Thanks everyone for your input.
Guymontag you are absolutely right about the elliptical trainer, my PT said they are no-nos for awhile. She said this on my first appointment which was 3 weeks post op and I forgot why she said not to use it but it was definitely off limits. I agree with you about over doing anything - it's hard to define overdue after surgery because it seems like we all have our own thresholds. Phylly, I will do an EMG in 6 to 8 months if I my right leg stops improving but the good news is that I am regaining strength in this leg!!!! The new concern are the flare ups in my left leg and the new LBP. I saw my NS yesterday and he said that my MRI did not show any nerve compression and my CAT scan revealed that I am fusing. ALL GOOD NEWS! (I read on the MRI report that there is fluid by my SI and around the "disc" space - my NS did not think this was causing the problems but I wonder if it is a contributing factor). He did not have an explanation for the new nerve issues but thinks that I have some inflammation hypersensitivity. As far as the LBP I pointed to the area and he said that it could be my SI joint. I asked if it could be the hardware and he said that it also could be causing the pain. Here are some of the options that he gave me. Get a hardware block, SI injection, see a rheumatologist, see a neurologist. He certainly did not brush me off but I think he has done what he can for me at this point. I do think that he is right about the inflammation. Now that I am cleared to take NSAIDs I came home after my appointment at 5:30pm and inhaled 3 Advil. Usually by this time of day I am hurting and absolutely need to lay down but I had to go my son's school for his presentation and sit through 90 kids presenting their "Night of Notables". I actually made it through two hours and could actually walk out of the place when it was over. Thank God for NSAIDs!!
Phylly- hang in there and let me know if you make any progress with the piriformis issues. Hopefully the cortisone kicks in!
ImpossibleOne- Good to hear from you and even better that you "have not been around" much, to me it means that you are on the mend.

I'll email you later.