Originally Posted by jessmith07
Also, Topamax does take a while to build up in your system, so it's not surprising that it took a while for these symptoms to appear, if this really is what's going on. I do know, from my research before beginning Topamax, that this is a pretty heavy-duty drug and should be monitored very closely with other things that you take. Do you take the Phenergan every time you take the pain meds? I know that in the beginning, you can be sensitive to certain things, but build up a tolerance over time. Have you tried the pain meds without the Phenergan? Or take all this info to your doctor and ask if you can take a "water pill"...just a thought...
sorry, didn't see this post.
I try occasionally to take a pain pill without the phenegran when I'm low on the phengren, but i still get pretty ill, unless I've gorged myself on food before taking it, but then of course the pain pill doesn't work as well either. I take half a phenegren when I take a whole pain pill, or a quarter with a half pain pill. when I first got them I was taking a whole phenegren and it was knocking me out (2 years ago).
Will they give you a water pill for swelling just for feet and ankles? I know nothing about water pills except that my grandmother took them.