You will ultimately be paying for your lawyer's services and you have every right to demand service. Call him and let him know that if you must wait for surgical intervention, then medications are a necessity. Tell him your housing situation is urgent, as is your entire financial situation and you cannot afford to wait, period. If you don't like his answers, the 'there, there, now' blanket assurances, tell him you will start looking for another attorney. If he has agreed to take your case on contingency, he still must wait for payment, prorated to the work he has already done. Should this become the case, be sure to inform your new lawyer so he can obtain the necessary records.
Yes, the wheels of justice turn slowly but there are ways to speed things up. You have every right to demand the service you're paying for.
You are your own best advocate. Remember that, always! If you don't have a backbone, let your pain remind you it's there. Let your anger and frustrations speak loudly. When dealing with injustice, you have little time for feeling sorry for yourself. If you find you wimp out when confronted, write it down and present whomever with this letter and demand they read it in your presence. Dont' ask, demand, demand, demand!!!!!!!!
My best, Dale
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it
Last edited by dshobbies; 05-24-2009 at 08:48 PM.