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  1. Is Anybody Home? It looks pretty dead here
  2. Thoracic spine pain
  3. c5-6 c3-4 severe herniation with other issues on c4-5 and c6-7 35 yr old male
  4. Converted ADR to fusion successful - now a new rupture?
  5. 7 year old ADR with m6-c with Dr. Clavel, symptoms returning!!!
  6. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  7. Urgent Request - Thoracic Spinal Cord Compression
  8. Chronic Muscle spasm knots burning?
  9. Mm Global???
  10. Facing 2 Level Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement vs Fusion
  11. Spine disc problems and physiotherapy?
  12. Has anyone appealed for disability?
  13. pain and numbness after Mobi c
  14. Cervical Issues
  15. Pain management
  16. Better to have surgery soon(er) for better outcome?
  17. Freaked out, cervical surgery inevitable.....
  18. Massage therapy
  19. Minimally Invasive Oxygen-Ozone Therapy for Lumbar Disk Herniation
  20. Help understanding MRI results?
  21. hip pain treatment
  22. New and screwed.
  23. lmatt
  24. still tapering/weaning..
  25. ProDisc/synthes Problems
  26. ISpine Newby
  27. New and in need of advice
  28. Finally new MRI authorized
  29. Upcoming ADR
  30. Help, I Need To Find a Doctor For a Second Opinion
  31. ADR surgery with Dr Zeegers
  32. Wishing you the best with surgery today!
  33. Yet another surgery
  34. Is Caffeine causing you backpain?
  35. 3 level ADR to Autofusion
  36. Anyone taking the pain med Targin or Targinact?
  37. Am I screwed?
  38. ISASS 15 abstract book, conference bag...
  39. Help me find a PM in San Diego
  40. 8 mo post op ACDF C-3-C-6
  41. Scared! Re: injuries, can I just use yoga? I have PTSD from too many medical problems
  42. weaning off pain med..questions
  43. Seeking input
  44. Medications Genetic Testing
  45. Welcome back?
  46. Jim..
  47. Inversion table
  48. CT Scan or MRI
  49. What to ask 6 months post op fusion
  50. Thoracic spasm or ?
  51. Arachnoiditis / Tarlov Cyst
  52. Active-L disc - how is held in.
  53. Help!
  54. collapsed disc height and lordosis
  55. Need advice on lumbar ADR surgeon
  56. Bertagnoli/questions answered/fees
  57. Facet Joint Pain-lumbar
  58. Dr. Zeeger protocal?
  59. a question, has anyone had allergic reactions after adr? fusion?
  60. Collapsed L5
  61. Discogram
  62. Subsidence in my C5/6 Prodisc
  63. Lumbar artificial discs below Scoliosis fusion
  64. Ins. Appeal / testimonies
  65. cycling & back pain
  66. 3 months post op L5/S1 PLIF - questions
  67. Two level Mobi-C, C5-C6-C7, July 29, 2014
  68. Miracle pain relief drug!
  69. M6 L flawed?
  70. flat back- harrington rod
  71. 4 level Bilateral Cervical Rhizatomy
  72. Prestige LP Cervical ADR approved
  73. Dr. Regan and ADR Explant Surgery
  74. New here and scared to death
  75. Anybody want to try a Theracane?
  76. Tail Bone pain after back Fusions
  77. Surgery with Dr Zeegers Tomorrow at 8am :)
  78. Germany and money - Upcoming surgery questions.
  79. Judy are you there?
  80. Upcoming L5 disc replacement with Dr Zeegers
  81. Back after 2-year hiatus
  82. Which Device?
  83. And here we go.....
  84. ADR 9 months Post Op Update
  85. Bonn Germany Hotels
  86. discectomy at l4/l5 level, stenosis at l3/l4
  87. Soft Tissue is a Pain Source?
  88. 5 weeks post c5 discetomy with M6 inplant
  89. Worried....New MRI..missed Dr. call on Friday
  90. Am I making the correct choice?
  91. Post-rhizotomy pain?
  92. ISASS 14, Miami Beach, April 30 - May 2 2014
  93. Cervical Discopathy C4-C5, C5-C6 & C6-C7
  94. Laser therapy for pain
  95. Celadrin
  96. North American Spine Laser Spine Surgery Review
  97. Sitting on an annular tear
  98. Diagnosis from Dr. Zeegers
  99. Calling all Veterans-Denied Treatment at VA Pain Management Clinic
  100. L4/L5 complication post L5/S1 TLIF
  101. 6 months post op- still in pain, Please help
  102. Upcoming surgery w/Dr Zeegers
  103. I'm new here. and my MRI results just came out today please advise
  104. WTF.... Steroids --> Cataracts?
  105. Detect Nerve damage
  106. Dr Zeegers surgery alone.
  107. Anybody with GI issues or GERD on Nsaids?
  108. Update on Me
  109. Gralise - Extended release Morontin (Neurontin, Gabapentin)
  110. Newbie with cervical spine issues
  111. Help me figure out my pain. MRI reading..
  112. Can you still get a MRI with an artifical disc
  113. Hello, Im new and here is my story
  114. ADR & Fusion help
  115. 10+ years post-op with a question
  116. Hello, my intro thread
  117. Newbie,,,short notice need answers
  118. Non surgical?
  119. Coccyxt pain/tailbone pain back again
  120. Fitness??
  121. Chirogeek's updated website
  122. New. Hi everyone!
  123. Visit with Dr. Coufal
  124. Richie braces (foot orthotic/brace)
  125. ProDiscL - Distraction Pain ?
  126. Looking for advice please!
  127. paralysis after lower back surgery
  128. 2nd post: Anyone out there with successful 3 level cervical ADR? Getting desperate.
  129. New to site. My spine is a wreck, could use some serious advice please...
  130. DDD / Lumbar - Try Physical Therapy?
  131. Getting my first wheelchair
  132. Surgical Options for Long Time Spiney
  133. Had Spinal Fusion Surgery
  134. New Kissing Spines Surgery
  135. Cervical disk issues
  136. Second Surgeon Visit
  137. Need help
  138. 1 level ACDF with complications - CSF leak (spinal fluid leak)
  139. Bizarre cures and remedies
  140. Years of Pain no solid diagnosis
  141. Paraplegic with osteomyelitis
  142. Finally Had Cervical ADR 9/16.....
  143. What is back disc surgery
  144. Spine surgery can give permanent solution?
  145. spine surgery
  146. T-Lift Anyone...
  147. Introduction
  148. Judy hope surgery went perfectly!!!
  149. another good website for mattress info
  150. Surgery Again
  151. Leg pain and less sensation after L4-L5 and L5-S1 microdiscectomy. Please help
  152. Lumbar fusion questions
  153. has anyone won an appeal for lumbar ADR when considered "investigational"?
  154. Spine curves
  155. Recurrent weakness/pain.. MRI resuls.
  156. c4-c5 and c5-c6 osteophytes
  157. Spinal Probing - diagnostic technique
  158. Considering DIAM surgery for DDD
  159. informative mattress website
  160. test
  161. Capacious Spinal Canal
  162. medicine alert
  163. Neck and thoracic pain
  164. Absolute Misery
  165. Need help deciphering an MRI, please!!
  166. medical loans
  167. I would like three referrals please
  168. New Member: Cervical ADR 2 / 3 level
  169. Tramadol & Indigestion
  170. Proof that things can always get better years later
  171. Advice for Spinal Cord Stimulation
  172. surgeon advice
  173. The Healing Process - pain & numbness
  174. First post, advice needed!
  175. Facet Joint Arthritis
  176. Sagittal Correction surgery
  177. New here, first post....
  178. ADR scheduled tomorrow and need opinions
  179. Gotta brag a little spine wise
  180. Four Level Disco
  181. Anyone Had Anterior Interbody Fusion?
  182. Help decode my MRI
  183. New member, HELLO to all.
  184. Antibiotics May Relieve Back Pain Symptoms
  185. Pro disc in 2001 success but now a new level issue and bone marrow edema
  186. Anyone else have a vertebral compression fracture?
  187. adr and nerve pain question
  188. My new M6
  189. Remember the Mass General website
  190. Surgery Scheduled for Pro Disc C , Scared
  191. Degenerative disc & Reversal of the normal cervical lordosis
  192. M.E.L.T. Method
  193. surgery tomorrow
  194. Upper back pain disappear...whaaaat? :)))
  195. Any new info on Regenexx?
  196. Need Help Finding Spine Surgeon
  197. New upper body pain
  198. Frustrated, in pain, running out of options.
  199. misdiagnosis
  200. Central Sleep Apnea
  201. epidurals
  202. Anyone can please tell me about strep throat symptoms??
  203. MRI result help - Bulging disc, compression fracture
  204. MRI opinions please
  205. Sciatica returns
  206. Why does the scar appear to be in the wrong location?
  207. Lumbar MRI, please review
  208. Lower back and Hip Pain - MRI normal
  209. Hi everyone,here i am again :) UPDATE 13.02.2013
  210. Hybrid Multi-level fusion and artificial disc replacement c-spin
  211. MRI results done in 2008
  212. Do symptoms of myelopathy ever get better?
  213. Piriformis Dr. in Houston
  214. L1/L2 & T12/L1- Burning back and right butt
  215. I am suffering from Lumbar Spondylosis with L4-L5 and L5-S1 issues. Is surgery must?
  216. cervical mri, please review *pic*
  217. Cervical peek cage removal
  218. Back Institute Ditsworth,Atlantic Back Liu
  219. normal?
  220. difference in intepreting an MRI result
  221. Oh this guessing game continues
  222. Thoracic question six months on from surgery
  223. L5S1 not fully autofused per OSS
  224. Newbie in Az, looking for help and advice
  225. 3-4 level ADR Lumbar Spine
  226. I'm Lyssie (fused T2-L4)
  227. 6 level cervical fusion?
  228. Insider Info
  229. Recommended neurosurgeons in LA/OC area
  230. Would someone please help with MRI translation?
  231. Help please....
  232. Any information is helpful please
  233. Newbie w/ spondylolysis seeking non-surgical options
  234. contact dr pimenta
  235. Disk and Nucleous Replacement History Lesson
  236. Nucleoplasty Outcomes?
  237. please help with my mri image...
  238. Nerve Damage S1/L5
  239. I just found my login info
  240. Post L5S1spondylothesis back fusion TLIF with rods and screws
  241. The Truth About the American Spine Industry
  242. Posterior Laminectomy ... C Spine
  243. The Truth About Epidural Injections
  244. Disc decompression Coblation vs Stryker?
  245. Is this common with Thoracic pain
  246. Burning pain in right butt and low back
  247. Can someone explain my MRI results?
  248. Just got home from RF Ablation (L2-L5)
  249. Posture and Health, Improve life with Posture Shirts from EBA
  250. Severe pain - Cervical MRI Report, thoughts/suggestions?