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Community Support - NSR Discuss Happy Holidays in the Main forums forums; Hello everyone i just wanted to drop a line t let everyone know i am still sucking air as far ...

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2006, 03:49 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: delaware
Posts: 296
Default Happy Holidays

Hello everyone i just wanted to drop a line t let everyone know i am still sucking air as far as my recovery. most of my problems is bad acheing in the feet and numbness. but standing all day isnt helping much 8 hrs straight standing. so the reason for no real updates i kind of thought the next formal update should read 100% painfree. which i am sure this is going to happen in time.
as far as my back goes i have no pain at all!!!
now for the topic this group has so many wonderfull people its really unbelievable.
i just wanted to wish anyone a wonderfull and safe holiday season.
best wishes
p/s as everyone knows please if you feel i can help you in any way please feel free to contact me.
ddd 1990
2003 mri,xrays,shots,emg
2004 discogram ouch pos l4 l5
facet block neg
lost all appeals BCBS 5 months of that
3 surgeons later
surgery with dr. bertagnoli aug 2nd 2006 in Bogen Germany Successfully ProDisc-L L-4 L-5
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2006, 01:19 AM
mmglobal's Avatar
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I've been trying to think of a way to express myself and always seemed to come up short, so I've watched this post sit for days. Then, my friend Willie Beeson called. Many of you know his litany of failed surgeries, 2-level ADR in August 2004 with a serious complication, then his revision surgery in October 2004. I went to Stenum with him for the revision surgery and saw how a medical situation can go from bad to worse. In the months that followed, I watched in horror as my friend seemed to be wasting away... every week, things seemed to go from bad to worse. I honestly thought that he was going to die. Spring of 2005 brought a miraculous healing to my friend. I was intimately involved in his case and based on all the expert opinions, he should have lost his leg, been permanently disabled or worse. Even after his miracle, I discussed his recovery with the experts and they just shake their heads and say, "it doesn't happen like that... I can't explain it."

Whether or not you believe that God intervened on Willie's behalf, there is no denying that he experienced his own personal miracle. He and his family are restored to health. He'd lost his business, was at the end of his life and was truly at peace and ready to die. Now, he's vital, healthy and happy.

He told me about how someone in his church connected him with a family that has lived in a home without heat for several years. While this family was not connected to his church, they were in need and he could help as his business is heating and air. There is even a spiney connection as they have a daughter with spinabifida who sits in her wheelchair next to the oven for warmth. Willie told of the laughter and tears of joy that abounded as he got their heater working.

I'll never forget the day that I went to his house for lunch, expecting to see the empty shell that was ready to die... and instead I found a miracle. I posted about it here.

Willie is one of many I've seen who've come back to life against incredible odds. There is always hope and there are such incredible advances being made. What we see as lifesaving technology today will be obsolete in a few years as we learn less and less invasive techniques, and learn to regenerate our own tissues.

This last trip to Germany, I went with a woman who had 5 prior spine surgeries. The first one was successful in 1989. Then, in 2004, she began a series of 4 surgeries all dealing with fusion at L4-5, leaving her unable to stand up straight (because of a horrible fusion angle), and in unrelenting pain. She was unable to get help as she'd been labeled 'failed back surgery syndrome'. On November 25th, I left California and she left Little Rock, Arkansas for Munich. An amazing turn of events found us in Holland for surgery at a great hospital with a great surgeon who has a lot of experience with difficult reconstructions. It was an amazingly tough ordeal. I'll post more details later, but I just want to convey the miracle that is happening. Here is what I wrote to the people involved, Friday after I spoke to Myra.

From: Mark S. Mintzer
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 6:43 PM
To: Dr. van Norel, Dr. Zeegers, Dr. Baumbach, Dr. Blome and the staff of the Alphaklnik and CWZ hospital
Subject: I just spoke to Myra and Mike...

They are home. Exactly 3 weeks after her surgery, she is home. She is ecstatic and overjoyed at being home for Christmas and she is already in much less pain than she was before the surgery. She stands up straight "with no effort". I spoke to her for months before the surgery and now her voice is different. The tension and pain are gone... there is a relaxed quality about the way she speaks. I wish I could see her face, because I know the tension that we see in the faces of the chronic pain patients will be changed as well.

I regret that I had to leave Holland before I could see her stand up straight. I only know the pre-op Myra and I know that she is already a completely different person. She is in for a wonderful time as she comes back to life. I wish there was a way for us to adequately convey to the doctors and everyone involved in the process... what it's really like to go from being an empty shell... back to life.. back to being a person that you like again... back to a life that is not dominated by pain and depression. The gift of your restored life makes you appreciate everything so much more.

Dr. Zeegers and Dr. van Norel, you are both amazing. Dr. Baumbach, Dr. Blome, Gabriel, Petra, all the doctors and staff at Canisius-Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis and that AlphaKlinik.... THANK YOU! I already knew that everything about the Alphaklinik is wonderful. However, we cannot say enough good things about CWZ! All of the doctors, facilities and staff were first rate. This was a very tough case and I have to say that at every step of the way, the treatment that Myra and Mike received was absolutely the best!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and an even better 2007. I know that Myra, Mike and their family have much to be thankful for and hopeful about. Thank you all so much for what you do. This is an amazing process and I am honored to take a small part in this.

All the best,

There you have a couple of wonderful stories to help us remember why we are researching our options, not listening just to one opinion, keeping hope alive in the face of our difficult spiney ordeals.

I hope everyone has wonderful holidays and looks forward to many more successful stories in 2007. Pain-free vibes are being sent out in all directions...


1997 MVA
2000 L4-5 Microdiscectomy/laminotomy
2001 L5-S1 Micro-d/lami
2002 L4-S1 Charite' ADR - SUCCESS!
2009 C3-C4, C5-C6-C7, T1-T2 ProDisc-C Nova
Summer 2009, more bad thoracic discs!
Life After Surgery Website
President: Global Patient Network, Inc.
Founder: www.iSpine.org
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2006, 01:37 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: delaware
Posts: 296

great post mark thank you very much indeed
ddd 1990
2003 mri,xrays,shots,emg
2004 discogram ouch pos l4 l5
facet block neg
lost all appeals BCBS 5 months of that
3 surgeons later
surgery with dr. bertagnoli aug 2nd 2006 in Bogen Germany Successfully ProDisc-L L-4 L-5
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-25-2006, 11:27 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1

Hoping everyone had a wonderful Holiday! Wishing everyone all the best in 2007. Thanks everyone for the support. I don't post, but I read every day.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-26-2006, 05:03 PM
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If you read everyday, you must be interested in what is being written. Please feel free to post you questions and/or your specific problems, or those of a person close to you. Believe me, there is no question we consider stupid or minor as all are relevent to gaining as much information as possible, and information is power.

Please tell us about your plight, be it a patient, caregiver or just an interested party.

Happy new year,

3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
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