutawg (guy or gal) isn't a bad thing for a spiney

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