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  1. Barricade Annular Prosthesis from Intrinsic Therapeutics
  2. Why Steroid Injections Don't Help?
  3. Prodisc ADR fusing and not moving
  4. Does nerve root damage heal?
  5. Anti-inflammatories
  6. Neurontin in pain pump trial
  7. Prestige L.P (low profile) studies with x-ray and mri pics...
  8. Thank you to the generous spine community!
  9. Self fusing discs-surgery or leave them?
  10. getting an EMG for upper extremities
  11. Dr Delamater ?
  12. NSR - Knee recovery question
  13. What can you do when doctors downplay your pain?
  14. Surgery for epidural fibrosis (scar tissue build up)
  15. Shimon Rochkind - Doctor in Israel
  16. 50 - 50% split between the Spine Specialists
  17. Nova Prodisc compared to original Prodisc C ?
  18. Shorter ADRs Less Facet Joint Stress????
  19. Spinal Cord Stimulater
  20. restoring disc height with fusion????
  21. degenerative spine disease
  22. Medical Review Board Complaint
  23. PLDD treatment for anular tears, rim lesions or disc ruptures.
  24. visit to OSS re cervical spine
  25. Neurotomy
  26. Back2life exerciser machine
  27. SF docs??? now Doc wants second discogram!!
  28. Nerve glide exercises for Sciatica
  29. Weird symptoms.....
  30. Went to Dr Mather in Chicago...
  31. Do SI injections hurt?
  32. Discogram Appt.
  33. http://www.spinalkinetics.com or M6 Anyone?
  34. Dr. Bertagnoli Question
  35. Dr. Regan
  36. My Situation
  37. Sooo confused
  38. Post op Xrays
  39. It never ends
  40. Embarrassing question for men
  41. VERY important opinion is now in -
  42. The waiting game...
  43. Myelogram/Discogram Question
  44. Cervical now was a old past lumbar sufferer
  45. New Appointment
  46. Thoracic Herniation Surgery
  47. Dr Zeegers new contacts
  48. Does myleogram work to diagnose bulging disks
  49. Confirmation of the "bruised ego" theory with some US docs
  50. Legs numb, but burning 5 Mo. post op
  51. Dascor disc arthoplasty system
  52. jchebert1979 check your PM box...
  53. Useful Anatomy Tool
  54. Bursitis
  55. Foraminoplasty
  56. I have another appointment!!
  57. Our story: from 2 surgeries to becoming an "invalid"...
  59. Leaving for Europe tomorrow...
  60. Prodisc-L Device Cost?
  61. OK confused... eleptical trainers...
  62. ADR in Chicago
  63. I've gotten shorter!!!
  64. Bone Density Results
  65. ADR surgery scheduled
  66. Hotel Theresientor have fridges?
  67. Question about two doctors in Chicago area...
  68. narcotic taper update
  69. Question about stiffness in back
  70. Question about Germany
  71. Cervical Stenosis / Autonomic Dysfunction
  72. My 3 mo X ray - Discs tilted all over the place
  73. Really weird
  74. Dr. B. post surgery PT?
  75. Looking for a surgeon in KY/IN area
  76. MRI films
  77. Leg Pain
  78. Massage Envy???
  79. Finally...
  80. Signature files, thread titles, posting tips?
  81. Swollen ankles and feet
  82. foraminectomey
  83. Question on pain patterns
  84. How did/do you deal with the stress?
  85. Let's get our loved ones involved here
  86. What pre-op tests for ADR and fusion are needed?
  87. Spine Patient Society™ -- A Non-profit Organization for Spine Patients
  88. Ugh!!!
  89. My story....new here...chemically sensitive disc
  90. Utah
  91. Could this weird symptom be spine related?
  92. How long were you off work after ADR surgery?
  93. Weakness in left foot...
  94. Esi ?
  95. flare up
  96. New person here with a question
  97. Oh, boy, here I go again.......
  98. Is a Three Phase Bone Scan the same as facet testing?
  99. Nerve damage??
  100. Still struggling with med taper
  101. A timely quote....
  102. What to expect in Germany...
  103. Private nurse for Lenox Hill Hospital?
  104. Esi..csf leak..pdph.. X 2 blood patches..now what!!
  105. Flying or Driving to travel for surgery?
  106. Surgery date - May 26
  107. Seeking ADR...my story
  108. Starting to get bad headache after steroid injection yesterday. Is this normal?
  109. I just keep getting bigger...
  110. ADR & Foreign Service Benefit Plan
  111. Thanks for just BEING here at times
  112. Another year older.....
  113. Well.........
  114. I would like a poll
  115. Have to Share....
  116. Results/recovery of hybrids vs. ADR or fusion?
  117. Finally got the thumbs up for cervical injection!
  118. RSD/CRPS Anyone?
  119. Epidural Shot..YUCK!!
  120. Finally got MRI radiology review notes on neck
  121. Orthopedic Surgeons/Los Angeles
  122. Consult with Dr. B.
  123. DDD S1 and more?
  124. Weird complications from pain medications?
  125. Easter
  126. new symptom???
  127. FRONTLINE: Sick Around America (pbs)
  128. Warning! Question with Too Much Information!
  129. American Chronic Pain Association
  130. The American Pain Foundation
  131. Partners Against Pain
  132. What!!!
  133. Discogram...how common and how good are they?
  134. Epidural Steroid Shot appt next week...
  135. Met w/ neck doctor this week.
  136. UPDATE: Mark's Surgery Went Well
  137. My Appointment..
  138. Tomorrow's Appointment....
  139. Nerve Heat
  140. How??
  141. Hotels between Watertown NY & NYC?
  142. Dr. Bitan in NYC...anyone have information?
  143. Facet Nerve Block after cervical ADR - questions
  144. Something SO simple............
  145. tapering fentanyl
  146. Lumbar DDD and Interstitial cystitis
  147. New to the board
  148. Stenum Hospital M6 for Multi Level spine
  149. Ugh!! What to do.....
  150. Opana?
  151. Tomorrow is the big day
  152. Some of the stupidist things your doctor has said?
  153. Brilliant: Google Health
  154. Now what do I do? Someone slap me PLEASE!
  155. I met the true Bionic Man....
  156. Iliopsaos, Piriformis, Hematoma, ADR scar?
  157. For Canadians: Locked in Pension Funds are now accessible for medical use
  158. L4-5 Charite ADR Stenum
  159. New to forum- MRI Questions
  160. Lumbar post op questions?
  161. Recommendation for a diagnostician in the US?
  162. Surgery in 7 days
  163. Avatars fixed
  164. Surgery in April
  165. Pregablin - question
  166. DIAM vs ADR
  167. Trigger Points in butt + leg pain
  168. My C-Spine has begun to spiral....Help!!
  169. Off to Germany
  170. MRI Results- What does it mean??
  171. **NEW** MRI Question
  172. I'm on the 'other side' now!
  173. Foramenoplasty?
  174. Wholy Brand new to this.......and Scared
  175. Saint Pattys
  176. Help with approval ltrs and finding studies for my appeal
  177. Weather Change and Increased Pain???
  178. 4 Days till Surgery!
  179. WARNING: Remove ALL Patches During MRI Scans!
  180. Uh-Oh Call about bone density
  181. How do you measure pain?
  182. Cindylou's Surgery Went Well
  183. Spinal cord stimulators, 2 interesting cases.
  184. Coming Out of Mama Fog
  185. I am so ready for this surgery tomorrow
  186. Study of ADR failures
  187. any others suffer with seizures?
  188. Surgery time bumped up to 4 hours earlier
  189. Conflicting diagnosis & now recommending DIAM
  190. New ProDisc-C "Nova" model
  191. Bone Density and surgery
  192. Met w/ my surgeon again today....surgery in 4 days!
  193. Triglycerides?
  194. Cardiac consultation in one hour
  195. I feel like I am coming down with a sore throat, with surgery in 5 days!
  196. Post dynesys removal experience
  197. Medical loans? Tax deductions?
  198. Two Weeks Until Surgery!
  199. My SI Joint Fusion Surgery is coming up fast!
  200. Anyone had cervical ADR done in Ontario? IMPORTANT
  201. New level of disgust with US healthcare
  202. Freedom Lumbar Disc Surgery - Anyone else?
  203. My SI Joint Fusion Surgery is covered!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  204. I don't know who to see, what to do, where to go for answers?
  205. Fibrin Sealant
  206. Severe nerve pain after ALIF
  207. I met with Dr. Stark yesterday, thanks to Mark
  208. I am home!!!
  209. upsidedoun
  210. Dr. Zeegers
  211. lipitor
  212. Does anyone have tax advice?
  213. Fast sugery date with Dr Bertagnoli
  214. Prayers for a new 4 level cervical patient
  215. Living in limbo
  216. Post-Myelogram Update
  217. Moderation Events
  218. Surgery approved!!
  219. pain between shoulder blades
  220. Pet therapy?
  221. What are you doing for Valentine's day
  222. Anybody hear from Phylly?
  223. SI joint dysfunction? Dr. John Stark
  224. Rationed Care is in the Recovery Bill
  225. frustrated with meds-- 1 week post op
  226. Thank You Mark
  227. Good Luck Linda...
  228. Dr B.
  229. MrBee, mmglobal speaking in SoCal Thursday 2/12/09
  230. Back Brace
  231. Nanotechnology comes to spine!
  232. How long does it take for the SI joint injections to give relief?
  233. Cervical spine and vertigo
  234. Nerve block
  235. Just quoted cost of 2 level Cervical ADR
  236. Throat/swallowing changes after ADR?
  237. Had 6 month post op Cat Scan and X-rays today
  238. I'm IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  239. Stem cells
  240. Nucleus Replacement is here in U.S.
  241. Caregiver forum
  242. Questions for Mark - or anyone else who might know the answers
  243. Percutaneous Laser Disc-Decompression (PLDD).
  244. What would you do? Thoughts?
  245. FDA Clearance: World's First Human Clinical Trial of Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy
  246. Stenosis
  247. Leaving for Florida
  248. Surgery Next Friday
  249. Finally Home!
  250. I spoke too soon