Jess and others,
What you need to understand - this is a big surgery. Though any spine surgery is big, I too was able to return to work at about 6 weeks post disco/lami. Fusion and ADR is a much bigger surgery. Though you might be able to return to work at 6 weeks post op, most are not ready. Three months is a good estimate though again, you might not be ready to sit at a desk all day regardless of frequent breaks. Rushing back to your job before you are ready can have adverse consequences. Justin posted yesterday, you have only one chance to heal correctly.
As to whether or not you're able to withstand the possible increase in pain or risk any possible negative affects from doing too much too fast, only you can decide. Only you will benefit or suffer. Then again, maybe you'll do so fantastic, six weeks is all you'll need????
Perhaps it's time to start a new thread, the healing process, what to expect!
To all facing surgery, may your hopes and dreams for a pain free life be realized.
3 level Prodisc adr S1-L3, Oct 12, 2005
Dr. B in Bogen, Germany
Severe nerve damage in left leg, still working on it