I've gotten shorter!!!
When I went for my bone density test last week, the tech measured my height at 5' 6". Now, I used to be 5' 7.5". Now it stands to reason that because my discs are failing and compressed, that this is probably why I've lost height. So, for those of you that have had ADR, did you get your height back?
36 year old mom of 7 in SC.
MRI 4/2008 shows bulging disc with annular tear @ 4/L5 and and complete herniation at L5/S1.
9/11/08 Laminectomy , successful to a point...relieved nerve pain, but after 4 months was still having severe disc pain.
Treatments tried: epidural shots, oral pain killers, NSAID's, TENS massage, chiropractic care, deep tissue massage. Oh, and plenty of our homemade wine!
May 26 2009, 2 level ADR, L4-S1, Dr. Bertagnoli, Straubing, Germany