I'm sorry I have not been able to post more. There are a lot of important discussions I want to weigh in on. I'm here in Straubing... midnight Sunday night. It seems like today started at 5am Wednesday morning in California, when I left for Germany. I arrived here on Thursday and hit the ground running. Every day since then involved little sleep, up VERY late, long stressful days (including standing w/lead apron for hours observing surgeries), and a fall that I was worried would fire everything up. If the bad news is that I'm too busy... the good news is that I'm tolerating it well. I'm still taking pain meds because I'm afraid to taper off while the demands on me are so ridiculously high. I expect to return home on little meds compared to when I arrive. We'll see how the rest of the week goes. Hopefully, I'll be able to get involved in more discussions soon.
All the best,